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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Influencers Marketing: A Dart on the Psychology of Consumers Through Social Media

Dr. Mani Tyagi Dr. Saji Geroge Dr. Dileep Kumar M. Dr. Cross Daneil


This chapter is designed to help marketers broaden their horizons to attract customers through influencer marketing. The literature incorporated in the chapterprovide information about consumer buying behaviour through inspiration from different people i.e., Influencers. The chapter followed qualitative investigation with the support of content analysis and systematic literature review. Protocol based questions were created around the following social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Quora. The information in this chapter will help marketers gain exposure on specific social media platforms based on the industry or market in which they operate or market. To reach the right consumers in the right places, it is critical to use the right platform. Understanding this aspect will help marketers generate leads by creating low-cost campaigns.



A Graphophonemic Study of English Open-Mid Central Long Vowel (/?:/) in Educated Nigerian English Accent

Mmaduabuchi Chika Ozim& Omotosho Moses Melefa, PhD


From a graphophonemic perspective, this study examined the status of English open-mid central long vowel /?:/ in Educated Nigerian English (ENEA). Lexical items with graphemes that correspond to /?:/ in British Received Pronunciation (RP) were systematically located in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and the phonetic realizations of the graphemes in ENEA were identified and phonemically delineated. One hundred and five words were purposively selected and their articulations in the spoken section of International Corpus of English, Nigeria (ICE-Nigeria) formed the data for the study.Seven hundred and fifty educated Nigerians, from different ethnic regions, were also randomly selected to articulate some of the words not found in ICE-Nigeria. These were analysed acoustically and perceptually. Eight graphemes were found to correspond to /?:/ in RP within the selected items, and the participants realized six different sounds (/a, ?, ?, ?a, ia, o/) for the graphemes in those words. It was found that /?a/, /ia/, and /o/ have not been recognized in earlier studies, except in Jowitt’s (2019) study, which acknowledged /?a/. Based on this, it was concluded that graphophonemic studies could be effective in delineating the phonemic system of educated Nigerian English accent, as it will facilitate codification and standardization of the variety for the achievement of its end onormative stability.


The Effects of Diversification Strategy on Economic Growth in Nigeria

Olaoye Clement Olatunji, Adeniyi Adekunle


This paper examined the diversification strategy in Nigeria as a path to economy rebirth. Specifically, the paper dealt with the impact of diversification and determinants of economic growth in Nigeria. A survey design was adopted to gather secondary data for the study for the period of 1999-2021 on quarterly basis. Data sourced from CBN statistical Bulletin.  Both diagnostics tests of unit root and co-integration techniques and Vector Correction Mechanism were used to analysis the data collected for the study. The result obtained revealed that there was a substantial impact of diversification strategy on economic growth in Nigeria. It was found that government total investment on agriculture, mining and steel, Information Technology and credit to SMEs and non-productive sector of the economy were determinants of economic growth in Nigeria. It was concluded that serious diversification was needed to enhance Nigeria economy rebirth.


Empowering Indian Women Sanitary Workers: A Need for Awarness About Breast Cancer among Them

Moghal Roshni, Ajay. A, Kesav, Sriram Alagappan


Breast cancer (BC) poses a global health challenge, demanding proactive measures for prevention and early detection. While developed nations have made strides in reducing bc mortality, the same cannot be definitively claimed for developing countries like india. This article explores the heightened breast cancer risk among female sanitation workers, a predominantly affected workforce in hazardous conditions. Factors such as gender, age, obesity, and night shift work contribute to their increased vulnerability to breast cancer. Examining India's bc landscape reveals a 50% incidence surge over two decades, with a projected substantial increase in new cases. A concerning shift from cervical to breast cancer prevalence is noted, coupled with lower survival rates due to delayed treatment. The study elucidates bc detection methods, emphasizing breast self-examination's potential in resource-limited settings. Given limited infrastructure, the article underscores the need for comprehensive awareness programs tailored to sanitation workers.Introduction: In developed countries, breast cancer (BC) mortality has been significantly decreasing due contributions from developed treatment strategies, yet the incidence of the disease has been found to increase. Although this increase can be accounted by improvements in diagnostic technologies it can also be stated that there is a failure in implication of existing BC prevention maneuvers(1)(2). Despite being the leading cancer-related disease burden among women, it is also stated as a fact that bc will affect 1 in every 8 women by 85 years in high-GDP nations. It is a well-known fact that prevention is better than cure and in order to apply that into practise for bc we must make sure the awareness about the disease among women is in an adequate level. Bc development is influenced by both genetic and non-genetic factors. When compared, the non-genetic factors are easier to be kept in check to exercise maximum prevention for, let alone bc but, any disease. The non-genetic factors for bc are age, exposure to radiation, personal history of breast pathologies, high Body-mass index (BMI), exogenous usage of female hormones, alcohol, reproductive factors (shortened breast-feeding periods, low parity, late menopause and early menarche) and exposure to hazardous(carcinogenic) chemicals(3)(4)(5). The 4’d’s that describe the work of a sanitation worker are dangerous, dirty, drudgery and dehumanizing. In India, there are almost five million people whose work come under this category. These workers are exposed to various hazardous chemicals and toxic gases from the waste they handle despite having safety equipment that have a questionable quality(6). This is indicated by higher death rates among sanitation workers (9 in every 1000) when compared to general population (7 in every 1000) (7). Women sanitation workers are at a greater risk of exposure, when compared to men, since most of them are engaged in collection and waste segregation(8). The stats discussed about breast cancer were taken from studies conducted in developed countries. India being a developing country it would require much more efforts in prevention strategies than those of the developed countries. The fact that India is one of the leading countries in population should be taken into consideration when discussing the amount of waste handled by sanitation workers. It is found that most women in sanitation work environments are non-literate (9). This would mean that these people would fall short in the awareness level when it comes to a disease like breast cancer. Hence this article aims to emphasise the need for executing prevention and awareness programs about breast cancer among women sanitation workers.


Correlations the Interplanetary Characteristics and the Occurrence of Geomagnetic Large Storms

Pawan Kumar, Mahender Pal and Sham Singh


The research work intends to investigate the correlations and interaction between interplanetary characteristics and the occurrence of geomagnetic large significant storms. Using the Dst index hourly data, Kp and solar wind measurements from various satellites and review the chain of events that happened on March 17, 2015, December 20, 2015,September 8, 2017and August 26,2018 with Dst values of -234 nT,-155 nT,-124 nT and -175 nT, respectively. Strong magnetic storms are mostly caused by high-speed solar ejectors and too-fast coronal mass ejections, whereas there is a strong positive association between solar wind speed and solar wind proton density and AE indices. Furthermore, there is a strong positive correlation between SSN and F10.7 values, polar cap values, and proton densities. The results will advance our knowledge of space weather dynamics by offering insightful information on the connections between solar wind and disturbance features. The results will advance our knowledge of space weather dynamics by offering insightful information on the connections between solar wind and disturbance features.


Impact of Job Design on Employees Performance, The Moderating Role of Employee Commitment: A Qualitative Review

Amina Bello Taiwo Adewale Muritala (Ph.D) Hauwa Lamino Abubakar (Ph.D.) May Ifeoma Nwoye (Ph.D)


Job design is vital in improving job satisfaction and employee performance. A well-designed job provides an unbiased avenue for involvement and job satisfaction to an employee, which encourages higher perform. Job design has remained an important subject of research due to the important role it plays towards improving organizational and employee effectiveness. A well-designed job, according to Hackman and Oldham’s (1976) aligns with five key identified core job characteristics namely: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. This study is based on qualitative technique which examined the impact of job design on employee performance. With a focus on the enhancing the various characteristics of job design to improve employees performance based on a well implemented job roles and task variety, the research has reviewed thematic evidence from 20 previous conceptual frameworks to show the construct of job design by the various elements of job rotation, job enrichment and job enlargement and their positive impact on employee performance.


Personal Laws Affecting the Basic Human Rights of the Transgender Persons in India A Birds Eye view

Subhashree S Sen, Madhubrata Mohanty


Problem: The transgenders are the most heedless group of persons since ages or we can say society consider them to be the invisible gender who, though exist but their existence is equivalent to non-existence as their legal rights are not being protected under the legislation absolutely. This article is going to discuss the existence of the transgenders with their different variations and their inclusion in the society via the implementation proper legislations ensuring their basic human rights. Nevertheless, India has passed the law in the year 2019 for the protection of transgender persons, which is beyond inadequacy. While studying the provision under the Act, the government need to work on the untouched area i.e., marriage, inheritance, and adoption under the personal laws. The Supreme Court in NALSA Case had directed for the recognition of ‘Hijras’ and other transgenders as ‘third gender’ and denial of the same shall be violative Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution of India. But that’s not sufficient for their actual consideration. Society will consider their existence, only if the government and judiciary go beyond the constitutional rights i.e., rights under different substantive laws and personal laws. This paper will also work on the types third gender that exist in Indian society beside the only existence of the famously know ‘Hijras’ who reside at separate location in different areas forming their own community at large and to find out their prime source for survival. Importantly, focusing on marriage inheritance, and adoption rights for transgender persons under the personal laws in India. Methods: The study has adopted both qualitative & quantitative way of data collection in the form of questionnaires, where the estimated sample size is approximately 45 respondents selected from random samplings technique. Findings: The results shows that majority of people agree to the point that the basic human rights of transgender person is violated and denied. Also, the findings shows that the transgender persons should be given the rights under the personal laws without discrimination. Conclusion: Concluding this paper, the transgender persons shall have the recognition of their rights except employment and education opportunities. A persons’ gender identity shall not be the anyway a reason for discrimination with regards to basic human rights. The legislative and the judiciary needs to look upon the present situations of the transgender persons.


Tackling Hate Speech on Refugees and Migrants in Nigeria: What can the Media do?

Etumnu Emeka Williams, Okpongkpong Grace Imaikop, Oladele Victor Inioluwa, Ukpong Edikan Nseobong


The goal of this study was to examine the extent to which the media plays a role in tackling the issue of hate speech against refugees and migrants and the ways in which the media can effectively tackle it in Nigeria. The agenda-setting was used as theoretical foundation. A structured questionnaire was used by the researchers as the tool for their descriptive survey investigation, with 180 journalists as the population of the study. The results showed that the media plays a role in tackling the issue of hate speech against refugees and migrants in Nigeria, as 100% of the respondents confirmed. Regarding the extent, 54.3% of them revealed that the media plays a role in tackling the issue of hate speech against refugees and migrants to a moderate extent. Further results showed that the media can effectively tackle the issue of hate speech against refugees and migrants in certain ways as identified in the study. The theoretical, practical, and policy implications of this study have been stated in this study.


The Relationship Between Group Dynamics with Socio Economic and Socio Psychological Characteristics of Women Self-Help Groups in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia

Nebeyu Yohannes Wassie, Daniel Tefera Abebe (Ph.D.)


Problem: Self Help Group (SHG) is a small voluntary association established by 15-20 disadvantaged women from the same socioeconomic background to solve their common socioeconomic problems. Like other groups, the formation, development, operations, structures, and processes of SHGs are the function of group dynamics. Group Dynamics Effectiveness (GDE) of self-help groups is relatively well explored in Asian countries, mainly in India. In Ethiopia, studies on self-help groups are mainly on the challenges of self-help groups and their role in women's empowerment. Hence, there is no available research and literature in the Ethiopian context that informs self-help group dynamics. To that effect, this study aimed to address the critical research gap in understanding self-help group dynamics; whether there is a relationship between members’ socio-economic, extension contact, social participation, and attitude with group dynamics and the extent to which these variables predict self-help group dynamics in the Ethiopian context. Methods: a correlational design was applied. A total of 372 SHG members were selected through simple random sampling. Correlation coefficient and multiple regression were the main data analysis methods. Normality, outliers, and multicollinearity assumptions were assessed and met. Findings: The four predictors (attitude, social participation, socioeconomic profile, and extension contact) significantly predicted and explained 59.3% of the variance in self-help group dynamics effectiveness. Attitude was the strongest predictor (β = .512, p < .001) & uniquely explained 18.5% of the variance in group dynamics effectiveness, while socioeconomic profile of self-help group members was the least predictor (β = .106, P < .005) with 0.5% of unique contribution in the explanation of group dynamics effectiveness. Conclusion: The majority of respondents perceived the group dynamics of their self-help group as moderately to highly effective. This suggests that the SHGs were generally functioning well, but there could be room for improvement in group dynamics effectiveness. A proactive attitude towards the self-help group and its members on the one hand and the degree and frequency of exposure of SHG members to extension contacts have significantly contributed to the effectiveness of self-help group dynamics. The study's findings indicate that the function and potential universalities of self-help group dynamics may extend beyond regional borders, with similarities found in studies in Asia, specifically Indian studies.


Bio inspired Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Terminalia Chebula Leaves Extract and Evaluation of their Antibacterial Activity

Mandheer Kaur , Deepak Sharma, Chaitnyajit Singh, Palki Sahib Kaur


Metallic nanoparticles have unique properties that make them an effective medication delivery mechanism. Their shape, size, particle distribution, and volume to surface area ratio set them apart from other compounds and elements. Recently, there has been a significant focus on the potential antibacterial and therapeutic properties of metallic nanoparticles. This paper presents a methodology for the production of silver nanoparticles (TC_AgNPs) by a green approach, utilising an aqueous extract derived from the leaves of Terminalia chebula (T. chebula). The extract serves the dual purpose of reducing and stabilising the nanoparticles. The confirmation of TC_AgNPs synthesis was achieved by the observation of a brownish-yellow colour, and this was afterwards corroborated by using UV-Visible spectroscopy. The spectroscopic analysis indicated the presence of a single absorption peak at a wavelength of 420 nm. The synthesised TC_AgNPs were subjected to ATR analysis in order to identify the functional groups present on the surface. Additionally, zeta analysis was performed to quantify the particle size and distribution. The extract of T. chebula leaves was subjected to screening for a range of phytochemicals, including flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, amides, and aldehydes. The study of zeta values indicated that the mean size of TC-AgNPs was 58.12 nm, with a zeta potential of -30.2 mV, suggesting a favourable level of stability. The antibacterial investigation demonstrated the efficacy of TC-AgNPs against both Gram-negative Escherichia coli MTCC 452 and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 737. The determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of TC-AgNPs. Overall, our findings demonstrate the eco-friendly synthesis of TC-AgNPs with remarkable antibacterial activity, making them a promising candidate for further development as a therapeutic agent.


Immune Mediated Sensory Axonal Polyneuropathy and Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen Levels in A 74 Year Old Man

Mr. B. Vignesh , Dr. T.M. Vijaykumar (Ph.D).


Sensory neuronopathies constitute a specific subgroup of peripheral neuropathies characterized by primary and selective dorsal root ganglia neuronal destruction. In immune-mediated Sensory neuronopathies, most available data support the concept of direct inflammatory damage to dorsal root ganglia neurons mediated by CD8 T lymphocytes. Large myelinated fibers that convey sense position and vibration are predominantly damaged in Sensory neuronopathies, leads to gait ataxia and widespread arreflexia. Nerve conduction studies are the most useful tests in the evaluation of suspected Sensory neuronopathies. Nerve conduction studies classically show a sensory neuropathy without a distal worsening gradient towards the legs. Sensory nerve conduction studies reveal widespread reduction of sensory action potential amplitudes combined with normal conduction velocity. Here, we describe a clinical case of 74-year-old man, presented with both immune mediated sensory axonal polyneuropathy and elevated prostate specific antigen levels.


The Earning Per Share (EPS) Illusion: Rethinking Financial Performance Metrics in Ethiopian Banking

Ratinder Kaur & Endalkachew Mulugeta


This study critically evaluates the use of Earnings per Share (EPS) as a financial performance metric in Ethiopian banks. It addresses EPS's limitations, particularly during share-related activities like splits and buybacks, which can distort financial health representations. The study proposes alternative metrics for more accurate financial assessment and suggests improvements in reporting practices. It combines qualitative and quantitative methods, analyzing data from Ethiopian banks post-International Financial Reporting Standards implementation. The findings reveal that while EPS is a key metric, its sole use can be misleading, necessitating a broader approach to evaluating bank performance. The study recommends adopting broader financial metrics beyond EPS in Ethiopian banking, focusing on metrics that holistically assess efficiency, effectiveness, and overall financial performance. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a bank's financial health, moving beyond the limitations of EPS.


Efficient Forecast of Chronic Kidney Disease using Gradient Boosting Classifier .

Dr. Abdul Majid, Shubhi Srivastava, DeviPrasad Mishra, Debashis Dev Misra, Veeresha R K, Dr G Sambasiva Rao


Because of its fast-increasing prevalence, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is soon becoming a serious worry for the general public's health. This study's objective is to determine whether or whether machine learning methods are useful in the process of developing CRFs for chronic kidney disease (CKD) using the restricted number of clinical characteristics that are currently accessible. It has been determined via the use of several statistical procedures, including the analysis of variance, the Pearson correlation, and the Cramer's V test, that some features may be eliminated. For the purposes of training and evaluating logistic regression, support vector machines (SVMs), random forests, and gradient boosting, ten-fold cross-validation was used. When we use the Gradient Boosting classifier, we can get an accuracy of 99.1 percent using the F1-measure. In addition, we concluded that hemoglobin is a more reliable indicator of chronic kidney disease (CKD) than either random forest or gradient boosting. In conclusion, when compared to previous research, our results are among the most significant even though we have only accomplished a smaller number of characteristics so far. Because of this, the total cost of diagnosing CKD with all three tests is just $26.65. The rapidly increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) makes it a significant problem for the public's health. Throughout the course of this investigation, we want to test several machine learning algorithms to determine the extent to which they can diagnose chronic kidney disease based on a restricted number of clinical characteristics. Several statistical tests, including the ANOVA, the Pearson's correlation, and the Cramer's V test, have been carried out to get rid of features that aren't essential.


Emotional Agility: Exploring Experts Perspective

Princy Roslin & Dr. Ridhima Shukla


The concept of emotional agility is novel in the field of psychology. It is potentially an evolving concept and construct where its applicability is proved in the literature by the ground breaking work of Susan David. But driving deep into the literature it is proven that the clarity of the construct is seriously lacking, which is addressed in the current study, by using a qualitative approach, with the experts who have contributed in the field with similar terminology at an international level, and the study concludes with the three overarching themes which concludes the conceptualization of emotional agility, the pre-requisite and application of emotional agility from the view of experts. Thus, the study concludes emotional agility is a protective factor in the era of technology, and huddles to navigate better the concerns related to mental health and promote holistic wellbeing of the individuals.


Exploring the Musical Heritage of Kashmir: A Study of the Regions Stringed Instruments

Ishtaiq Ahmad Raina, Dr. Lata , Asif Farooq, Sumina Sidiq, Salik Nazir


Music has emerged as an outstanding form of artistic expression throughout the human history. In other words, we can say music serves as a medium for conveying emotions, thoughts, and cultural values. Among the vast array of musical traditions that have emerged across the globe, the musical heritage of Kashmir stands out as particularly noteworthy. Central to this musical heritage is a diverse collection of stringed instruments, each possessing its unique tonal qualities, playing techniques, and cultural significance. Among all the stringed instruments Santoor is the primary instrument which is considered to be a complex and intricate instrument. The Santoor is composed of no less than one hundred strings. Additionally, the Saz-i-Kashmir, a bowed instrument of great nuance and complexity, represents another integral component of the region's musical heritage. The Sehtar, a stringed instrument of remarkable versatility and depth of sound, serves as yet another key element of the Kashmiri musical tradition. Other prominent instruments include the Sarang, a miniature bowed instrument that is both elegant and refined, and the Rabab, a plectrum instrument of great power and expressiveness. This paper will focus on an in-depth study of the different stringed musical instruments used by the Kashmiri people. A classification of musical instruments and their methods of manufacture are also discussed herein.


The Study on Sense of Calling And its Challenges among Priests and Nuns through Qualitative Lens

Litty George , Dr Ridhima Shukla


Introduction: A study to explore the thought patterns and perceptions of priests and nuns that help them to sustain in religious life. This study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the sense of calling and the challenges that priests and nuns may encounter in their daily lives. Methods and measures: Data was collected from seven priests and seven nuns until saturation was reached.  The data was analyzed using Braun and Clarke's (2006) techniques of thematic analysis. Results: The findings revealed that the following themes- Divine Calling and Service, Simplicity and Relinquishment,  Spiritual Fulfillment, Integration and identity, Self-Growth and Support, Inspirational Figures and Healing, Faith, Resilience, and Balance, Trust in Providence and Divine Guidance play a significant role in the lives of the respondents. Conclusion: The findings of the present study put forth the challenges faced and how these are addressed by the priests and nuns while discharging their duties wholeheartedly.


Screening of Bioactive Phytocompounds in the Leaf of Coldenia procumbens Using Biochemical, FTIR and GCMS Analysis

Rajendiran Priyanka & Muthiah Chandran


Coldenia procumbens is a prominent medicinal plant used to treat several symptoms connected to sexually transmitted diseases in humans. Ancient Tamil literature contains abundant documentation on this subject. Rural siddha medical practitioners still utilise the Coldenia procumbens plant, relying on ancient literature and traditional knowledge, as an ingredient in various formulations to treat various sexually transmitted illnesses in humans. Hence, the present study has been programmed to Tidentify potential bioactive chemicals that may be used to treat different human ailments. This study included qualitative, quantitative, FTIR, and GCMS studies on the leaf of methanol extract from Coldenia procumbens. The leaf powder of Coldenia procumbens was subjected to maceration in ethanol and methanol, revealing a significant abundance of phenol, flavonoids, saponins, tannin, alkaloids, and a restricted quantity of terpenoids. The phenol content was quantitatively analysed and found to be 0.84±0.07mg GAE/g dry extract. The tannin content was determined to be 0.72±0.06 mg TAE/g dry extract. The alkaloid content was measured as 0.43±0.02mg/ATE/g dry extract. Lastly, the flavonoid content was determined to be 0.73±0.058 mg CHE equivalent/g dry extract. Analysed using FTIR, the methanolic leaf extract of Coldenia procumbens revealed the presence of nine bioactive compounds. The compounds mentioned consist of alkane, sulfonamide, aromatic ester, vinyl ether, sulfoxide, carboxylic acids, aromatics, alkenes, and halocompounds. The compounds were identified by detecting characteristic peaks at specific wavelengths: 2925.48 cm-1 (C-H stretching), 2853.17 cm-1 (C-H stretching), 1460.81 cm-1 (C-H bending), 1380.78 cm-1 (C-H bending), 1629.55 cm-1 and 717 cm-1 (C=C bending), 1709.59 cm-1 (C=O stretching), 3412.42 cm-1 (O-H stretching with hydrogen bonding), and 1087.66 cm-1 (C-O stretching). The ethanolic leaf extract of Coldenia procumbens was analysed using GCMS, which revealed the presence of seven bio-active phytocompounds. The identified compounds include 6-Octadecenoic Acid, (Z)-(27%), Ethyl Oleate (22%), 9-Borabicyclo[3.3.1]Nonane, 9-Decyl-(18%), N-Propionyl-D-Glucosamine (18%), N-Hexadecanoic Acid (9%), Heptanoic Acid, 2,6-Dimethyl-, Methyl Ester (4%), Trans-4-T-Pentylcyclohexanol (1%), and 2,5,8-Triphenyl Benzotristriazole (1%). The compounds were retained for the following durations: 17.970, 18.015, 19.136, 19.576, 19.626, 19.716, 27.064, and 19.841, respectively.



Re thinking Gender Portrayal through Language: An In depth Analysis of Advertisements Featuring Chatha Puja

Akanksha Yadav, Shubham Pathak ,Dr. Vinita Chandra


This study delves into the interplay between gender dynamics and language by examining product advertisements showcasing Chatha Puja and associated cultural narratives. By scrutinising linguistic nuances, gender portrayals, and narrative structures within these advertisements, the research aims to decipher societal constructs and representations of gender roles embedded in the cultural celebration of Chatha Puja. The integrated approach of Discourse and Thematic analysis explores how language perpetuates or challenges traditional gender norms, offering insights into the broader socio-cultural context. The portrayal of the nurturing traditions of women and the transformation in male roles depicted in these advertisements signifies a departure from conventional gender norms within the context of the cultural celebration. Empowered women, portrayed as cultural stewards, occupy central roles in these advertisements, symbolising a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity. The emotional connection between place and identity through language emerges as a poignant thematic thread, underscoring the impact of linguistic choices on shaping perceptions of identity and fostering a deep-seated emotional bond with the cultural celebration. Also, the portrayal of urban-rural dynamics in these advertisements celebrates the diversity within the celebration, acknowledging and appreciating differences and similarities across various societal contexts. This work could be further extended to explore the interplay between similar cultural celebrations or festivals, advertising strategies, and the ever-evolving dynamics of gender.


Dyslipidemia and its Correlation with Glycated Hemoglobin Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Unraveling the Intricate Relationship for Comprehensive Patient Management

Vikas Tiwari, Abhishek Sharma, Jaishree Karnwal Tiwari, Mohd Afzal, Khushi,


Background: Diabetes Mellitus features chronic hyperglycemia from insulin secretion or action defects, often leading to dyslipidemia. Type 2 diabetes sufferers are prone to dyslipidemia, a key cardiovascular risk. Glycated hemoglobin reflects glycemic control, disease progression, and complications in diabetes patients. Aim of the study: To evaluate the level of HbA1c and lipid profile in type 2 diabetes patients & find out the correlation between HbA1c and lipid profile parameters in type 2 diabetic patients. Material & Methods: In a correlational cross-sectional study, 150 type 2 diabetic patients at tertiary care hospital assessed between April and August 2022. HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, and lipid profiles were measured after overnight fasting. Pearson's correlation tested HbA1c's link to lipid profile components. Results: Mean levels of fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol were similar in males and females. However, females exhibited significantly higher TC (p=0.031) and LDL-C (p=0.018) than males among type 2 diabetes patients. HbA1c strongly correlated with FBG (r=0.684), and glycated hemoglobin displayed a notable positive correlation with total cholesterol (r=0.174). Conclusion: Notably, HbA1c's positive correlation with lipid profiles, particularly TC, implies its potential as a predictor for dyslipidemia alongside glycemic control.


Hybrid Deep Learning for Enhanced Mammographic Classification: A Resnet50 and Alexnet Fusion Approach

Jannatul Afroj Akhi, Dr Jishan-E-Giti, Prof. Dr. Kazi Khairul Islam, Md Atiqur Rahman


Breast cancer remains a significant global health challenge, especially among women, underscoring the urgent need for advanced diagnostic and prognostic methods. This study explores the capabilities of deep learning (DL) models in classifying mammographic images to aid in the prognosis of breast cancer. Focusing on ResNet50, AlexNet, and a novel hybrid deep learning model, we leveraged the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) and its refined variant for model development and evaluation. Our goal was to accurately categorize mammographic images into normal, benign, and malignant classes. Our findings reveal that all examined deep learning architectures exhibited impressive performance on the test set. The ResNet50 model demonstrated a high validation accuracy of 96.23%, while the AlexNet achieved 95.99%. Notably, our hybrid deep learning model outperformed these with an accuracy of 97.23%, showcasing its potential in enhancing the accuracy of breast cancer prognosis. These results suggest that deep learning networks, particularly advanced models like our hybrid model, are effective in identifying mammographic images, which could significantly improve the accuracy of breast cancer prognosis. However, these findings also highlight the necessity for ongoing research. Future studies should aim to further refine these models, possibly through the utilization of larger and more varied datasets, and explore their applicability in clinical environments.



Sustainable Utilization of Pomegranate Peel in the Development of Value Added Products to Enhance Micronutrients and Antioxidant Activity

Nagadarshini P, Bhavana MS, Netravati Hiremath, Syeda Farha S, and Veena BM


: Pomegranate peel powder has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its rich content of bioactive compounds, including polyphenols and antioxidants. The incorporation of pomegranate peel powder into different food products has been studied for its potential to enhance both nutritional value and health benefits. The present study, examined sensory characteristics, nutrient composition and antioxidant activity of products developed with the incorporation of pomegranate peel powder (PPP). Cookies and crackers were developed by incorporating pomegranate peel powder at different levels (2%, 5%, and 6%) and subjected to acceptability using 9-point hedonic scale. Furthermore, the best accepted variation was analysed for nutrient composition, phenolic content and total antioxidant activity using standard methods. Sensory analysis revealed that cookies and crackers with 5% pomegranate peel powder incorporation were highly accepted compared to the control (wheat based) and other variations. The best accepted products showed higher content of calcium, iron, phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The study concluded that pomegranate peel powder incorporated cookies and crackers can be considered as a healthy alternative to conventional products available in the market. The supplementation of products with pomegranate peel powder offer a nutrient-rich and phytochemical-enriched option that can be enjoyed by individuals of all age groups. Hence, the study supports the potential use of pomegranate peel powder as functional ingredient in the food industry as an innovative and healthy option for the consumers seeking healthier food choices.


Understanding the Nexus of Equity Incentives and Job Satisfaction among SME Workers in Sichuan, China

Zhangbo , Mudiarasan Kuppusamy , Benjamin Chan Yin Fah & Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin


This study investigates the relationship between employee equity incentives and job satisfaction among small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) employees in Sichuan, China. The objective is to examine whether equity incentives positively influence job satisfaction in this context. The study adopts quantitative research methodology, utilizing survey questionnaires to collect data from 408 participants employed in various SMEs across Sichuan. Correlation analysis is employed to analyze the relationship between equity incentives and job satisfaction. The findings reveal a significant positive correlation between the two variables, indicating that equity incentives are associated with higher levels of job satisfaction among SME employees in Sichuan. The study concludes that equity incentives can serve as effective motivators for employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These findings have theoretical implications for incentive theory and organizational behavior, contributing to a better understanding of how incentive mechanisms operate in the SME context. From a practical perspective, the study suggests that SMEs in Sichuan and similar contexts can leverage equity incentives as strategic tools to attract and retain talent, ultimately enhancing organizational performance. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study, including its cross-sectional nature, focus on a specific geographical region, and reliance on self-reported data. Future research could employ longitudinal or experimental designs to establish causality and explore the relationship between equity incentives and job satisfaction in diverse contexts. Overall, this study provides valuable insights that can inform human resource management practices and organizational policies in the SME sector, contributing to the broader body of knowledge on employee incentives and satisfaction.


Experiential Learning: Its Effect on Achievement of Students with Visual Disabilities

Dr. Jashmer Singh, Dr. R K. Parua


The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of experiential learning on academic achievement of students with visual impairment.  The study was conducted on 64 students those were studying in elementary school.  In the study, academic success of the students was measured with their last qualifying examination result. The major findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and control group students after intervention programme on science achievement.  Recommendations were suggested on the basis of obtained findings.


Effect of Lidocaine on Incidence of Sore Throat and Cough During Extubation After Elective Surgeries

Sushmitha S, Kiran N


Background: The incidence of postoperative sore throat is one of the most undesirable morbidities that occur in more than 50% of patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia intubation. On one hand the occurrence of cough during extubation can lead to complications like bronchospasm, hemorrhage, open surgical wounds and increase in intrathoracic, intraabdominal, intracranial pressures. The occurrence of sore throat postoperatively is also troublesome. Various studies have shown the use of IV/Intratracheal lidocaine, IV opioids, dexmedetomidine can blunt the responses during extubation. The mechanism of lidocaine could be due to suppression of airway sensory C fibers, reduction of neural discharge of peripheral nerve fibers. Objective: Aimed to compare the effect of intratracheal lidocaine and saline on the incidence of sore throat and cough during extubation. Material & Method: This randomized single blinded clinical trial, conducted among the patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia at R. L. Jalappa Hospital and Research centre, Tamaka, Kolar during the period from August 1ST TO December 31st 2023. Patients aged 18-55yrs with ASA grade 1& 2 were included. Patients allergic to local anaesthesia, with acute of chronic respiratory disease, abnormalities of airway, smokers, Mallampati 3 and 4 grade, Cormack score of 3 or 4, surgery lasted more than 2hrs and not willing were excluded from the study. The participants included after obtaining the informed consent. The incidence of cough was noted as score 0-3, and presence of sore throat in the first and sixth hour after elective surgerywas assessed by Numerating rating scale with a scale of 0-10. Participants were divided into two groups of 16.  Group (A) 4 ml of 2% lidocaine intratracheally through glottis installation before extubation and group (B) 4ml of saline intratracheally just before extubation. Results: A total of 32 patients included in present study, with mean age of 19.2±3.66yrs among them 10 were female and 22 were male patients.


Influence of Dietary Supplements on Female Fertility

Ms. Challa Kusuma Chowdari, Dr. T.M. Vijaykumar (Ph.D)


Infertility is defined as the failure to generate a clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular and unprotected sexual contact. It is believed that 8-12% of reproductive-aged couples globally are affected by it. Female fertility decline begins around 25-30, and the median age at last birth is 40-41 years in most studied populations with natural fertility. Over the last decade, the literature on the relationship between nutrition and human fertility has grown significantly, culminating in identifying a few distinct patterns. Supplemental folic acid consumption, particularly at higher levels than those recommended for the protection of neural tube abnormalities, has been linked to a reduced frequency of infertility, a decreased risk of pregnancy loss, and greater success in infertility therapy. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is well-known for its role in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and bone mineralization. There is some evidence that, in addition to the conventional regulators of human reproduction, sex steroid hormones, vitamin D regulates reproductive processes in both men and women. Melatonin supplementation has lately been suggested as a therapeutic method in gynaecological practice. According to present research, women attempting to conceive are advised to increase their intake of whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids, fish, and soy while decreasing their intake of trans fats and red meat. A diet high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (3-PUFA) improves fertility by improving oocyte quality, embryo implantation, and menstrual cycle function. This study focuses on the evidence from epidemiology literature supporting the relationships between essential dietary variables and female reproductive capacity.


Enhanced Modeling by Unveil the Feature for Learning Celebrity Cartoon Faces

Prajna S, D S Guru, Shivaprasad D L, and Vinay Kumar N


In this paper, we propose a new approach that aims to uncover features that can assist in learning celebrity cartoon faces. To recognize cartoon faces, we have tailored the FaceNet architecture. The extracted features are then learned using both a conventional learning model and a convolution model. Furthermore, the Chi-score method is employed to achieve feature reduction to have an efficient yet effective classification. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, we conducted extensive experiments on the Cartoon Faces in the Wild (IIIT-CFW) celebrity cartoon face database, which contains 100 distinct celebrities. In comparison to the existing database, we created 50 different categories namely UOM-Dataset, and examined its performance. The results of the experimentations reveal that the proposed method outperforms several other existing methods, including the state-of-the-art method for celebrity cartoon face recognition.

Examining the Relationship between Parenting Dimensions, Religiosity, Peer influence, Self Esteem and Prosocial Behavior among Adolescents in High School of South West Shoa Zone

Debela Lemesa Fura(Assistant Professor) & Professor Habtamu Wondimu


Problem: Limited evidences are available in Ethiopian context concerning prosocial behavior and its contributing factors as compared to antisocial behavior among in school adolescents. Most studies have focused on antisocial behavior than prosocial behavior. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to examine the contributions of parenting dimensions, religiosity, peer influence and self-esteem to adolescents’ prosocial behavior. Approach: A cross sectional survey design was used. Self-report questionnaires were utilized to collect data from selected 225 students using simple random sampling. Findings: acceptance/involving of both father and mother parenting dimensions positive and significantly related to prosocial behavior (r = .17 & r=.19) respectively. Religiosity and self-esteem of the participants were also positively and significantly related to prosocial (r = .23 & r = .13) correspondingly. Multiple regression analysis results also showed despite the small effect sizes revealed, fathers’ acceptance dimension and religiosity, and mothers’ acceptance dimension and religiosity of the participants significantly predicted prosocial behavior among other variables and explained 10.4% and 8.6 % of the variance of participants’ prosocial behaviors respectively. A one-way ANOVA revealed no significant effect of the four parenting style of fathers and mothers on prosocial behavior, F (3,221) = 1.95; F (3,221) = 1.83 p > 0.05 respectively. In conclusion, the acceptance parenting dimension of both fathers and mothers and religiosity of the adolescents were the major contributors of prosocial behavior tendencies. The entire findings shown that despite positive contributions were observed, the effect sizes were small. This implies, much will be expected from parents, religious institutions and other concerned bodies topromote prosocial behaviors of the adolescents.


Customised Thermo Sectional Edentulous Impression Tray for Exaggerated Gag Reflex Patient A Dental Technique

Dr Shruti S Potdukhe


Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a completely edentulous maxillary arch is always challenging in exaggerated gag reflex patients. However, the exaggerated gag reflex imparts discomfort, less patient cooperation and significantly impairs the impression making procedure in the process of fabrication of complete dentures. Thermo stands for water and sectional stands for part. The thermo-sectional tray design includes three parts; Section 1 or the ridge section of the tray, Section 2 or the thermo-palatal section of the tray with water inlet, and the Handle. The aim of the thermo-sectional tray design is to minimise the gagging reflex in an exaggerated gag reflex patient while making the final impression of an edentulous maxillary arch and to overcome the limitations of bulk in conventional autopolymerising acrylic resin custom tray, more palatal coverage, and increase period of contact of the tray with the palate during border moulding and wash impression.


Assessing Soft Skills in ESL Engineering Environments: A Theoretical Approach

George Mathew Nalliveettil, Mahmoud Sobhi Mohamed Gadallah


This research explores the engineering stream within the context of globalization, emphasizing the pivotal role of soft skills, especially for ESL (English as a Second Language) engineers. As the engineering workforce becomes more diverse and geographically dispersed, effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration have become imperative. Language barriers in ESL engineering environments not only lead to communication breakdowns but also impact teamwork, leadership, and project success. To address these challenges, interventions such as language training programs, mentorship initiatives, and cultural competence workshops are essential for ESL engineers to develop and demonstrate soft skills. Drawing on language acquisition theories—Behaviourist, Cognitive, Innatist, Interactionist, and Input Hypothesis—this study proposes strategies for enhancing language proficiency among ESL engineers in engineering education and professional development. Moreover, the integration of engineering education principles, including Problem-Based Learning, Active Learning Strategies, Multimodal Learning, and Project-Based Learning, offers a comprehensive framework to align language learning with the technical demands of the engineering profession. Cultural sensitivity emerges as a foundational element for effective communication in ESL engineering teams, fostering an inclusive environment and reducing the likelihood of conflicts. The study concludes by suggesting the adaptation of existing soft skills assessment models to the linguistic and cultural context of ESL professionals, paving the way for targeted interventions and enhanced interpersonal skills in the globalized engineering field.


Design and Implementation of an AI Virtual Mouse Using Hand Gesture Recognition

Dr. M Sharada Varalakshmi, A. Virinchi Sai, Chintagari Archana, Aliya Fatima


There have been many developments in the way human beings interact with computers, known as the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) the most crucial being the Computer Mouse, aka that little plastic oval-shaped device that fits so nearly in our hands. As of now, the mouse still relies on other devices, it uses a battery for powering itself and to connect to the pc it uses a dongle. LEDs, switches, Touch screens, LCSs, Computer Mouse, etc., are commonly employed Human Machine Interface devices. Another way to interact with the devices is via hand gestures and this paper aims to overcome the limitation of the mouse to produce a recognition-based cursor control system using hand gestures recognition. The hand gestures are captured via the built-in cameras of the laptop/desktop or a webcam. The system or interface allows the user to control the cursor and perform right-click,left-click, scrolling functions, and resizing windows without the usage of a physical mouse, that way computers can be controlled virtually and can add to the notion of not relying on numerous devices such as mice, keyboards, joysticks, and so on to control laptop’s functionalities.


Unraveling the Complex Interplay of Psychological Well Being among Employees in the Malaysian Manufacturing Industry: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Nishail Lilaram, Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Farhana Tahmida Newaz, Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin


This study investigates the factors influencing the psychological well-being of employees in the Malaysian manufacturing industry, with a focus on stress, organizational culture, work-life balance, job burnout, and psychological well-being. Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), data was collected from a sample of manufacturing employees to examine the relationships between these constructs. The results revealed significant negative associations between stress and psychological well-being, and significant positive associations between organizational culture, work-life balance, and psychological well-being. Additionally, job burnout was found to have a significant negative impact on psychological well-being. The findings underscore the importance of addressing stressors, cultivating a supportive organizational culture, promoting work-life balance, and mitigating job burnout to enhance employee well-being and organizational success in the manufacturing sector. These insights have implications for organizational leaders, policymakers, and human resource practitioners in fostering a conducive work environment that prioritizes employee mental health and well-being.


A Comprehensive Review on Triclustering Techniques in Three Dimensional Data Analysis: Unveiling Patterns Across Biomedical and Social Domains

Dr. Swathypriyadharsini P , Dr. K. Premalatha


Three-dimensional data are increasingly prevalent across biomedical and social domains. Notable examples are gene-sample-time, individual-feature-time, or node-node-time data, generally called observation attribute-context data. The unsupervised analysis of three-dimensional data can be pursued to discover putative biological modules, disease progression profiles, and communities of individuals with coherent behaviour, among other patterns of interest. It is thus key to enhancing the understanding of complex biological, individual, and societal systems. The clustering technique is one of the important unsupervised approaches for mining similar patterns either row-wise or column-wise. Biclustering performs simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns by identifying the similarities under a specific subset of conditions. On the other hand, the Triclustering algorithm extracts similar pattern subsets including row, column and also the third dimension mostly as time. This review paper focuses on the triclustering approach followed in many kinds of data such as binary data, big data and most importantly in gene expression data. This work also divulges the computational overhead in dealing the three-dimensional data. It also provides a detailed view of the approaches followed in different triclustering algorithms, measures used, dataset applied and also the validation framework followed. Finally, it highlights challenges and opportunities to advance the field of triclustering and its applicability to complex three-dimensional data analysis.

The Role of Perfusion Index to Determine Hypotension Induced by Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Deliveries

S P Shruthi & Kiran N


Introduction: Hypotension following spinal anaesthesia results from the sympathetic blockade and decreased cardiac output. Non?invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement is the standard method of monitoring intraoperative hemodynamics. Perfusion index (PI) is a relative assessment of the pulse strength at the monitoring site. PI can be used to assess the perfusion dynamics due to changes in peripheral vascular tone which is a non-invasive method to detect hypotension following subarachnoid block .Objective: This study was aimed to investigate the correlation between baseline perfusion index and incidence of hypotension following spinal anaesthesia and also determine the diagnostic characteristics of PI. Material & Method: This prospective observational study was conducted among 56 parturients undergoing cesarean deliveries under subarachnoid block at R. L. Jalappa Hospital and Research Centre, Tamaka, Kolar during the period from 1st March 2023-31st July 2023. The parturients aged 20-35yrs and undergoing caesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Patients with placenta previa, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, with BMI > 40 kg/m2, Infection at local site, Lumbar spine deformity and patients refusal. Participants included in study after obtaining the informed consent and the hemodynamic parameters were measured which included mean arterial pressure, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, saturation, heart rate and any adverse effects following spinal anaesthesia. Groups: two groups; group I with PI <3.5 and group II with PI >3.5. Results: The present study included tot al of 56 participants in present study with mean age of 24.6±3.54yrs. the cutoff suggested for PI was taken as 3.5. based on cutoff, group I included participants with <3.5PI and group II participants with >3.5PI.  There was significant higher incidence of number of hypotension episodes in group II patients compared to group I patients.(p<0.05)The area undercurve for PI was found to be 0.858, with p<0.05. the sensitivity and specificity of baseline PI with cutoff of 3.5 was found to be 69.82% and 90.22% respectively to detect hypotension. Conclusion: The Perfusion index can be used as a important tool for predicting the hypotension in apparently healthy parturient undergoing caesarean section. The parturients with PI of more than 3.5 are at a higher risk of developing the spinal anesthesia induced hypotension.


Anomalous Responses of Rice Yield and Quality in Extreme Climate to Predict and Escape Future Damages

Md. Abubakar Siddik, Jakaria Chowdhury Onik, Iftekhar Ahmed Fagun, Akm Maksudul Alam


Extreme climatic exposure due to global warming and climate change has direct or indirect consequences on rice yield and quality. The burgeoning population and socioeconomic progress are stimulating the growing demand for good-quality rice worldwide. Climate change research on rice always emphasizes yield, while more could be learned about quality. Thorough research about extreme high and low temperatures effects on rice at crucial growth stages remains mostly unknown and results in limited attempts to explicate the underlying concept. Climatic factors often pose a threat to the vegetative and reproductive development of rice and might play a vital role in grain quality change but a lack of thorough research has been done yet. Rice is one of the major agricultural commodities that provide more calorie and nutritional benefits compared to other cereals. Frequent climate change causes certain alterations in rice quality, while temperature and light intensity are the major challenges. Thus, it is important to quantify how rice grain quality will respond to climate change in the future. Rapid economic development coinciding with serious pollution results in severe solar dimming and discrete temperature increases in divergent rice-cultivating countries. Fluctuation in rice ecology – temperature, solar radiation, CO2 and O3 – has a domino effect to hamper grain quality traits. Responses of rice grain quality traits – appearance, cooking, flavor, and nutrition – to extreme climatic factors enable us to clarify the insights of changes. If we are to escape the destructive impacts of extreme temperatures, need to identify the most sensitive periods, patterns of yield losses and underlying mechanisms of mutable rice quality. We used books, previous field or phytotron research and review articles to create a comprehensive sole literature. We find that the extreme temperature influence on rice coinciding with impending global warming simulation is methodically understated. The demonstration of evidence allows case studies corresponding with typical spatiotemporal temperature in neoteric and intensive forms of analysis on rice yield and quality, combined with morpho-physiology and molecular research. This review will be associated with the enhancement of agricultural sustainability in future climate change.


Bio Medical Application of Poly lactic Acid ( Biolastic) in Dentistry A Scoping Review

Nikita Parasrampuria , N. Gopi Chander , Jayanta Chattopadhyay


Background: Poly lactic acid (PLA) is environmentally friendly and biocompatible and thus it has great potential for use in dentistry. Its uses span from tissue engineering to orthodontics, covering both therapeutic requirements and environmental issues. Aim: This scoping review aims to comprehensively explore PLA's dental applications, examining its advantages, limitations, and prospects. Methodology: Using a systematic search across numerous databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science, we were able to present a thorough review. The initial search from the electronic databases produced a total of about 30 articles. There were about 28 unique items left after duplicates were eliminated. Following a proper screening and thorough review, about 18 papers were determined to be admissible because they specifically addressed PLA's biological uses in dentistry. Results: PLA has a lot of potential for dentistry because it can be used as a scaffold material, facilitate directed tissue regeneration, and offer long-lasting orthodontic options. Controlled release is provided by PLA-based drug delivery devices for better periodontal disease treatment. But it is critical to handle production costs and mechanical constraints. Conclusion: PLA is proving to be a game-changing material for dentistry, supporting the global movement toward sustainable healthcare solutions. It is a noteworthy option because to its biodegradability, biocompatibility, and adaptability. To fully realize its potential and pave the path for sustainable dental healthcare, however, optimizing mechanical properties and production costs remain major obstacles.


A Critical Review of Seismic Microzonation Techniques and Applications

Aditya Kumar Anshu , Jumrik Taipodia


It is critical to understand and mitigate seismic risks in seismically active places through seismic microzonation at the global level. The purpose of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of seismic microzonation efforts around the world, with a particular focus on Indian practices. By incorporating this information into building codes and retrofitting strategies, the built environment can be made less vulnerable to earthquakes. The first section outlines seismic microzonation's work completed in assessing earthquake risks globally. Geophysical, geotechnical, and geological approaches are discussed in the study of seismic microzonation. In addition, tectonic settings, geological features, and ground motion characteristics are discussed in relation to seismic microzonation. In the second section of the paper, seismic microzonation in India is discussed. Because of its diverse geological and tectonic features, India poses a significant seismic hazard. Lastly, the last section discusses the policy implications and practical applications of seismic microzonation in urban planning and disaster management. The study highlights the importance of seismic microzonation and its benefits in improving seismic resilience of India. It also emphasizes the need for further research in this area to better understand the seismic risk in Indian cities.


Solution of Time Fractionalnewell Whitehead Segal Equation Using Modified Adomian Decomposition Method Elzaki Transformation Method

Parmeshwari Aland and Prince Singh


In this study, applied Modified Adomian Decomposition Elzaki Transformation method (MADETM) on time fractional nonlinear Newell–Whitehead–Segal (NWS) equation to obtain the series solution. Approximate solutions are quickly converging to exact solutions in numerical. The adopted technique is compared with other methods like NHPTM, FCT-HP, VIM respectively to validate the results. The graphical presentations shown with the compared methods. The error analysis &statistical analysis is performed on NWS equation by considering small sample t-test to identify the significance level. The results of hypothesis testing indicated that there is no statistically significant variation in the mean scores between the two solutions.  suggesting that there is a meaningful distinction in the outcomes associated with the two conditions.


The Usage of Coenzyme Q10 on Skin Aging: A Systematic Review on Animal and Clinical Study

Annisa Ayunita Ramadhani, Ismiralda Oke Putranti


Skin aging is a multifactorial problem which involves free radical, cell cycle, and glycation mechanism. Hence, antioxidants become a prominent solution to this problem. Supplementation of Coenzyme Q10 as a promising antioxidant for skin aging has not been widely discussed. Thus, a systematic review was conducted following the 2020 Preferred Reporting Itemsfor Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guideline and critically appraised. Ten studies focusing on efficacy and dose of CoQ10 for skin aging through oral and topical route were included in this systematic review. Studies were categorised into 3 animal study, 3 clinical stand-alone CoQ10 study, and 4 clinical CoQ10 combination study. In this review, it was confirmed that CoQ10 benefits the skin through reduction of wrinkle and fine lines, overall signs of photoaging, and inflammatory cytokines’ activity. Further study needs to be conducted on ideal oral and topical dose along with safety and tolerability of topical CoQ10.


Foot Length and its Correlation with Different Anthropometric Variables in Neonates Born in Vinayaka Missions Medical College & Hospital, Karaikal: A Cross Sectional Study

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Raqib, Dr. Pagadpally Srinivas, Dr. Shashank Reddy Srinadham, Dr. Mythily Srinivas


Background: Gestational age (GA) is a valuable metric for estimating mortality and morbidity as well as evaluating the newborn's level of maturity. Therefore, knowledge of the gestational age (GA) at birth is crucial to guide the appropriate management of a newborn. The aim was to study correlation of foot length (FL) with gestational age at birth and other anthropometric measures among preterm, term and post-term neonates and to study  foot length is applicable as a proxy measurement to predict birth weight and gestational age in newborns. Material and methods: This is a hospital based cross sectional study of 150 newborn babies, done in the Department of Paediatrics, Vinayaka Mission’s Medical College, Karaikal. All live newborn infants were included in the study, while babies with Skeletal deformities were excluded from the study. FL at birth was measured from the centre of the back of the heel to the tip of the big toe. Gestational assessment was done using modified Ballard’s scoring on day one. Linear regression analysis was done to investigate the relation of FL to gestational age, birth weight (BW), head circumference (HC) and crown heel length (CHL).Result: There were 75 males and 75 females. Of the 150 newborns, preterm babies were 24 (16%), term babies were 126 (84%) and post-term babies were 0 (0%). The mean foot length was 7.68 cm with a range of 6-8.7 cm. Foot length correlated significantly (p<0.001) with gestational age in Preterm AGA, Term SGA and Term AGA groups. The correlation coefficient of foot length with gestational age was maximum in Term SGA (r=0.646) and followed by preterm AGA (r=0.48) and Term AGA (r=0.463).The correlation of foot length with birth weight was significant in Term SGA & Term AGA neonates. Foot length correlated significantly with head circumference and chest circumference as well in Term SGA & Term AGA neonates while significant correlation with crown heel length was observed only in Term AGA infants. Conclusion: Foot length correlated significantly with gestational age& other anthropometric variables in preterm & term infants.


Enhancing Faith Proclamation in African Indigenous Christian Missions through Michael Hetchs Communication Theory of Identity

Ezekiel Ajani, Benjamin Akano, Funke Oyekan, Larry Ayuba, Abimbola Ayegboyin, O. Bello, O. Lateju


Identity is a critical factor in the process of communication. The multicultural nature of many African societies such as Nigeria, makes faith proclamation in indigenous missions more challenging. Certain identity gaps exist that need to be addressed through effective communication. Kwame Bediako is right on point as he notes that every culture has a role to play in the formulation of Christian theology and identity for its context which, if discovered by the gospel preacher can lead to effective communication of the gospel message. To bridge the gap of identity in gospel communication, while employing a descriptive research design; we believe Michael Hecht’s theory is applicable and relevant. Michael Hecht’s communication theory of identity (MH-CTI) conceptualizes human beings as inherently social, and whose “lives revolve around communication, relationships, and communities and who operate from multiple and shifting identities”. The theory broadens the consideration of culture in communication from the perspective of nationality, race, and ethnicity, to that of identity with multiple intertwining frames. Thus, it asserts that the achievement of satisfying communication is not only a function of an individual’s identity as a single unified entity; it comprises of the performance of all identity layers. Therefore, to achieve satisfying intercultural communication outcomes, the theory proposes that the communicator must strive to overcome the challenges occasioned by distortions resulting from different kinds of identity gaps. Identifying and bridging these inevitable gaps is capable of promoting effective communication in gospel proclamation in indigenous Christian missions such as CAPRO missions with origin in Nigeria and mission presence in several other parts of Africa..


Investigating the Influence of Digital Leadership on Technology Integration and Work Performance in the Post Covid Workplace: A Focus on the IT Industry in Chennai

Dr.Darwin Joseph


In the repercussion of the Covid-19 pandemic, the global landscape, particularly in the Information Technology (IT) sector, has witnessed profound changes in work environments and digital leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring organizational resilience and adaptability, particularly in the IT sector. This investigation aims to understand the intricate relationship between digital leadership, technology integration, and overall work performance. This study employs an exploratory and descriptive research approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the workforce of IT/ITES companies in the Chennai district, India. The population and sample consist of employees in the IT industry, selected through convenience sampling. Data is collected via a structured questionnaire administered to 150 employees. The researcher utilizes a combination of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques to analyse the gathered data. This study underscores the significance of “Digital Proficiency” as the most influential factor in determining technology integration among IT/ITES company employees, while “Digital Citizenship” has the least impact, and “Supportive Environment” shows minimal influence. The findings from this study hold significant practical implications for digital leaders, organizational decision-makers, and policymakers, serving as a foundation for cultivating resilient, innovative, and digitally proficient work environments within Chennai's IT industry. These insights have the potential to influence best practices not only in Chennai but also in similar contexts globally.


Exploring Diverse Avenues of English Language Learning: A Critical Examination of Traditional and Contemporary Resources

Boddu Chandrashekar & Mallesham Doode


This study presents an extensive investigation into the array of resources available for learning English, encompassing both traditional and contemporary methods within the dynamic realm of language education. In our increasingly globalized world, proficiency in English is becoming ever more essential for navigating the diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes we encounter. Through a critical examination of traditional sources like formal education and language institutes, alongside modern resources such as online platforms and authentic materials, the paper delves into the strengths and limitations of each. Drawing upon empirical research and theoretical frameworks, it addresses crucial issues like accessibility and cultural relevance. Emphasizing the multifaceted nature of English language acquisition, the study highlights the need for a nuanced understanding to optimize learning experiences. By illuminating various avenues for language learning, this study contributes to evidence-based practices and interventions aimed at enhancing language proficiency on a global scale, ultimately facilitating effective communication and interaction across diverse contexts and communities.


A Study on the Impact of Directors Age, Gender and Ethnicity on the Performance of Firms in Nigeria A Panel ARDL Approach

Graham Chimaobi Omenka & Emmanual Chuke Nwude


This study examines the effects of diversity of board members on financial performance of firms in the Nigeria. The quantitative and correlational research design was adopted. Using the purposive sampling method, 60 companies were selected from a population of 162 companies listed on boards of the Nigerian Exchange Limited and data were collected for periods from 2001 to 2020. The Panel Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) model was employed for the analysis. The findings report that board age portrayed positive relationship and was statistically significant across all financial performance indicators. Gender diversity exhibited positive relationships with net profit margin, return on assets and tobin q but portrayed negative relationship with market price. Ethnic diversity indicated positive relationships with net profit margin and market price, but negative relationships with return on assets and tobin q. The study concluded that board diversity has strong long run relationship with firms’ performance in Nigeria. More so, given existing financial performance measures, older directors tend to add greater value to firms than younger directors. Also, firms that have higher ratio of ethnic diversity in board of directors will usually outperform, financially, firms with lower ratio.


A Distinctive Assessment on Cloud Computing in Health Care System: The Present Era

Awatef Salem Balobaid, Fazeela Tunnisa, Shiraz Ahmed Maniyar, Mohammed Mukkaram Ali, Manal Alkhammash, Fahad Khan Azeez


Background: The most trending computer network system now-a-days is Cloud computing technology (CPT). Through large number of developments and possibilities information and communications technology is the frame work of components that has modernized healthcare sector. Cloud computing is a well-known example in the healthcare industry; it encourages hospitals and clinics to exchange and store electronic medical records. Applications: The majority of collaborators and stakeholders in the health care industry value the industry's methodology, which has the unique potential to deliver tremendous capacity and transformative power in the e-healthcare sector. Storage and exchange of medical records of patients fetches a favourable treatment for the patients in all aspects and also in emergencies, thus saving the life of a patient. By sharing the network resources in healthcare sector computer applications need to run on internet or cloud successfully. Depending on their needs, cloud computing can help business server infrastructures into vigorous domain through expansion. This review provides information of some cloud-based e-healthcare design edge technology benefits and adopting cloud computing in health care segments. It addresses the different methodologies, framework along with security and privacy issues that are crucial reasons of enhancing a cloud-based e-health care. Conclusion: When many healthcare companies adopt the cloud, a wide range of benefits are offered by cloud computing, and then a bright future takes over.


Beyond the Orthodox: Situating Manikpur's Eclectic Sufis and the Development of Chishti Sufism in a Small Town near Allahabad (14th-17th Centuries)

Mohd Arif PhD


This paper explores the emergence and development of Chishti Sufism in the town of Manikpur, located in the surrounding region of Allahabad, between the 14th and 17th centuries. It provides a linear, chronological overview of the key Chishti saints and Sufis connected to Manikpur during this period. The paper highlights how Shaikh Husamuddin Manikpuri (1341-1449) was a pioneering Sufi saint who promoted an inclusive approach towards Hindu traditions and practices. His master Shaikh Nurul Haqq used to hold sama in which devotional songs from Vaishnavite tradition (Vishnupads) were sung. His disciples Shaikh Raji Hamid Shah and Shaikh Kamaluddin (Shaikh Kalu) further spread Chishti teachings in the region. Another important Sufi was Shaikh Sayyidu Manikpuri (1432-1525) who was initially skeptical of Sufis but later became a disciple of Husamuddin after a miraculous incident. Several other influential Chishti Sufis of Manikpur covered in the paper include Shaikh Nizamuddin, Shaikh Qasim, Shaikh Abdullah, Shaikh Jalaluddin, Shaikh Abdul Karim, and others. The paper argues that Manikpur emerged as a significant center of Chishti Sufism in north India, known for syncretism and incorporation of Hindu cultural elements. Through a chronological exposition of the key Sufi figures in Manikpur, the paper traces the evolution and ascendancy of Chishti Sufism in the region during the 14th and 17th centuries, offering insights into its historical development and cultural significance.


SME Success Blueprint: Investigating the Influence of Competitive Advantage on Sustainability of Firm Performance

Mr. Abebe Techan Tolossa , Prof. Manjit Singh, Dr. Raj. k. Gautam


This research examined the critical interplay between competitive advantage and the sustainability of firm performance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both primary and secondary data sources, and employed a descriptive and explanatory research design. A self-administered Likert-scale questionnaire was employed to collect data from the targeted respondents. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques, coupled with Daniel Soper's sample size calculation formula, were utilized to gather data from 387 employees of SMEs, setting the foundation for a robust analysis. The core objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between competitive advantage and the sustainability of firm performance within the SME sector. The findings, derived through structural equation modeling, indicated a positive correlation between competitive advantage and the sustainability of firm performance. In light of the dynamic business environment, the results underscored the pivotal role of cultivating and enhancing competitive advantage for SMEs striving to achieve sustainability. As the global business landscape continues to evolve, SMEs in Oromia Regional State are expected to be encouraged to focus on strategically developing and leveraging competitive advantages. This research contributes valuable insights that could guide SME leaders or owners, policymakers, and stakeholders in making informed decisions to foster sustainability and resilience in dynamic market conditions. Ultimately, the study advocated for a proactive approach to cultivating competitive advantage as a cornerstone for the enduring success of SMEs in Oromia and beyond.


Toxicity of Plastics in Soil: Influence on Soil Bacteria, Aporrectodea Longa, Nutrient and Phytochemical Properties of Telfairia Occidentalis

Udochukwu Ugueri1*, Asemota Osas Lucky2, Iheanacho Godwin Chigozie1, Nwachukwu Chinwe Adaobi3, Iheme Patricia Odichinaka4, Ugenyi Assumpta Ugbonma5


Problem: Over the years, there has been massive production of plastics which are usually discarded after use resulting in a spate of plastic pollution in the soil environment. The presence of these plastics and its contaminants elicit toxic effects on soil and soil biological sentinels. Approach: All Soil samples were collected in Ugbowo, Benin-City, Edo State, Nigeria which was the study area. The various samples collected were analyzed using standard methods. Findings: The results from this study revealed various physicochemical parameters and additives present in the test soil. It was observed that the test soil being the plastic composted soil was slightly acidic with a pH value of 5.62±0.05 compared to the control garden soil with a neutral pH 7.92±0.09. The additives detected in the soil were 40.07ng/g bisphenol A, 14.05ng/g di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), 26.23ng/g dimethylpthalate (DMP) and 7.07ng/g diethylpthalates (DEP). Di-n-butylphthalate (DBP) and butylbenzylphthalate (BBzP) were below the limits of detection and only 3.01ng/g of bisphenol A was detected in the control garden soil. The plastic composted soil had low bacterial count of 0.43 x 102 cfu/g compared to the control soil with 27.0 x 104 cfu/g.  A progressive reduction in the percentage survival of the earthworms with increased plastic contaminant concentrations was observed. Treatment B had lowest plastic concentration of 27.27 percentage survival followed by treatment C with 20.93 percentage survival. It was observed that the plastic composted soil served as a medium for the growth and survival of the Telfairia occidentalis. Conclusion: Polystyrene plastics could be used as manure to grow non-edible plants like flowers. It was observed that children can accumulate higher concentrations of these plastics in their body which is due to their low body weight. This further reveal that young children are vulnerable to the danger of plastic accumulation and toxicity.


Effects of Dataset Size on the Accuracy of Dialects Classification Models

O.K. Adejumobi1, A.I.O.Yussuff 1 and A. A. Adenowo1


Thispaper determined the effects of dataset size on theaccuracy of a dialects classification models. To achieve this aim, an experimental methodology, where two (2) datasets A and B of varying sizes were used. Dataset A has a total number of 500 samples (100 samples for each of the classes) while Dataset B has a total number of 7000 samples (1400 samples for each of the classes). Both datasets were divided into; 70%, for network training, 20%, for validation and 10%, for prediction. The datasets contain audio samples of Egba, Ekiti, Ibadan, Ijebu and Ondo dialects collected from participants via mobile phones, radio and sound recorders. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Classifier was developed.The process of achieving the objective of this research was divided into four (4) main stages namely: speech signals acquisition, data pre-processing, speech data classification and Model training/ testing and evaluation. The Model was implemented on Matlab 2022b platform. With the same Classifier, the results showed that the larger sized dataset ‘B’ gave a better performance accuracy of 100% for all the classes. While the smallerdataset ‘A’ gave a performance accuracy of the Model’s predictions for Egba, Ekiti, Ibadan, Ijebu and Ondo as 98.8%, 98.2%, 96.8%, 95.1% and 97.4% respectively. However, it is recommended that the complexity of the Model be considered before increasing the datasets to avoid under-fitting of the network.


Woman with Evil Eyes: Exploring the Lives and Struggles of Infertile Couples through the Community Lens

Konjit Kebede (PhD Candidate)1, Teka Zewdie (PhD)2


Background:In developing countries like Ethiopia, infertile couples are often stigmatized and stereotyped due to their childlessness status. Thus, this study examines infertile couples' struggles through the community lens. Methods and Materials: This qualitative study uses content analysis. Eight figurative community members with knowledge and relevant information about the topic were selected carefully with maximum variation to participate in this study: three religious leaders from three religions, two marriage counsellors, an elderly woman, a family social worker, and a clinical nurse from the infertility medication hospital. In-depth unstructured interviews were employed to gather data. Findings: The main concepts from data were classified into one theme, "community views and understandings infertile couples lives," and two main categories, "cultural contexts of infertility and its issues" (with 3 subcategories) and "challenges of infertile couples" (with 4 subcategories).

Conclusions: Infertile couples face social and economic challenges, and community education to dispel infertility misconceptions and policy changes for comprehensive support services are needed to ensure their well-being and social resilience.


Knowledge and Perceptions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Usage among Dental Residents in Karnataka State, India: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Sheetal Vijaya, Srinath Jayakrishnan, Glynis Anita Miranda, Shilpa Vijaya, Meghan J Shetty, Abhinav S Suvarna


Background: Healthcare workers have trouble implementing barriers due to discomfort and inability to deliver the best outcomes due to limited practising ability when wrapped with Personal Protective Equipment. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) among dental residents from various dental institutions in Karnataka stateMethods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 427 residents from 2 February 2021 to 18 April 2021. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed through multiple social media platforms. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: (1) demographic details of the study participants such as gender, speciality and the year of the residency program; (2) attitude and perceptions of using PPE and various aspects of the working conditions. Responses to each item in the questionnaire were compared with the year of study using the Chi-Square test.Results: Among 427 dental residents, about 75.9% of participants felt that it was difficult to work with PPE for an extended period. Almost 89.2% of respondents expressed their visibility being hampered. However, residents from all three years were unaware if disinfection of gowns was required before doffing the PPE.Conclusions: The majority of residents demonstrated reasonable levels of practice and responded to questions regarding their attitudes toward PPE. This survey emphasizes that it is crucial to incorporate recurring training programs about isolation precautions into the residency and pre-doctoral curriculum to keep up with the constantly changing trends in infectious diseases, especially after the pandemic in 2020.


The Effects of Migration and Conflicts between Herders and Farmers on Milk Production in Southwestern Nigeria

E O A Ajani1, A Ayandiji2, Y L S Ayuba1, F Oyekan1, O Olaniyi3, O O Ogunmola2 and O Lateju1


One of the perennial issues in Nigeria’s Agricultural sector is the tension between Nigeria’s pastoralist herders and the settled indigenous farmers. These tensions have intensified in the country in recent years, particularly with the heightened insecurity in Northern Nigeria, dwindling natural resources, and unavailability of enough grazing land; all contribute to the migration of the herders from the Northern part of Nigeria to other parts of the country. Thus, with a focus on the effects of migration and the herders-farmers clashes on milk production, our team interacted with farmers and herders in selected communities in South-western Nigeria in Ondo, Osun, and Oyo States. The methodology for data gathering included- descriptive research, field survey, qualitative interviewing, and the use of relevant journal articles. The major findings indicated that the herders migrate primarily for cattle grazing, sometimes this grazing encroach on farmlands, and causes the conflicts with farmers. The major effects on the cattle include low dairy production due to stress, soft tissue injuries, attacks from reptiles and farmers, cow disease and sometimes, death of weak cattle. This study recommends the need for nomadic education, ranching of cattle, cattle health policies, and adequate cattle grazing systems as obtainable in civilised societies.


Morality and Identity in Conflict: An Analysis of Kashmiri Youths' Ideological Beliefs and Cultural Influences on Integration with India

Vibhanshu Verma, Dr. Shail Shankar, Dr. Amruth N.V., Dr.Nandita Chaube


The present paper intends to examine the nature and process of ideological beliefs and morality of individuals born and raised in one of the conflicted zones of the Indian territory and tries to uproot its psychic and cultural relationship. The work is oriented towards studying the morality of the masses to discern its influence on moral reasoning at the individual level, justifying or defending their stand towards the decision to integrate with India. The work adopts a top-down approach to analyse semi-structured interviews of five Kashmiri youths. It attempts to provide a new perspective for understanding the Kashmir conflict by analysing it as a collision of two opposing moral forces and the role of culture in contriving the contradiction. 


Periodontitis - A Part of Aging or a Consequence?

Dr. Diya G. Kamath, Dr. Deepa G. Kamath,* Dr. Nishmitha D. Shetty, Dr. Sanidhya S.


One of the most common chronic illnesses in the world, periodontitis spreads more readily as people age and is a key factor contributing to tooth loss. The relationship between frailty and periodontal disease has been linked to co-morbid systemic disorders, impaired physical functioning, and restricted capacity for self-care in elderly adults with frailty. Additionally, inflammatory dysregulation along with additional age-associated physiological modifications show substantial connections with both ageing and periodontal disease. The review aims to understand the relationship between geriatric periodontal health, changing periodontium, their interactions, pathology, clinical characteristics, and the specific treatment needed for elderly patients.


Dolmens in India: Megalithic Monuments

Dr. Shuchi Srivastava


Dolmen, a table like structure consisting of three or more upright stones supporting a large flat horizontal capstone, is one of various types of megalithic monuments found in various parts of India. As these structures hold cultural significance as tangible remnants of ancient civilizations and their burial customs, solike other archaeological sites, Dolmens require conservation efforts to protect them from natural degradation, vandalism and urbanization. The present review article is an attempt to provide the detailed information regarding various dimensions of Dolmens, with special reference to India, like its structure, material of construction, construction technique and form, purpose and function, distribution, relation with later architecture, living tradition and relation between past and present. The work is based on the secondary sources of the data and the description is illustrated through pencil sketches drawn by the author herself. The present study is crucial for students and other interested readers to understand the chronological, historical, cultural and social contexts of dolmen sites in India. It would also stimulate to make collaborative efforts between archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, local communities and government agencies essential for the preservation and study of these invaluable heritage sites.


Awareness of Secretaries towards Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology in the Advancement of Secretarial Profession

1Olaniyi, O. N. (Ph.D) & 2Oladeji, A. D. (Ph.D)


The study examined the awareness of secretaries towards artificial intelligence and robotic technology in the advancement of secretarial profession in Nigeria. Specifically, the study examine the level of awareness of AI and robotics technology and the influence of AI and robotics technology to the advancement secretarial profession. The descriptive research design of the survey type was used in this study. The population of the study comprised of all secretarial professional in Ekiti State. The sample for the study comprised of a total of 200 secretarial professionals selected from Ekiti State using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was used to collect the data for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that secretarial professionals were aware of Google Assistants, Siri, Chabots, Robots and Document management systems; also, the study revealed that there was significant relationship between level of awareness of AI, robotics technology and advancement of secretarial profession. There is also a joint significant influence of AI and robotic technology on the advancement of secretarial profession. The study therefore recommended that secretaries in Ekiti State should get familiar with different artificial intelligence that can help with the advancement of their profession and the government must fund training and development initiatives to provide public sector secretaries the knowledge of AI and robotics they require and an awareness of how these technologies may be used in their line of work.


Exploring the Role of Bhagavad Gita Teachings in Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

1Susmita Bhakat, 2Dr. Samapika Das Biswas


This paper explores the impact of studying and applying the principles of the Bhagavad Gita on emotional intelligence (EI) development. Emotional intelligence encompasses skills such as emotional awareness, regulation, and social skills, which are essential for personal and professional success. Drawing upon the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, this research investigates how its principles influence individuals' emotional intelligence, contributing to their overall well-being and interpersonal relationships. Through a comprehensive review of literature and empirical studies, this paper elucidates the mechanisms through which the Bhagavad Gita fosters emotional intelligence and provides insights for future research and practical applications.


Examining the Influence of Entrepreneurial Attributes on Self-reliance among Higher Education Students in Seychelles

Juliet Jackson Kakoshi1, Dr. Muraina Kamilu Olanrewaju2


The study reveals the effect of entrepreneurial attributes on self-reliance across five institutions of higher education in Seychelles. Self-Reliance is said to be the true value of education. Using Emerson’s words, “education is not about imitating others but a contribution to oneself and the society.” Education should focus more on strengthening students’ critical thinking skills and being productive while learning is a process that involves both environmental and personal experiences. Data for this study was obtained through descriptive correlation design on 294 individuals who participated in the survey, with 277 being students and 17 being lecturers and administrators. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 26) and NVivo 14 software were used to analyse quantitative and qualitative data respectively. In order to determine the statistical correlation between variables, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) method was utilised. The findings of the study indicate that Proactiveness, Creativity, and Risk-taking exert a significant influence on the development of Self-reliance. This study revealed that, students demonstrate a proactive approach but are less inclined towards creativity and risk-taking. This trend seem to be consistent among past cohorts. The aforementioned phenomenon has had a detrimental impact on students' ability to rely on themselves upon completion of their academic studies. The study posited three hypotheses demonstrating a significant positive relationship between the two variables. Further investigation is necessary to ascertain whether former students exhibit self-reliance or continue to rely on assistance from benefactors.


Comparative Assessment of Obesity Using Body Mass Index and Waist-To-Height Ratio among Freshmen Undergraduates Who Secured Admissions into a Private Tertiary Institution

Ladele Akindele Emmanuel1, Ogunkoya John Omotola2, Opadotun Oluwafemi Ayotunji3, Ezugoro Onyedikachi Chinomyerem3, Ezeugo Solomon Chimezie3, Shokunbi Oluwarotimi Olaniyi3, Olayiwola-Sadibo Deborah3, Imo Nwamarachi grace3


Background : Obesity is the accumulation of adipose tissue beyond the normal limit to the extent of affecting both physical and psychosocial health. It is now considered a pandemic with an increasing rate in adults, adolescents and children worldwide. Objective : This study aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity using various anthropometric indices among fresh-men university students in a private university. Methods : A cross-sectional pre-admission school-based questionnaire was administered to collect socio-demographic data followed by physical assessment to collect data on the weight, height, and waist circumference of the students. Results : There were 1329 male and 1428 females, giving a ratio of 0.93:1.  Most of study participants were 18 years and above (n=2554, 92.6%), with the mean age of 18.9±1.503. Majority of study subjects (n=2267, 82.2%) were in the 51-100 kg weight categories with mean weight is 69.38±17.90 kg. Also, most study participants were above 1.5m in height, with a mean height of 1.69±11.9 m. The BMI showed that among the study participants, 137 (5.0%) were underweight, 1852 (67.2%) had healthy weight, and 373 (13.5%) were overweight, while 395 (14.3%) were obese. The measured WHtR showed that 267 (9.7%) were underweight, 1984 (72.0%) had normal weights, 114 (4.1%) were overweight, while 392 (14.2) were obese. The Mean waist to height ratio was 0.45±0.07. Age and gender varied significantly with BMI (P<0.001 and p= 0.04 respectively), WC (P<0.001 and p=0.02 respectively), while age and ethnicity varied significantly with WHtR (p<0.001 and p=0.033 respectively). BMI and WHtR performed better than WC in identifying freshmen with obesity. When compared with BMI, WHtR had a sensitivity of  56.8%  and  a  specificity  of  96.2%  with  a  positive  predictive value  of  93.7.% and  a  negative  predictive  value  of  6.9%. Conclusion : This study shows that a significant number of fresh-men university students, especially females above the age of 18 years are obese. This underlines the fact that obesity is fast becoming a public health issue among adolescents and young adults in developing countries. The need for the utility of BMI, WC and WHtR in identifying individuals with obesity cannot be over emphasized.

Water Quality Assessment of Maithon Multi-Purpose Reservoir System along its Longitudinal Gradient using multivariate Statistical Methods and WQI

Priti Sagar*, Prabeer Kumar Parhi, Birendra Bharti


The reservoir water quality of Maithon reservoir was analyzed by using the method of Multivariate-statistical-techniques. Water samples were collected on bi-monthly basis from four different sampling stations along the longitudinal gradient of the reservoir by considering a time frame of 1.5 years. The output results were compared with the international and national water quality criteria. Study demonstrates the application of various statistical techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA)/ Factor Analysis (FA), Pearson Correlation Index (PCI) and Cluster Analysis (CA). PCA/FA identified five principal components (factors)in the entire dataset explaining 86.443% variance in the dataset for the Riverine-Zone (RZ), 85.589% variance for the Transition-Zone (TZ), 80.859% variance for the Lacustrine-Zone (LZ) and83.391% variance for Down-Stream(D/S) zone. The Water Quality Index (WQI)was also computed to know the overall quality of the reservoir water for various purposes (domestic purpose, industrial purpose, irrigation purpose etc.). The value of overall WQI computed was 40.22 which reveal that the reservoir water falls under good category. This study suggests the applicability and necessity of multivariate-statistical-techniques for analyzing and interpreting vast and complicated data sets, with an eye on improving the water quality and creation of monitoring networks for the efficient management of water resources.


Reconnecting to Vedic Social System: Prospects and Encounters of Vanaprastha Stage



The Varnashrama system has become a buzzword among scholars and religious institutions for revamping Vedic social life in post-modern society. How far it is relevant in post-modern culture is debatable; however, few religious movements are trying to rebuild the practice in post-modern society. One of the movements practicing the system worldwide is the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). The movement is closely identified with this practice as the organization's founder emphasizesthat its followers practice it. In this context, the present study explores the possibility of the practice in the current context. Eight senior Vanaprastha practitioners were identified using the snowball sampling method, and data was collected from them using the case study method.The analysis reveals that, despite not having many facilities to practice Vanaprastha, the followers still practice enthusiastically, managing their finances and guiding the younger generation by engaging in various spiritual activities that enable them to overcome the challenges of the elderly. Ultimately, the study suggested implementing Vanaprastha facilities and bringing spiritual culture into society.


Blended Family Functioning in Ethiopia: A Constructivist Grounded Theory

Kumneger Fikre Wolde1 & Dr. Abebaw Minaye Gezie2


Problem:The formation of blended families is mainly preceded by divorce, widowhood or romantic breakups for adults and parental separation or loss for children. As a result, the members are likely to form the new family with unsettled negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and hopelessness. This, in turn, is likely to affect the family’s normal functioning. Purpose:This study aimed at exploring the family functioning experiences of blended families and constructing a grounded theory that describes and explains those experiences. Method:The study employed constructivist grounded theory both as a method and result of inquiry. Accordingly, the study is informed by the guiding principles, data organization and analytical tools the theory provides. We conducted in-depth interview with twenty-five family members drawn from eight blended families. Result:We developed a model that depicted the major family functioning experiences of blended families in Ethiopia. The study identified functional blended family, deteriorating blended family and dysfunctional blended family as the major categories that describe the blended family context in Ethiopia. Besides, we identified the core characterizing features of each category. Conclusion: The model could be used by educationalists, social workers and psychologists as evidence to design and develop intervention strategies to improve the family functioning of blended family members in Ethiopia.  Besides, blended family researchers could use the model as a spring board to develop instruments that assess the family functioning of blended families in the context of Ethiopia.


The Socio-Economic Status and Challenges of Nomadic Changpas in Ladakh, India

Mr. Tsering Choldan, Dr. Sonam Joldan


The Changpa community, residing in the Changthang region of Ladakh, is characterized as both nomadic and semi-nomadic. Nomadic refers to their reliance on animal husbandry for sustenance, necessitating constant movement in search of fresh grazing grounds. The Changpas trace their migration back to Hor in Tibet around 800 A.D. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, they have established village administrations to address local issues independently. This paper aims to explore the social and economic aspects of the Changpa nomadic life, delving into the challenges they encounter, particularly the significant implications of border conflicts with China. The paper also suggests measures to overcome such challenges and difficulties. The research methodology employed in this paper incorporates a combination of primary and secondary sources. It encompasses data from books, journals, website, internet sources and field interviews conducted on the subject. The key outcomes of this research reveal that the socio-economic dynamics of the Changpa community distinguish them from other communities in Ladakh. The challenges they face, particularly exacerbated by occasional Chinese incursions into Indian Territory and the consequent loss of traditional pasture lands, compel them to migrate to urban areas and explore alternative sectors. Addressing these issues is not only for the residents of the nomadic Changpas but imperative for the broader national interest.


Exploration of Artificial Emotional Intelligence in Tobias S Buckell Scar Tissue

Dr. S. J. Kala, Ms. Jestila Mathew


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant innovations in technology. Among its varieties, Artificial Emotional Intelligence, also called Affective Computing (AC) is an upcoming technology that enables machines to identify human emotions, process them in a timely manner and react properly and appropriately. AI is also instrumental in providing such emotion - oriented human machine communication. AEI is mainly found in Anthropomorphic robots, text, voice chatbots, and video bots that actively demonstrate their knowledge and skills combined with emotions through the framework of Artificial Intelligence.

 An important stand of research in the field of Artificial Emotional Intelligence is how robots can respond to emotions of human beings. AEI enables robots to incorporate emotions into their interfaces through a variety of modalities like textual content, speech, video and facial expressions and react to them compatibly. A number of recent studies are conducted to make human interactions with computers and robots in a more natural and engaging way.  This paper analyses Tobias S. Buckell’s short story “Scar Tissue” from the perspective of AEI. It also highlights the life in robots and aids in understanding the appropriate emotions of robots instilled through Artificial Emotional Intelligence.


Political Culture in Contemporary India: Changes and Challenges

Nani Gopal Bhunia


In today India,it’s almost heard every day that,Indian political culture is subject to erosion.There is no ethics and principles in politics.Nepotism corruptions ,taking bribes are rampant in politics.It has become a field of earning money without any investment.Politics today seems to be a principles of an unethical practice.Indian politics now is losing its past glory and grandeur.Political leaders are constantly changing parties like the changing clothes.There is no political obligation and commitment among the leaders of the various political parties.One who today is affiliated to Left ,tomorrow is of Ram, and day after tomorrow is of another one. In this very context, in this paper, I would like to analyze and explain the political culture of Indiafollowing the method of desk research.


Investigation on Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts and Occupant Window Control in Federal Secretariat Building Asaba

Chime Charles C1., Oniovokukor Rukevwe R2


The severity of the impacts of climate change on human comfort depends upon his indoor and outdoor environment. Climate change impacts on air quality, human comfort and health. The window is an important component for a natural ventilation cooling strategy, which can control the air flow between indoors and outdoors. Good indoor air quality is important to achieve indoor comfort and health. Opening a window is the simplest way to improve indoor air quality. It is an important environmental factor that can affect occupants satisfaction and also have great potential for energy saving. The discomfort of indoor environmental condition in occupied spaces in office building has escalated due to combined effect of high solar radiation and humidity levels which is an impact from climate change. This paper reports on the investigation using questionnaire and physical measurement to analyse the adaptation to climate change impacts by occupant through window control. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test conducted at 95% confidence level showed that there was significant statistical difference between the adaptation to climate change impacts and occupant window control. The result shows that occupant windows control and adaptation is a significant adjustment method that can help occupant re-establish their comfort and reduce energy consumption especially in offices. Recommendations were made for occupants to have direct control on the indoor environment, especially by controlling the windows.


Technological Transformation in ESL Engineering Education: Exploring the Influence of Mobile Assisted Language Learning on Writing Skills Development

Swetha Tammavarapu, Tanushree Sarkar


This research investigates the transformative impact of digital tools, specifically Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), smartphones, web applications, and E-Learning Management Systems (E-LMS), on writing skills, student engagement, and collaborative learning in ESL engineering education.The study uncovers a dynamic language learning environment where students use diverse digital platforms to navigate between formal and informal language. MALL emerges as a medium, offering real-time error correction and enhancing student engagement. Smartphone integration extends learning beyond traditional boundaries, fostering positive language education spaces. A comparison between traditional and digital writing highlights the role of technology in simplifying the writing process. E-LMS, exemplified by Abhyas, encourages collaborative learning, signalling a shift toward interactive and community-driven education. As ESL engineering education advances, this research advocates for integrating these digital tools as essential components. The findings suggest a transition toward student-centric and participatory learning paradigms in digital education. This study contributes valuable insights to the evolving field of ESL engineering education, offering suggestions for educators to harness the full potential of digital tools in shaping effective language learning environments.


A Study of the Prediction Algorithm for Identifying Reports of Skin Diseases in Hyderabad

R. Sukruta1 Udaya Sri Gidigam2


Hyderabad is highly affected by climate change and is reported to be a highly prone skin disease-endemic area. This study investigates the association between skin diseases and climate factors. For selecting the best-fit climate prediction method for skin diseases occurrence in Hyderabad city, we have considered 3 different machine learning regression models namely: Poisson Distributed Lag Model [PDLM], Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model [SARIMA] and other model Standard Multiple Regression [SMR] directed toward investigate the relationship between skin diseases and climate attributes incident during the time period 2000 to 2018. We verify the models lag predicting skin diseases for the time duration of January month to December month 2019 using the MAPE. ROC curves were considered to examine the prediction rate of a skin disease outburst. The results show that relative humidity and temperature are significant parameters which promote skin diseases where there is no rainfall effect. The PDLM model presents the finest fitting prediction of skin disease occurrence and identification of an outbreak when analyzed for a 6, 9, and 12 month time. Nevertheless, the SARIMA algorithm enacts a better prediction of skin disease occurrence for a short 3 month time period. The standard multiple regressions present a high loss prediction of skin disease incidence. From our results we are encouraged to carry out an extensive analysis to validate and examine the modelwith more data in Hyderabad city and contribute in prevention and control of skin diseases at an early stage.


Interweaving Craft Traditions with/and Ecological Sustainability: A Case Study of Basketry and Material Culture in Manipur

Hemlata Oinam Devi1 and Urfat Anjem Mir2


Basketry is an essential component of craft traditionsinevery society.People in the Eastern Himalayan range use bamboo, cane, and reeds as the primary source of materials for weaving baskets. However, the communities in the lesser Himalayan ranges or Pir Panjal ranges in Jammu and Kashmir mainly use willow, bamboo, and cane or metal items for making baskets. Such differences result fromintertwining environmental conditions, locally available resources, and culture.

The use of bamboo and reeds as raw materials in basketry by the people of Manipur has its own history and everyday significance. The paper identifies objects and their utility in three broad categories: everyday purposes, occasions or rituals and ceremonies, and decorative or ornamental objects.An extended ethnographic study was conducted from 2011-12, 2018, and 2021. The use of each and every basket in relation to its social significance is discussed. The technology used to make baskets and the vocabulary used to identify and classify the baskets locally with a focus on size, function, and design are described. An interesting aspect of this study is the idea of making local resources marketable and sustainable. 


Digital Payment Systems in India: Evidence from Small Retailers in Erode District, Tamil Nadu

A. Amutha1, A. Shanpareeth2, C. Selvaraj3 & R. Rajanbabu*


The Indian economy has made significant progress in digitization over the past two decades. The demonetization in 2016 played a significant role in promoting transactions and the government has been actively encouraging people to adopt digital payment methods. The widespread availability of Smartphones and the introduction of mobile payment applications have made it easier for people to make digital transactions. For the study, the researcher has examined the growth of digital payment systems in India and considered the performance of digital payments with reference to small retailers in Erode district. The secondary data have been collected for 11 years and the primary data have been collected from the small retailers in Erode district. The Result shows that RTGS and UPI have a maximum transaction value and IMPS has a maximum growth in the study period. As many changes were made in modes of digital payments by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). User-friendly, easy transferability and convenience were the most preferred factors to choose the digital payments by the small retailers.


Greeting Pattern in Ngwa

1Bestman Esegbuyiota Odeh, 2Augustina Ngozi Eze, 3Peter Ada Achadu, 4Juliana Ginika Mamah, 5Jacinta Ukamaka Eze &6Onyema Emilian Uchechi


This study examines greeting pattern in Ngwa dialect of the Igbo language. The specific objectives are to identify the greeting pattern, find out how turn taking works in Ngwa Igbo and explores the sociolinguistic factors that influence greeting in Ngwa. The study adopts the conversational analysis as its theoretical framework for analysis with focus on the formal aspect of the theory which is concerned with how conversation works, what rules are observed, how sequencing is achieved (i.e. turn taking, pausing and interrupting). The data were collected through introspection and unstructured oral interviews. The study discovers different pattern of greeting in Ngwa ranging from time of the day greeting, farewell greeting, welcome greeting, social activity greeting, commiserative greeting and commendation greeting. The study finds out that turn taking, adjacency pairs and sequencing are core parts of Ngwa greeting that cannot be neglected. The study also discovers that sociolinguistic factors such as age, sex, level of education, norms and values, peer group and social status affect greeting in Ngwa. The study therefore recommends this study as reference material for schools and other studies for a wider knowledge of sociolinguistics.


Bangsamoro Autonomous Region: A Potential for Halal Tourism Industry in the Philippines

Raihan A. Yusoph


In numerous Muslim-majority nations, the tourism sector plays a pivotal role in driving employment and fostering economic growth. The escalating demand for halal tourism, coinciding with the annual increase in Muslim tourists, underscores the sector's prominence. Within the current interconnected global milieu, tourism has transformed into expansive industrial domains spanning both national and international spheres. The rapid growth in national and international tourism not only serves as a crucial income source for developing nations but also reshapes the global economic landscape. This study seeks to delve into the specific dynamics of the halal tourism market within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Philippines. The research questions guiding this exploration revolve around the potential and opportunities inherent in the development of halal tourism. The conceptual framing of this study encompasses an examination of the foundational concepts and principles that underpin halal tourism, providing a theoretical framework for the research. The methodology employed involves a meticulous analysis of the halal tourism market in the region, employing both qualitative approach to gain comprehensive insights. The key findings of this study illuminate the year-over-year increase in Muslim tourists, presenting a dual prospect for the tourism sector— an opportunity for growth and an associated challenge. Noteworthy initiatives taken by countries like Indonesia and Malaysia to position themselves as developed nations in the Southeast Asian region are explored, with a specific focus on how the tourism sector contributes significantly to their respective economies.Top of Form


Sustainable Architecture and the Potential of Energy Conservation of Naturally Ventilated Office

Chime Charles C.


The increasingly heavier dependence on air conditioning in office buildings is one of the key causes of climate change. This dependence increases our vulnerability to climate change, and reduces the ability to avoid the effects of global warming. The impact of air conditioning on electricity demand is a very significant issue in office buildings. The potentials of sustainable architecture through effective energy-saving design, and energy conservation such as efficient natural ventilation design. In order to encourage sustainable architecture the adoptions of energy-saving design strategies, the environmental design standards, the energy conservation standard and criteria, aiming to reduce the energy consumption in public buildings. Natural ventilation is an energy conservation method which may help reduce buildings energy consumption, improve the thermal comfort condition and maintain a healthy indoor environment. This paper applied physical measurement and questionnaire to determine the effect of sustainable architecture and the potential of energy conservation of naturally ventilation. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test conducted at 95% confidence level showed that there was significant statistical difference between the sustainable architecture and the potential of energy conservation of naturally ventilation thus: F=65.555; p=.000. The result shows that natural ventilation can provide an acceptable indoor environmental condition without air conditioning. Recommendations were made for energy saving strategies to be applied both in the design phase of a building and when renovating existing buildings to achieve energy conservation.


Synthetic Financial Datasets for Fraud Detection: Exploring Robust Models and Techniques to Tackle Cloud and Mobile Computing Challenges

Pankaj Agarwal


The key worry for several sectors, including the government and consumers is financial fraud. Cloud computing and mobile computing have created more issues recently. Conventional manual detection methods take a lot of time, are inaccurate, and can't manage massive data on their own. Hence, a variety of methods have been used to address this extremely important issue of financial fraud. Instead of being produced by actual events, "Synthetic Financial Datasets for Fraud Detection" is synthetic data that has been created. Due to the confidentiality of financial services information, it was developed utilizing the mobile money payment simulator (PaySim). Customer and fraudulent behavior are present in the data produced by the simulator. The management of this data would be difficult because of its larger magnitude. This work has addressed different types of financial frauds involved during the transactions. The exploratory data analysis is applied to explore the features. Dataset is quite huge & unbalanced to process on conventional machines and therefore various sampling techniques were explored to balance the dataset for the better results in terms of accuracy and make the data set reliable. Dataset is divided into 15 chunks with 12 chunks for training and 3 chunks for testing purpose. Various classification techniques including ensemble techniques, Ada Boost, decision tree have been applied on each of the chunk. To ensure the reliability of the model, the results were compared with ensemble technique and decision tree classifier. With feature selection & dataset balancing, the model is showing 80 percent of accuracy.


Facial Image Emotion Recognition and Detection Using Conv. Relu Features Extraction and ANN Classification Deep Learning Model

D. O. Njoku1, J. N. Odii2, E. C. Nwokorie3, C.G. Onukwugha4, J. E. Jibiri5 & Mark P. Mcwilliams6


Facial image emotion recognition detection is an increasingly important area of research in computer vision and artificial intelligence. The development of deep learning models has provided significant improvement accuracy and reliability of the system. Model was trained with a total 2,489,095 parameters, with 35,887 images with 100 epoches. The deep learning model applied Conv.Relu features extraction and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques Convolutional Neural Network (CN)  classification, the model generated an accuracy of 76.83% on the training datatset and 65.38% on the validation dataset, the model was performs well but it still overfifed as at training accuracy was at 65%.Seven emotions such happy, sad, neutral, disgust, surprise and fear where evaluated using precision, recall and f-score of 0.26 while the disgust emotion has the worst precision, recall and f-score of 0.01.


Enhancing textile water Decolorization efficiency: Insights from response surface quadratic modelling

Meenachi S1*; Kandasamy S2;Kiruthika K1; Malarvizhi M1


Nowadays, textile industries provide larger employers with few required special skills, which shows that it is one of the important industries with major economic role in many countries, which utilizes large amount of water and various chemicals. Like a coin with two sides, the waste water produced from those industries produce large amount of pollutants, which harmful for human and environment. By Photocatalytic method, organic and inorganic pollutants oxidised rapidly, show attractive field of technic for waste water treatment and water purification. An experimental setup consist of a closed box contains UV lamp surrounding aluminium foil is made. Under UV lamp, the synthetic sample is made and treated for four hours in the experimental setup containing TiO2 and TiO2-Cu doped catalyst. The background on these technologies as well as the theoryfor enhanced oxidation technology by photocatalysis. This paper specifically give attention on Photocatalytic semiconductor TiO2and the recentlymodified TiO2photocatalysts and its modification, including the addition of TiO2 withmetal cupper metal powder, for variety of morphologies of TiO2 physical modification, which enhance Photocatalytic activity for oxidation process in advance.


QSPR Study of Alkylbenzenes using Principal Component Regression Analysis

Aditya Pegu1*, Monjit Chamua2, Sumanta Borah3 and A Bharali4


The QSPR, which connects structural features to physicochemical properties, is a useful part of drug design and discovery. The ultimate goal of the QSPR formulation is to develop mathematical models that estimate the physicochemical properties of molecular structures.There are over 3000 Topological indices (TIs) in the literature, therefore one must decide how to pick those that best describe the physicochemical property being studied. And in a regression equation inclusion of large number of TIs may increases the fit but the predictive ability of the developed model will face a substantial decrease due to their multicollinearity. Applying principal component analysis is the best method as they will reduce the dimension without losing the original data of the indices. Also, it eliminates the problems of multicollinearity among the indices and hence provides a good predictive model. In this article we have considered 37 degree-based and neighborhood degree-based topological indices to predict the physicochemical properties of 42 alkyl benzenes such as boiling point, critical pressure, critical volume and critical temperature using multilinear regression analysis. Also, we use principal component analysis to reduce the dimension and to overcome the multicollinearity among the indices.


Non-clinical Safety and Toxicological Evaluation of Rhizophora mucronata Methanol Extract

Syamimi Khalid1,2,*, Sarifah Rejab1, Ahmad Hazri Ab. Rashid1, Noor Rabihah Aid1, Roslan Sulaiman2


This study assessed Sabah Mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata leave extract (RMLE) non-clinical safety and pharmacokinetic. APC/YMC count and AMES test, Acute Oral Toxicity, Sub-acute Toxicity, and RMLE Reproductive Toxicity Profiling are evaluated. RMLE's agar plate and heavy metal assay showed that bacteria andfungi, were below the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB) limit. RMLE's antimutagenic properties were tested in AMES experiment employing S. typhimurium TA98. Dose finding test (DFT) plates show no toxicity (growth suppression) for all dosages from 5000 to 313 μg/plate, with and without metabolic activation, for all five tester strains

In acute toxicity study in Sprague dawley rats, single oral dosages of RMLE (2,000 mg/kg) did not cause mortality or behavioural abnormalities. In subacute toxicity trials, RMLE (1,000 mg/kg) for 28 days did not affect body weight increase or behaviour. Hematological and biochemical markers remained unchanged. Histopathology indicated no morphological abnormalities. These findings show that RMLE is safe for medical use.


Association of Corona virus Disease (COVID 19) with Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes

Dr.Chevagoni Suresh1, Dr.Sachin S B 2,Dr.Sahadevan Vijay3 ,Dr.Vignesh.J4


Background & Objective : Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may increase the risk of acute ischemic stroke similar to the increased risk of 3.2-fold to 7.8-fold seen within the first 3 days after other respiratory tract infections. The purpose of the study is to study the association of COVID 19 and stroke subtypes in patient presenting with acute neurologic symptoms. Materials and Methods : This study was designed as an Observational case control study from January 2021 to March 2022. Demographic data, COVID-19 status, stroke-related risk factors, and clinical and imaging findings pertaining to stroke were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to evaluate the association between COVID-19 and stroke subtypes., Results : In the COVID-19 group, the NIH stroke scale score was found as 9.2 and in the control group the score was found as 7.9. The diagnostic variables such as acute ischemic infract, large vessel occlusions, Middle cerebral artery segments M1 and M2, Anterior cerebral artery segments A1 and A2, and Posterior cerebral artery segments P1 and P2 were evaluated. Out of the 50 patients included in the study, 23 patients (46%) had acute ischemic infract, followed by large vessel occlusions with 10 patients (40%), Anterior cerebral artery segments A1 and A2 with 3 patients (6%) and both Middle cerebral artery segments M1 and M2 as well as Posterior cerebral artery segments P1 and P2 with 2 patients each (4% each).Interpretation and Conclusions: COVID-19 is associated with LVO strokes but not with SVO strokes. Patients with COVID-19 presenting with acute neurologic symptoms warrant a lower threshold for suspicion of large vessel stroke, and prompt workup for large vessel stroke is recommended.


Voices of Liberation: The Journey to the Self through Dialogue Involga's the Liberation of Sita

Sneha. K.V


The turn of the 21st century has marked a significant shift in the narrative landscape of Indian epics, ushering in an era where stories are being reimagined from perspectives that challenge long-standing patriarchal interpretations. This wave of revisionist storytelling seeks to amplify the voices of characters who have historically been marginalized on the basis of gender, class, and community. Among the most striking instances of this movement is the recontextualization of Sita, a central figure in the Ramayana, whose traditional portrayal has largely been confined to the parameters of female chastity and virtue. Volga's The Liberation of Sita emerges as a seminal work in this domain, transcending the boundaries of feminist revisionist mythology to fundamentally redefine the narrative identity of its protagonist. Rather than perpetuating the image of Sita as a victim of patriarchal constructs, Volga's narrative celebrates her journey towards liberation and self-realization.  This paper explores the transformation of Sita from a character bound by societal expectations and moral trials to one who embodies the essence of pure consciousness. Volga's narrative strategy employs a gynocentric approach that not only contests the master narrative of the Ramayana but also endeavours to decenter established patriarchal ideologies. By focusing on the dialogic encounters between Sita and other marginalized female figures within the epic, including Shurpanakha, Ahalya, Renuka Devi, and Urmila, the text opens up spaces for these submerged voices to reflect upon their lives and experiences, thereby facilitating a collective journey towards empowerment and self-discovery. The study delves into the mechanisms through which dialogue and relational encounters serve as catalysts for Sita's evolving self-perception and her eventual attainment of liberation. It argues that through her interactions with these women, Sita is able to transcend the victimhood imposed upon her by traditional narratives and redefine her identity on her own terms. This process is emblematic of a broader quest for self-definition and autonomy that resonates with contemporary feminist discourses on agency, voice, and liberation. Furthermore, the paper situates The Liberation of Sita within the broader context of feminist revisionist mythologies, examining how Volga's work contributes to the ongoing critique of patriarchal narratives and the construction of alternative female histories. By reimagining Sita's journey as one of self-liberation rather than passive endurance, Volga challenges readers to reconsider the roles and representations of women in myth and society. In conclusion, The Liberation of Sita not only serves as a poignant critique of the traditional portrayal of female characters in Indian epics but also as a beacon of inspiration for the reclamation of agency and the pursuit of self-determination. Through its exploration of dialogue as a means of self-discovery and liberation, this paper highlights the transformative power of narrative in challenging and reshaping societal constructs, offering new pathways for understanding and empowerment.


Institutional Support, Psychological Adjustment, and School Competence: The Mediating Role of Social Capital among Disadvantaged Adolescents

Simachew Ayalew 12*& Tamirie Andualem1


Objective: Adolescence, a turbulent time marked by stress and rapid changes, making teenagers more susceptible to psychological issues. Socioeconomic factors, particularly poverty, further exacerbate these problems. Conversely, most African societies, including Ethiopia, have a potential untapped social capital resources rooted in socio-cultural values and norms that can be used to care and support vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of the society. Thus, this article aims to uncover the contributions of such resources and institutional support for the psychological adjustment and school competence of disadvantaged adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Method: SEM based structural path analysis was employed to test the possible direct and indirect effects. Results: The study found significant correlations between variables, explaining 37% and 61% of the variance in psychological adjustment and school competence respectively. Path analysis showed significant direct and indirect effects, revealing that institutional support indirectly affects psychological adjustment and school competence through family and peer social capital. Institutional support improves psychological adjustment by fostering family social capital resources, but it exacerbates problem behaviors and lowers adolescent psychological adjustment through peer influence. It also positively impacts adolescents' school competence by enhancing peer social capital resources. Conclusion: The results suggested that institutional support has an essential indirect influence on the psychological adjustment and school competence of disadvantaged adolescents through social capital variables. Thus, future studies are needed to fully understand the role different social contexts and social support in protecting and improving the wellbeing of vulnerable children and adolescents in Ethiopia.


Assessing the Impact of Consumer Credit in the Growth of Nigerian Economy

1Prof Kenneth Amechi, Ife, 2Blessing Chineme, Okoro (Ph.D)


The paper evaluates the impact of consumer credit in the growth of Nigerian Economy.Having credit enables consumers to buy goods or assets without having to pay for them in cash at the time of purchase.The study examines how consumer credit affects economic growth, along with control variables such as, cooperative loan, banks' credit to the private sector, exchange rate, and inflation in Nigeria by applying the Non-Linear co-integration test technique advanced by (Shin, Yu & Greenwood-Nimmo, 2023). The time-series data were obtained from the World Bank (2024) and Central Bank of Nigeria (2024) bulletins. The study period was 2000 - 2024 and was motivated by the availability of data.  Quantitative method is selected to perform the study. The data obtained in the study is from primary data and secondary data. As for the research strategy, survey is chosen, and a structured questionnaire is used to conduct the survey. In data analysis, there are pilot test, Cronbach’s alpha, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and SPSS used to accomplish research aim and interpret results of the study. The magnitude of consumer credit in the Nigerian economy has not yet been accurately assessed owing to the difficulty encountered by the Research Department of the Central Bank in collecting the statistics. This survey, as already stated, is based upon data from thirteen companies, including three finance houses. Inflation and exchange rate depreciation have negative effects on manufacturing output growth in both short run and long run. To boost output growth in the real sector, more bank credit should be made available to the real sector especially the manufacturing sector. Also, inflation should be kept low while the value of the domestic currency should be strengthened.Using the error correction modeling techniques, the results show that bank credit has significant impact on Nigerian Economy both in the short run and long run.

Development and Validation of the Singing Performance Scale: Unraveling the Influence of Stress and Learning Motivation in Non-Music Major Students

Qi He, Sri Azra Attan


This study investigates the relationship between psychological stress, physiological stress, self-efficacy, learning motivation, and singing performance among non-music major university students. The primary aim is to understand how these variables interact and influence each other within the context of musical education. Grounded in theoretical frameworks of self-efficacy theory, social cognitive theory, and self-determination theory, the research examines the mediating role of self-efficacy and learning motivation in the relationship between stress and singing performance.A sample of 32 participants was recruited using cluster sampling techniques, with data collected through a comprehensive questionnaire comprising validated scales adapted from existing literature. The analysis involved reliability testing using Cronbach's alpha, as well as convergent and discriminant validity analyses to ensure the robustness of the measurement scales.The results indicate strong reliability across all constructs, with Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranging from 0.78 to 0.97. Convergent validity analysis reveals high correlations between items within the same construct, while discriminant validity analysis demonstrates low correlations between items measuring different constructs, supporting the validity of the measurement scales.The findings suggest a direct negative relationship between psychological stress and singing performance, as well as between psychological stress and self-efficacy, indicating that higher stress levels lead to decreased performance and self-doubt. Moreover, psychological stress was found to diminish learning motivation, hindering students' enthusiasm for learning and practicing.Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of the complex interplay between stress, self-efficacy, motivation, and performance in non-music major university students. By elucidating these relationships, the findings have implications for educational interventions aimed at reducing stress and enhancing performance outcomes in musical education contexts.


Potential Effect of Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) Implementation on the Staff Payment System: An Insight into the Nigerian Health Sector

1Okoroiwu Kemdi lugard, 2Nwariaku Ihechiluru Samuel, 3Okafor Victor Ikechukwu (Ph.D), 4Obianuju Charity Anosike


The study assessed potential effect of integrated payroll and personnel information system (IPPIS) on the staff payment system in the Nigerian health sector. The study used questionnaire to generate its data. The population of the study comprised only three out of six (6) federal hospitals located in the south-East part of Nigeria, namely; University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Enugu state with 4,500 staff, Federal Medical Centre, Owerri   Imo state with 3,000 staff and Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, Abia state with 3,500 staff, making it total population of 11,000.  Two research objectives were employed in this study; (a) to ascertain the extent to which  implementation of  IPPIS has promoted regular payment of salaries (b)to determine the extent to which implementation of IPPIS has ensured total payroll inclusion of all staff. Two (2) hypotheses were tested in line with the objectives.  The sample size was determined at 1,079 (367, 353 and 359) respectively for UNTH, FMC, Owerri and FMC, Umuahia by applying Taro Yamani. The data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics and Kruskal-Wallis was used at an alpha level of 0.05.While Duncan post-hoc test was used in cases of difference. The study revealed that IPPIS implementation in the Nigerian health sector has actually promoted regular and prompt payment of salary and ensured inclusion of all staff in the payroll system. The study recommended that the Federal Government of Nigeria should only implement IPPIS in its MDA’s where IPPIS can effectively and efficiently work and also by putting into consideration the peculiarities of such MDA.


A Pragma-Dialectic Study of the Presidential #EndSARS Address in Nigeria

Jacinta, UkamakaEze, Juliana Ginika Mamah, Peter Ada Achadu, Aruah Virginus Onyebuchi, Okey-Agbo Jacinta Ndidi


Problem: From the result of #EndSARS, street protest should not be the option because of its impotency as a corrective measure in Nigeria political context.  So, this study investigates the argumentation processes involved in the Presidential #EndSARS address in 2020. The main thrusts of the study are to identify the audiences to the address, their commitments, the standpoint of the arguer, and explore the use of strategic maneuvering to accommodate multiple audiences in the speech. Method: The study sourced its data from the internet which is the full text of the Presidential speech on #EndSARS protest. Using the pragma-dialectic approach to argumentative theory, the study observes that the main standpoint in the speech is for the protest to discontinue. The study highlights audiences which include the hoodlums who misdirected the protest, the protesting youths, the Nigerians, international communities, the security agencies, and the traditional and religious leaders.Conclusion: It is also discovered that in persuading the audiences on the need to discontinue the protest, Mr. President seized the opportunity excessively to defend the position of his administration on the issue of maintaining peace and order in the country

A Comprehensive Analysis of Gandhiji"s Contribution to India's Press Freedom Movement

Nandini Chakraborty


Gandhiji was a great Journalist and was a pioneer to free press concept. His contribution in struggle for freedom of speech and expression was never to be forgotten. He launched a weekly newspaper, Indian Opinion, in South Africa. After he returned to India, published Navajivan, Harijan and Young India. He made an arena of mass communication; and created a platform for free press movement in India. Gandhiji said that, one of the objects of a newspaper is-"to fearlessly espouse popular defects”. He wanted to flourish regional media too and always inspired other Journalists to write in regional languages.


Harmonic Segregation: Exploring the Boundaries of Music Source Separation

Keerthy R, Sindhu S


Music Source Separation (MSS) is a pivotal com- ponent of audio signal processing, committed to disentangling and separating individual sound sources from complicated audio combos. This paper provides an excellent method for music source separation by leveraging preprocessing strategies and data augmentation strategies such as time-stretching, pitch- shifting, background noise addition, and reverberation, our system enriches the training dataset for improved accuracy. The method employs Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to decipher temporal dependencies and are to extract individual components from combined audio spectrograms. Guided by way of evaluation metrics such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), this methodology achieves great precision. This paper’s findings signify improvements in audio sign processing, showcasing practical applications in numerous domains by disentangling complex audio combos to extract clearer and distinct sound sources

Association of Views about Marriage with Marital Satisfaction in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Shimelis Wondimua & Tamirie Andualemb


Introduction: Despite numerous studies on marriage, there is still a lack of research focusing on the relationship between views about marriage and marital satisfaction, highlighting a knowledge gap in this field. Objective: The aimed to investigate the relationship between views about marriage and marital satisfaction. Methods: This study a correlational design. A total of 187 participants were selected using a random sampling technique. Self-report data were collected using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed using hierarchical multiple linear regression techniques. Results: Findings showed that views on marriage (i.e., marital context, marital process, marital permanence, and marital salience) were positively associated with marital satisfaction. The study also revealed that marital salience and marital permanence positively predict marital satisfaction. This study has marital implications. Conclusion:The study concludes that one's views on marriage, particularly the permanence of marriage and its importance, play a crucial role in enhancing marital satisfaction. Limitations and future directions were also discussed.


A Comprehensive Review: CRISPR-Cas9 and dCas9 Strategies in Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus

Chandran Preethi1; Shubha Gopal2*


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) presents a significant challenge in healthcare due to its resistance to multiple antibiotics.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant global health threat, necessitating innovative strategies for combating resistant pathogens. The advent of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats- CRISPR associated protein 9 (CRISPR-Cas9) and deactivated/dead Cas9 (dCas9) technologies has opened up new avenues for precision genome editing and transcriptional regulation, offering promising strategies for controlling AMR.CRISPR-Cas9 through it’s precise genome editing capabilities, allow for targeted disruption of essential genes in MRSA, potentially reversing antibiotic resistance or inhibiting virulence factors. Moreover, the use of deactivated Cas9 (dCas9) fused with regulatory domains enables targeted transcriptional regulation, offering a promising avenue for controlling gene expression in MRSA. This comprehensive review explores the future prospects of CRISPR-Cas9 and dCas9 in addressing AMR, focusing on their potential applications in MRSA and general pathogens. We discuss the utility of CRISPR-based technologies in targeted gene editing for reversing antimicrobial resistance, the development of novel antimicrobials, precision antibiotic sensitization, surveillance and diagnostics. This review discusses recent advancements, challenges, and future prospects of utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 and dCas9 in combating MRSA infections.



L -Arginase: An Enzyme of Therapeutic and Biomedical Importance

Akanksha Khare & Richa Jain*


L-Ornithine plays an important role in cell proliferation, collagen formation, and other physiological functions. It is an excellent nutritional supplement for bodybuilders and sportsmen. Because of its several functions in health care, l-ornithine has a substantial global market; thus, a simple, efficient, and energy-saving technique for producing l-ornithine is required. Currently, several studies exploit arginase as an efficient catalyst for the sustainable synthesis of L-ornithine. Arginase cleaves L-arginine to form L-ornithine and urea and acts as a committed step in the urea cycle. It was also studied as an arginine-reducing agent to treat arginase deficiency and to treat arginine auxotrophic tumors. Many studies have been reported for the production of L-ornithine by microbial arginases, but the isolation of arginase from low-cost materials like plant biomass is still a field of study. This review focuses on the production of arginase from potent microbial strains for the cost-effective production of ornithine and the study of its therapeutic applications and emphasizes the development of robust microbial strains with high stability and productivity.


Social Media Communications and National Security: A Study of the EndSARS Saga in Nigeria

Paul Martins Obayi (Prof.)1, Chidiebere Faith Njoku2; Emeka Williams Etumnu3 Alexander Chima Onyebuchi (PhD)4; Ifeanyi Luke Anorue (Prof.)5


Social media communicates information quicker than any other medium, resulting in all kinds of content reaching massive audiences, including news, false statements, images, disinformation, and hate speech. Since its inception as an online communication medium that provides audiences with information, education, and entertainment, among others, social media has been a resource to humanity with far-reaching beneficial advantages for the entire globe. The study examined the implications of social media communications on national security, with a focus on EndSARS-related communications on social media. The survey research design was used in the study. The sample procedures used in this study were purposive and simple random sampling. A sample size of 385 was drawn from the population using the Cochran sample determining method. The study sample consisted of 385 participants (161 males and 224 females) from the five states in Southeast Nigeria. The research questions were answered using the mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested using a t-test and an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that the audience to a high extent participated in social media communications during the EndSARS saga in Nigeria; EndSARS communications on social media had a negative influence on Nigeria's security, posed threats to citizens’ lives and properties, degraded national unity and peaceful co-existence, triggered chaos in Nigeria, and created a dichotomy among Nigerian youths. Some of the factors that contributed to the level of influence of EndSARS social media communications on national security include the participation of reputable personalities and celebrities, the display of inciting images, exaggerations, and hate speech.

Speech-to-Speech Translation with Lip-Synchronization

Soujanya B K, Abhishek U Gaonkar, Chandan N, Sumeet Chavan


This innovative project introduces a comprehensive system for multilingual video dubbing, with a primary focus on enhancing accessibility for individuals with limited literacy seeking content in their native language. The workflow commences with a Speech-to-Text module, meticulously transcribing English speech into written text, serving as a foundational step to bridge the auditory and textual components. The Neural Machine Translation (NMT) module then takes precedence, utilizing advanced neural network architectures to translate transcribed English text into the desired target language. Going beyond traditional translation, the system aims to capture linguistic nuances and cultural sensitivities, ensuring anaccuratere presentation of the original content. Advancing through the workflow, the Text-to-Speech modulere fines the translated content, optimizing it for synthesis into the desired language to provide a natural and expressive spoken output, thereby enhancing overall accessibility. Differentiating our project is the incorporation of the Lip GAN Visual Module, leveraging advanced techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)to generate lifelike lip movements synchronized seamlessly with the translated speech. This visual enhancement introduces a unique and immersive aspect to the viewing experience, catering to a diverse audience, particularly those with limited literacy.



The Comparison of Ovarian Function After Hysterectomy with and Without Salpingectomy

Dr. Palla Prapooja Reddy1,Dr. Yagnaswetha Unnam2, Dr. Geetha K3


Background: Ovaries are removed in variety of pathological conditions either alone or during hysterectomy or salpingectomy. So the present study was done to assess the ovarian functions in patients after hysterectomy with or without salpingectomy by using markers like sex hormones like estradiol, FSH, AMH. Aim: The comparison of ovarian function after hysterectomy with and without salpingectomy. Methodology: A Cohort study was done on 60 patients who admitted to gynecology ward, Vinayaka mission’s medical college, karaikal for a duration of 18 months. Females of age 30-50 years, whose USG does not show any ovarian pathologies and hysterectomy indicated for uterine pathologies with normal ovaries were included in the study. Females with ovarian dysfunction, incidental ovarian pathology findings intra-operatively H/E revealed malignancy were excluded from the study. Investigations namely S.AMH, FSH, Estradiol on day 3 of menstrual cycle Patients who undergoes hysterectomy with salpingectomy are divided in one group and without salpingectomy in other group. Investigations namely S.AMH FSH, Estradiol done at end of 1st and 3rd month postoperatively for both groups. Conclusion: Ovarian function is not affected by bilateral prophylactic salpingectomy in reproductive age women who underwent hysterectomy in our study. However further studies are needed to observe whether salpingectomy is effective and risk preventing choice of ovarian cancer in future


Self Nanoemulsion Drug Delivery System: An Emerging Approach for Deliver of Hydrophobic Drug

Prevesh Kumar1, Mohd Zafar2*, Diksha1, Vishal M. Balaramnavar3, Navneet Verma1, Manish Kumar Saxena4



One of the characteristics that self- nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) are categorized based on is the size of the droplets that are produced after dispersion. One characteristic of Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS) is a droplet. Self-Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems have droplet sizes of less than 100 nm, although their dispersion sizes range from 100 to 250 nm. Isotropic mixtures of natural or synthetic oils, surfactants, and cosurfactants, known as SNEDDS, have the rare ability to produce fine oil in water (O/W) nano-emulsions with a diameter of less than 100 nm when diluted with water and gently swirled. An SNEDDS formulation can be optimized by phase diagram techniques or statistical design of experiments. SNEDDS improves the oral bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs in a variety of ways. The final formulation's average globule size, dispersibility study, and Polydispersibility Index (PDI) were all examined. The globule size of the optimized system will be less than 100 nm, perhaps falling below the range of tolerable nanoemulsions.


Orbital Castleman Disease: Rare Case

Raudatul Janah1, Angga Kartiwa2



Castleman's disease is a lymphoproliferative disease of the lymph node follicles known as angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia. Introduced by Dr. Benjamin Castleman in 1956. Tree type of histopathology Castleman Disease Hyaline is Vascular Cell, Plasma Cell and Mix type. The incidence of orbital cavities is very rare, with less than 17 case reports in the world. The cause is unknown, it resembles other tumors. Herein, we reported a case of orbital Castleman’s disease followed by reviewing the literature to provide an optimal diagnostic approach

Co-Curricular Programs and Students Inter-Ethnic Relations: The Case of Selected Public Universities in Ethiopia

Messash Kassaye , Habtamu Wondimu , Dessu Wirtu



This study aimed to examine the contribution of co-curricular programs [CoCPs] to peaceful inter-ethnic relations [IER] of students in Addis Ababa University [AAU], Ambo University [AU] and University of Gondar [UoG]. To this end, mixed research design was employed. Primary sources of data were 150 students for quantitative study and 24 students who are members and non-members of Peace Club, six instructors and six management personnel for qualitative study. Four research questions were set to guide this research. Data gathered through questionnaire and semi-structured interview were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics and thematic analysis. The findings typically show inter-ethnic contact though Peace Club (one of the co-curricular platforms) engagement was found to be a contributory factor for positive IER of students. Statistically, inter-ethnic contact through participation in Peace Clubs accounts for about 40.1% of the variation in students' IER. However, there were gaps on having equality of status among members, regularity of activities, setting suitable settings for dialogues and institutional support to make clubs productive and impactful. It was recommended therefore, the Federal Ministry of Education [MoE] should focus on conducting a national study of wider scope on the subject, and it should create Inter-Ethnic and Co-curricular Policy to so as to systematically manage CoCPs particularly Peace Clubs in a way they can contribute for positive IER of students.


Perception of School Personnel towards Implementation and Enforcement of Tobacco Control Policies and Tobacco Curriculum in Schools in Bangalore- A Cross-Sectional Study

Dr. Devi Rajkumari Surbala Dr. MY Jayachandra Dr. Bhat Padma K Dr. SG Sushma Dr. Byakod Abhilasha S Dr. Sandeep Kashyap



 Non-smoking school personnel and schools that have Tobacco-free school environment provide Positive role models for children and young people to have awareness about tobacco use. This report features availability of tobacco control teaching materials and training, and school anti-tobacco policies implementation in schools.Methods- Cross sectional study was carried out for over a period of six months .Stratified cluster sampling technique was done to include the Government Kannada medium schools and English medium schools in Bangalore south. The data collection was done using GSPS questionnaire (WHO FCTC Tobacco control). Chi square test and Fisher’s Exact Test was used to demonstrate cross tabulation with confidence intervals. Significance levels of 0.05 were considered for statistical analyses. Results- About 86.5% of English medium and 95.5% of Kannada medium school personnel indicated schools should have a policy or rule specifically prohibiting tobacco use among school personnel on school premises/property. More than 80.9% of English medium and 87.7% of Kannada medium school personnel agreed that tobacco product advertising should be completely banned. Majority of 71.9% of both English medium and 53.7% of Kannada medium school personnel said that there were no non-classroom programs or activities (such as an assembly) used to teach tobacco use prevention to students in the school. Conclusion- The findings of this study has implications for future tobacco prevention strategies in schools with strict smoking policies among young adults, school personnel and around school premises where it might provide support to establish smokefree schools.


Unlocking Competitive Advantage: Exploring the Influence of Shared Value Creation and Social Responsibility Practices on Competitive Advantage

Bekan SerbessaWaktola1, Professor Manjit Singh2, Dr.Sandeep Singh3


Abstract : Today, companies are expected to improve their economic benefits and social value and contribute to society. Due to this tendency, businesses now employ various strategies to satisfy their stakeholders while balancing their social and business objectives. This study focused on how the banks integrate their business activity with the welfare of people and the environment from a shared value creation and social responsibility perceptive. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of shared value creation and social responsibility on competitive advantage. This study was conducted on two selected commercials in Ethiopia. The target group of this study was customers selected from commercial banks in Ethiopia. The survey was distributed to 463 respondents from selected commercial banks in Ethiopia. A convenience sampling method was used to select the respondents. The data were analyzed by using the Structural Equation Model (SME). The outcomes of this study show that the practice of shared value creation contributes to increasing the competitive performance of the banks. Implementing shared value-creation practices directly and positively affects the bank's competitive advantage. On the other hand, the bank's social responsibility practices contribute to gaining a competitive advantage. The key contribution of this study is the empirical verification of the competitive advantage achieved by companies that apply shared value-creation and social responsibility practices

A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Ethical Legal Issues among Staff Nurses Working In Hospitals, Mangalore

Ms. Taniya Thankachan, Ms.Sruthy Saji, Mr.Muhammed Suhail, Muhammed Siyaad1, Mr. Melvin Jacob2, Mr.Sreekanth P S3


Abstract: Background:Ethics, often known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that examines moral questions, such as the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, virtue, and justice. Ethics consists of two things. First, when we talk about ethics, we're talking about firmly established standards of what is morally right and bad. These laws typically refer to rights, duties, and advantages for society, justice, or particular qualities. A typical characteristic of an ethical dilemma is the seeming conflict between two moral obligations, whereby abiding by one would imply violating the other. Staff nurses make moral decisions every day. The ethical rights of their patients must be respected in these circumstances, and nurses must know how to address them without compromising their own moral principles.Materials and methods: A descriptive study was conducted among 112 staff nurses. Subject was selected using purposive sampling techniques. The information was collected using a demographic Proforma and a self - administered questionnaire. The overall knowledge among ethical legal issues was graded as very good, good, average, poor.Results:The highest percentages (62.5%) of the respondents were in the age of 20-25 years, most (87.5%) of the samples were females. 27. 7% samples working in surgical departments and majority (66.1%) had 0-2 years work experience. Majority (54.5%) of the staff nurses had good knowledge in ethical – legal issues. The mean knowledge score was 15 ± 3.54 Mean percentages was 65.  Significant association found between knowledge and gender (p= 0.04) and year of experience (p= 0.02).Conclusion: The ethical behavior of healthcare workers has become a subject of significant public concern. This study proved that most of the staff nurses have good knowledge regarding ethical legal issues


Impact of Advanced Manufacturing Technology tool in Manufacturing Industry of Northern India-Reflective Practices

*Satnam Singh Kailey, **Talwinder Singh Bedi



Nowadays, every industry is focusing on high quality product for meeting customer demand. In competitive world, manufacturers are looking for high quality product for enhanced competitiveness. The survey followed by case studied has been performed to assess the effectiveness of questionnaire prepared from literature survey. This study has been carried out in the manufacturing industry of Northern India in order to reduce the rejections of the critical product under study using AMTs tool viz. SPC (Statistical Process Control) and analyzing different success factors, and benefits of AMTs using questionnaire survey. Z-test shows how AMT tool is helpful in improving the quality of the product and gain different benefits. Ranking of the different success factors is done by fuzzy AHP method. A thorough study of existing process revealed that the organization is facing the problem of rejection in Arm Chain Tensioner due to wearing of locating plate in the company under study. Results indicate reduction of rejection rate from 5% to .51% which leads to the net savings of rupees 45090.


Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Psoriasis: A Comprehensive Review

Dr.Pushpendra Singh Dr.Praveen Kumar Rathore Dr.Saurabh Dr.Akanksha Singh



Background:Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory skin disorder characterized by erythematous plaques with silver scales. Recent years have witnessed significant advancements in understanding its pathogenesis and developing novel therapeutic approaches. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in the diagnosis and management of psoriasis. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using electronic databases to identify relevant studies published in peer-reviewed journals. Articles focusing on diagnostic modalities, conventional treatments, biologic therapies, and emerging treatment strategies for psoriasis were included. The retrieved literature was critically analyzed to synthesize key findings and present a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in the field. Results: Accurate diagnosis is fundamental for effective management of psoriasis. Clinical presentation, histopathology, imaging techniques, and genetic testing serve as diagnostic modalities, aiding in confirming the diagnosis and assessing disease severity. Conventional treatments including topical therapies, phototherapy, and systemic medications remain essential components of psoriasis management, supplemented by the advent of biologic therapies targeting specific cytokines. Biologic agents such as TNF-alpha inhibitors, IL-17 inhibitors, and IL-23 inhibitors have demonstrated superior efficacy and safety profiles compared to conventional therapies. Emerging treatment strategies including small molecule inhibitors and immunomodulatory agents offer promising alternatives for patients resistant to or intolerant of biologic therapies.Conclusion: Recent advancements in the diagnosis and management of psoriasis have transformed patient care, offering a range of effective treatment options with improved safety profiles and outcomes. Accurate diagnosis facilitated by clinical assessment and ancillary diagnostic modalities guides personalized treatment approaches tailored to individual patient needs. Conventional treatments, biologic therapies, and emerging treatment strategies complement each other, providing comprehensive management options for patients with psoriasis. However, challenges including long-term safety concerns, treatment access disparities, and the need for personalized treatment approaches persist, emphasizing the importance of ongoing research and collaborative efforts to optimize patient care and address existing challenges in psoriasis management.


Optimization and Fabrication of Sustained Release Etravirine Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers

Bala Tripura Sundari*, C.V.S Subramanyam1


Abstract : The detection and treatment of numerous diseases, including HIV/AIDS, can be completely transformed by engineered nanoparticles. One of the main components of antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infections is etravirine. The current study’s objective was to create and assess solvent emulsification-evaporation-based nanostructured lipid carriers containing etravirine that were meant to be specifically delivered to macrophages. The selection of liquid and solid lipids as well as stabilisers for the creation of NLCs was done using estimates of drug solubility. Utilising a 32 full factorial design, the formulation was optimized with regard to the drug-lipid ratio and stabilizer concentration in the external phase. The responses that were predetermined were the drug release properties and the particle size of the carriers. The optimized formulation was prepared and subjected to characterization which includes size, entrapment efficiency, zeta potential, polydispersity index and appearance. Stearylamine and glyceryl monostearate were used as solid lipids, Capryol 90 was used as liquid lipid and polyvinyl pyrrolidone was used as a stabilizer to create nanostructured lipid carriers of etravirine. High drug loading efficiencies approaching 99% were demonstrated by all testing batches, suggesting that etravirine remained closely associated with the lipids. The nanostructured lipid carriers had a polydispersity index of 0.374, a particle size of 261.6 nm and a zeta potential of -10.1 mv. The in vitro release of etravirine from the optimized formulation at 2 h was 9% indicating a mild burst and 56% of the drug that had been entrapped was released after 24h indicating extended-release characteristics. Consequently, etravirine-loaded lipidic nanoparticles that have the ability to target AIDS virus-carrying cells like macrophages were effectively developed.


Enviro-Ethno-Archaeology in Northeast India: Prospects and Possibilities with Bodo-Kachari Tribe

Akash Kumar Srivastava Vinita Chandra*


Abstract : Artefacts at any site reflect the region's specific environmental conditions and ecology.  Ethnographic data can also aid in understanding the inhabitants' environmental settings that are similar to those of their ancestors. A holistic approach merging methods from archaeology, anthropology, and information about the environment may go a long way in understanding the ancient culture and society of any region. The present paper examines this idea with a case study of the prominent tribe of North-East India, i.e., Bodo-Kachari, to give a framework of research that could be done with this newly emerging perspective. The Bodo-Kachari tribe, an indigenous community primarily residing in the northeastern regions of India, boasts a rich cultural heritage and a history that dates back to centuries. Archaeological investigations into the material culture and lifestyle of the Bodo tribe offer a unique opportunity to delve into the past and understand the evolution of their society, economy, and cultural practices. By suggesting the possible interactions of archaeological data with historical records and ethnographic studies, this paper seeks to provide a path to reconstruct the past lifeways of the Bodo-kachari tribe, tracing the trajectory of their cultural development and interactions with neighbouring communities. Additionally, this study aims to contribute to the broader understanding of indigenous cultures in India and their significance in the country's cultural mosaic.


Potassium Driven Nutritional Enhancement in Sweet Corn under Water Deficit

Suhana Rao1, Sombir Singh2* Sushil Kumar3 and Narender Singh*



Drought stress is a serious challenge for sweet corn in semi-arid and arid regions across the world. Potassium fertilization has been shown to be effective in mitigating the adverse effects of drought stress. However, the impact of potassium on nutritional quality of sweet corn has not been tested yet.  Therefore this study investigated the role of potassium in alleviating the negative impacts of water scarcity and improving the nutritional quality of sweet corn. A pot experiment was conducted on two genotypes of sweet corn (SUGAR-75 and NSC901B) with three potassium levels (0, 500 ppm, and 700 ppm) recorded as control, K1, and K2, respectively under six different drought conditions to investigate the efficacy of potassium in improving the seed quality of sweet corn under drought stress. Drought stress considerably affected the yield quality of sweet corn in both genotypes, and when drought stress was sustained, these negative consequences were exacerbated. Furthermore, potassium supplementation reduced negative effects of drought and increases seed quality in sweet corn. Results of this experiment revealed that potassium fertilization can enhance the nutritional quality of sweet corn under normal as well as drought stress conditions.


A Review of the Effects of Stakeholders' Engagement on De-Risking Infrastructural Projects in Nigeria

Mr. Ashoke D. Maliki, **Frank Alaba Ogedengbe (PhD)



Stakeholder engagement in infrastructure projects is an ingredient that contributes to project optimal performance. In the process of providing the infrastructure needs for the society, project financiers encounter challenges due to lack of consultation with key players in the infrastructure sector. This inadequacy has led to projects risks which threaten its completion within specifications, budget, and on time. In some cases, this shortcoming leads to abandonment of projects in Nigeria. This article took cognizes of stakeholder’s engagement literatures and unearth the dimension of risks because of the lack of involvement or otherwise of key stakeholders such as project managers, project teams, environments, end-users, and residents in infrastructure projects.  A conceptual framework of the dimensions of stakeholder’s engagement, and de-risking infrastructure projects was developed. The result identified the limitations facing stakeholder engagement in infrastructure projects in Nigeria and grouped them into the stakeholder’s maturity, coordination, marginalization, trust, health& Safety, and blended finance mechanism. Also, the result identified the roles in which the maturity of stakeholders in recognizing all key players, the coordination of stakeholders both internally and externally, the health & safety of local residence and end-users, and adequate consultation and involvement without marginalization of stakeholders in mitigating cost overrun risks in infrastructure projects in Nigeria. Public and Private Project financiers must understand the crucial role of stakeholders in mitigating risks in infrastructure projects especially on successful completion of projects, and the effects in providing the needed developmental projects for the populace.


Dimensions of Quality of Work life on Continuance Commitment of Academic Staff of Selected Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria

Faith Oghenevwede Ofuokwu, Frank Alaba Ogedengbe


Abstract : Employees are psychologically attached to jobs that satisfy their needs. This study examined dimensions of quality of work life on organisational commitment of academic staff of selected Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted. The population of the academic staff in the institutions is estimated at 1203, from which a sample of 300 was selected using Yamane’s formula. Data collected with the aid of questionnaire were analysed using the multiple regression analysis, ran through SPSS version 21 software. The result revealed that career growth and mentorship do not have positive and significant relationship with continuance commitment. While working conditions and compensation package have a positive and significant impact on continuance commitment in the polytechnics. It was recommended that administrators of the education sector should encourage polytechnics’ academic staff to utilize knowledge and skills acquired from further studies, conferences, seminars, and workshops by introducing postgraduate programmes such as Master's and Doctorate degrees in technical areas in the polytechnics to enhance continuance commitment. Conditions that will help employees meet up with global standard and current challenges in the education sector should be provided. Compensation packages for academic staff should be reviewed by the appropriate authorities regularly to reflect changes in prevailing economic situation.


Comparative Analysis of Various Algorithms on Multi -Diseases Using Machine Learning

S M Hassan Rizvi, Anjana Mishra, Shubham Kumar Singh, Chirag Kumar Jain,Sanjan Kumar


Abstract : There are numerous machine learning approaches that can perform predictive analytics on vast volumes of data in a range of businesses. Although using predictive analytics in healthcare is challenging, it will eventually help practitioners make quick choices about the health and treatment of patients based on vast amounts of data. Globally, diseases including liver disease, diabetes, kidney diseases, cancer and heart-related diseases are responsible for a large number of fatalities, however the majority of these deaths are the result of improperly timed disease check-ups. Due to a lack of medical infrastructure and a low doctor-to-population ratio, the aforementioned issue exists. According to data, India has a doctor-to-population ratio of 1:1456 compared to the WHO's suggested ratio of 1 doctor to 1000 patients, demonstrating a physician shortage. If not identified early, diseases including diabetes, liver, kidney, cancer and heart disease pose a risk to humanity. As a result, many lives can be saved by early detection and diagnosis of these disorders. The main goal of this research is to use machine learning classification algorithms to anticipate dangerous diseases. Diabetes, heart disease, liver, cancer and heart diseases are all covered in this study. Our team developed a medical test online application that uses the idea of machine learning to make predictions about various diseases in order to make this run smoothly and be accessible to the general public. Our goal in this effort is to create a web application that uses machine learning to forecast numerous ailments, such as liver, diabetes, kidney, cancer and heart disorders.


Unveiling Nature's Remedies: A Comparative Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Vitex Negundo and Aristolochiatangala

Arabinda C. Nath


Abstract: Vitex negundo (VN) and Aristolochiatangala (AT) are two medicinal plants deeply rooted in traditional medicine systems across various cultures. In recent years, scientific research has shed light on their phytochemical composition and pharmacological properties, uncovering their potential therapeutic benefits. This review aims to consolidate the current understanding of VN and AT by exploring their phytochemistry and pharmacology.V. negundo, commonly known as "Nirgundi" or "Five-leaved chaste tree," is renowned for its diverse pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. The bioactive compounds identified in VN, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds, contribute to its broad spectrum of therapeutic effects.Aristolochiatangala, also known as "Tadari," is another medicinal plant with significant traditional use. Despite concerns regarding the safety of some Aristolochia species, recent studies have highlighted the pharmacological potential of A. tangala, particularly its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, and hepatoprotective activities. The phytochemical analysis of A. tangala has revealed the presence of aristolochic acid derivatives, flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids, among other bioactive constituents.This review comprehensively examines the phytochemical profiles of VN and AT and correlates them with their pharmacological effects. Furthermore, it discusses the mechanisms of action underlying their therapeutic properties, providing insights into their potential applications in the treatment and management of various ailments.Thus, Vitex negundo and Aristolochiatangala represent promising sources of natural remedies with diverse pharmacological activities. Further research focusing on elucidating their mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and safety profiles is warranted to fully harness their therapeutic potential and facilitate their integration into modern healthcare practices.


Political Polarization and Its Effects on Democratic Institutions

Dr. Dipak Kumar Dash Sudama Lenka



Political polarization poses significant challenges to democratic institutions worldwide. This paper examines the causes and consequences of political polarization, focusing on its impact on democratic governance. Polarization leads to legislative gridlock, governmental dysfunction, and a decline in trust in democratic processes and institutions. It intensifies partisanship, fosters media fragmentation, and undermines democratic norms such as the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. This abstract highlight the urgent need for strategies to address polarization, including promoting dialogue, fostering empathy, strengthening institutions, and cultivating a more inclusive political culture. Addressing polarization is essential for safeguarding democratic values and ensuring the effective functioning of democratic institutions in the face of growing ideological divides.


Review on the Polariton Dynamics

Sunipa Som


Abstract: In this review the recent research developments and their challenges in the field of polariton dynamics have been discussed. A set of experimental and theoretical research works in this field have been reviewed. Experimental and theoretical methodologies have been explained to see the polariton dynamics. Several physical phenomena exhibited by exciton–polariton, like polariton lasing, Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC), quantized vortices, super fluidity, superconductor have been discussed. The results on the kinetics of exciton polariton condensate in the presence of disorder, study on the light propagation in a strongly correlated medium, nonlinear effect in spin relaxation of cavity polariton and polariton emission in linear regime also have been analyzed. BEC of polaritons in thermal equilibrium, collective dynamics, amplitude mode dynamics of polariton condensate and polaritons in organic system have been explained. The research on BEC of polaritons already gave reach physics throughout the past decade but many of the advances have yet to find their way to come into the reality. This review explores the way that might be giving some solution of these problems.


Analysis of Obstacles to the Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EB) and the Use of Colostrum in Serekali in the Commune of Nikki

Dr Soul El Hadj Imorou


Summary : This study aims to analyze the obstacles to the adoption of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the intake of Colostrum. For this purpose, data was collected from 96 people spread across 4 villages in the Sérékali district. Descriptive statistics made it possible to analyze the different perceptions of mothers of children on taking colostrum and the practice of EB. The analysis of the content of the speeches was analyzed the stories recorded during the focus groups. The main data collected relate to the different barriers to the adoption of EB, beliefs regarding taking colostrum and socio-cultural constraints were captured during focus group sessions. My results indicate that only 8% of the mothers surveyed practice EB for children aged between 0 and 6 months. Around 22% practice it until the age of 4 months. 44% practice it until the age of 3 months. Regarding colostrum, 61% of mothers do not breastfeed the baby immediately after delivery. The blocking factors are linked to lack of awareness of the advantages of EB and colostrum, cases of separation between mothers and children, socio-cultural constraints. Interventions to improve EB must therefore target the family, community members and take into account the socio-cultural constraints identified in this study.


Unveiling Gender Constructs: A Study of Gender Performativity in Tara

Ms. Sreepriya R



This paper aims to explore Judith Butler’s concept of Gender performativity as central to Mahesh Dattani's play "Tara," by examining the condition of women in Indian society through the perspective of the play's titular character. In line with Butler's theory that gender is a performative act, Dattani's representation explores the nuances of gender identity creation within familial and societal contexts. The drama examines the dynamics of Tara's family, where her twin brother Chandan receives preferential treatment due to patriarchal ideals. Tara's chances are restricted by cultural expectations, which highlight the persistence of gender stereotypes and prejudices, despite her intelligence and desires. By deftly integrating gendered experiences into the story, Dattani illustrates how Tara's physical impairment and femininity interact to cause systematic marginalisation and prejudice. He provides examples of how gender standards are internalised and reinforced, even by women. Moreover, the immoral behaviors of men highlight how patriarchal ideology permeates society and shapes medical procedures as well as other structures. Dattani exposes the repercussions of challenging gender norms and the intricacies of individual agency inside authoritarian systems, taking on the violence and hypocrisy inherent in gender discrimination. "Tara"proves to be a potent indictment of both the marginalisation of women in Indian society and patriarchal rule. Dattani emphasises the performative element of gender identity and the repercussions of breaking from social norms by utilising Butler's concept of gender performativity.


Pre-Natal Gender Determination Laws: A Comparative Study between India and US

Apeksha Rajput, Shalini Gura, Akanksha Singh


Abstract: Sex determination refers to prenatal or testing the gender of the embryo or foetus before birth. Under certain settings, rapidly increasing sex ratios at parturition have increased pressure to outlaw prenatal sex selection. Authorities believe they should do something about this and Suspensions seem to be a quick action they can indeed take. The substance of legislation prohibiting the use of sex-selection technology varies by country and throughout time (Mohapatra 2013). They not only can forbid prenatal sex diagnosis and/or sex-selective abortion, while they could also extend before conception. While most prohibitions penalise individuals who provide sex-selection assistance, others also punish above-mentioned who seek such services. All of these laws attempt to reduce prenatal sex-selection and will be instanced as sex-selection bans below. However, these restrictions can be difficult to apply in situations where abortion is allowed and sex-detection equipment is legally obtainable normal medical needs like as prenatal care. Sex-selection is an extremely severe example of insufficient gender parity, with additional repercussions such as a future bride scarcity.


Recent Advancements in Cancer Diagnosis Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Review of Decades of Research, Comparisons and Problems

Sulekha Das1, Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri2, Partha Ghosh3, Prithwish Raymahapatra4


Abstract : Cancer is a non-communicable disease that spreads throughout the body through uncontrolled cell growth. The malignant cell grows into a tumor, which weakens the immune system and disrupts other biological processes. The most frequent types of cancer are breast, lung, and cervical cancer. Several screening methods are available to detect the presence of cancer at various stages. Misdiagnosis can occur in some circumstances owing to human mistakes or incorrect data interpretation, resulting in the loss of human lives. To address these issues, this research study proposes an effective machine learning-based review and diagnosis technique backed by intelligence learning models. Artificial intelligence-based feature selection and classification techniques are used to detect cancer at an earlier stage, improve prediction accuracy, and save lives. In this research study, breast, cervical, and lung cancer datasets from the University of California, Irvine repository was used in these experimental investigations. To train and validate the optimal features minimized by the proposed system, the authors used supervised machine learning approaches. There could be numerous features that may contribute to the occurrence of cancer, it is difficult to pinpoint the specific environmental and other diagnostic features that contribute to it, but it still plays a role in determining cancer occurrence. We can achieve our goal of estimating the probability of cancer occurrences by using machine learning algorithms and frequent diagnostic data. Cancer data sets contain a variety of patient information features, but not all of them are useful in cancer prognosis. In such cases, a feature selection approach plays a crucial role in identifying the relevant feature set. In this research, we compare the effects of feature selection approaches on the accuracy provided by existing machine learning algorithms. We investigated the following machine learning methods for this purpose: Logistic Regression(LR), Naive Bayes(NB), Random Forest(RF), Hoeffding Tree(HT), and Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP). Information Gain(IF), Gain Ratio(GR), Relief-F(R-F), and One-R(OR) were all evaluated as feature selection strategies.The training and performance models are validated using various accuracy matrices such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, f-measure, kappa score, and area under the ROC curve(AUC) using the 10-fold cross-validation approach. The accuracy of the proposed framework was 100%, 100%, and 91.30% on breast, cervical, and lung cancer datasets, respectively. Furthermore, this approach may serve as a versatile tool for extracting patterns from several clinical trials for various forms of cancer conditions

Discerning Oral Lichen Planus from Oral Lichenoid Reactions: A Comprehensive Analysis of Clinical, Histological and Molecular Signatures

Ashwini Deshpande Krishnan Rajkumar Amit Byatnal Siva Kumar Pendyala Ravleen Nagi Vikram Simha Reddy



Background:- The complex clinical, histological, and genetic features that differentiate these diseases are explored in this narrative review. The review summarizes recent research with an emphasis on the thorough investigation of these oral mucosal illnesses, Aim:- Investigating histological, clinical, and molecular markers in detail was the main goal, with a focus on differentiating between oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral lichenoid reaction (OLR). The objective was to present an in-depth understanding of the intricate components that go into the differential diagnosis, Methodology:- Inclusion criteria which covered material from 2000 to 2023 and focused on English-language studies including human patients with OLP and OLR. A thorough investigation was guaranteed by a methodical search approach using a variety of databases (such as Pubmed Central, Google scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) and manual searches. MeSH phrases and free-text keywords made it easier to explore the subtleties of histology, clinical, and molecular aspects, Results:- The results were categorized into molecular markers, histological features, and clinical presentations using thematic data synthesis. A clear and thorough analysis was provided by the qualitative transformation of the synthesized data, which revealed subtle distinctions between OLR and OLP.Conclusion:- For pathologists, doctors, and researchers negotiating the complex terrain of OLP and OLR, this article is an invaluable resource. It helps improve treatment plans and diagnostic precision for these intricate oral diseases by combining several elements.


Household Kitchen Waste Management in Ernakulam District: A Focus on Composting Techniques and Challenges

Treesa Sindhu P. Thomas Dr. Leena Leon



The study explores the current household kitchen waste management scenario in Ernakulam district, with a particular emphasis on composting techniques as a viable solution. Composting is highlighted as a basic, efficient, and feasible method for managing biodegradable waste, especially in emerging nations like India. Various composting methods, ranging from traditional pit/store techniques to modern in-vessel systems, are discussed, with a focus on their benefits and challenges. Additionally, the need for an improved organic waste composter is addressed, considering factors such as ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and space consumption. The article also presents findings regarding challenges in managing household waste, based on responses from both urban and rural areas, emphasizing the importance of targeted interventions and awareness campaigns to enhance kitchen waste management practices.


Organizational Conflict Management: Success Strategies and SWOT Analysis

Shahzad Ismail Gulnaz Malik



Organizational conflicts present significant challenges, impacting both employee satisfaction and organizational success. Effective resolution strategies are necessary for maintaining a balanced work environment amidst diverse perspectives and potential sources of conflict. This paper aims to explore internal conflicts among employees within organizations, focusing on resolution strategies, their impact on job satisfaction, primary causes, and frequency. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the study involved 238 participants selected through a snowball sampling technique. Data collection relied on close-ended questionnaires, with responses analyzed using chi-square tests. Additionally, the paper examines strategic planning and management techniques to mitigate internal conflicts, employing SWOT analyses to identify associated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By providing evidence-based insights and recommendations, this study contributes to the field of organizational conflict management, offering strategies to foster workplace harmony and enhance productivity.


Project Managers' Leadership Style and Project Performance of Setraco Company Abuja

Garba, Latifah Salisu **Ogedengbe, Frank Alaba Udoh, Francis Sylvanus


Abstract : Examining the association between the leadership style of the project manager and project performance in Abuja was the aim of the study. The idea of project management was developed, encompassing the tasks of planning, directing, and controlling resources to accomplish a project's acceptable performance level, which is usually evaluated in terms of time, money, and quality. Transformation, transaction, and democratic leadership styles served as the foundation for the operationalization of leadership styles, whereas project quality determined project performance. The study primarily uses primary data obtained via surveys, which are then analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to create indices that are used to evaluate and confirm hypothesised hypotheses.There were 1,004 people in the study's population, and 125 of the 286 samples were used for the construction company. On the variables, correlation and regression analysis were done. The findings indicate that, depending on the project quality, there is a substantial correlation between the project manager's leadership style and project performance. The results demonstrate that using a transformational leadership style raises the bar for project quality. Nonetheless, based on democratic leadership, a strong correlation was found between the project manager's leadership style and the calibre of the work. It was determined that to reassess project assumptions, look for answers to project difficulties, and create fresh approaches to carrying out project tasks, project managers ought to engage with team members more frequently.  Project managers must have a strong leadership style to improve the quality of their work, and they must encourage their team members' intellectual growth.


Anthropometric Measurements for Young Tennis Players and Their Relation to Static and Dynamic Balance

Anas Ahmad, Jibran Ahmed khan, Samiya Ahmad, Akhtar Atiya Hammad


Abstract : The aim of this study was to identify anthropometric measurements and their relationship with static and dynamic balance among young tennis players. Seventy-three young male and female tennis players (less than 25 years) playing in their academies and schools in Delhi NCR. Anthropometric and morphological measurements (weight, height, width, circumference and skinfold thickness) were taken. The results showed that the most important factor for static balance was body fat percentage (P=0.010). Calf circumference was the most significant in dynamic balance (P = 0.029). Based on the results, we recommend considering anthropometric and morphological measurements when selecting young tennis players. We recommend conducting similar studies on female athletes and examining and comparing physical characteristics and several age groups with the best athletes of tennis countries.

A Comparative Analysis of Philosophical Concepts of Yoga Darshan and Zen Buddhist Japanese Philosophy

1 Sushil Prasad Mahato & 2 Dr. M. Anjaladevi


Background of the Study: This comparative study seeks to provide a deeper understanding of two ancient and profound philosophical traditions, Yoga Darshan from India and Zen Buddhist Japanese philosophy from Japan. By delving into the intricate realms of self-realization, meditation, and the pursuit of enlightenment, this research aims to uncover the common threads and unique nuances that define both philosophies. As Yoga Darshan's emphasis on disciplined self-discovery converges with Zen Buddhism's path of direct experience, the study offers a unique opportunity to explore how yoga and zen Buddhist Japanese traditions have influenced literature, culture, and human consciousness. This comparative analysis bridges the gap between two distinct philosophical heritages and offers insights that can enrich the global understanding of human spirituality and existence.Need of the Study: The study embarks on a journey to unravel the threads of commonality and distinction between yoga philosophy and Zen Buddhism, two ancient and influential spiritual paths. It seeks to reveal how the practice of Za-Zen and the quest for clarity in Zen aligns with the essence of yoga's spiritual journey and self-realization.Objective: The objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis between the philosophical concepts of Yoga Darshan, originating from India, and Zen Buddhist Japanese Philosophy. The study aims to explore the core principles of yoga darshan and zen BuddhistJapanese philosophical traditions, particularly focusing on their meditation practices (za-zen in Zen Buddhism and meditation in Yoga Darshan). The research seeks to identify commonalities and distinctions in their approaches to self-realization, enlightenment (satori in Zen), and the embodiment of non-discriminatory wisdom. Furthermore, it aims to highlight how bothphilosophies transcend dualistic thinking and enable a holistic, nondualist perspective in cognition.

Leveraging Reinforcement Learning for Enhanced Cancer Detection: A Comprehensive Review

Sulekha Das1, Dr. Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri2, Dr. Partha Ghosh3


Abstract : Reinforcement learning has been applied in situations where an appropriate algorithm is lacking to address an issue. It highlights how a person learns via interactions with their surroundings. Reinforcement learning has been applied in the machine learning field to handle a wide range of challenging problems that are typically regarded as highly cognitive. The goal of this work is to demonstrate how well the reinforcement learning approach can identify and categorise cancer from a variety of medical image types, including CT (Computerised Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), USG (Ultra Sound SonoGraphy), and others. These days, a wide range of results in learning policies across numerous domains can be attributed to the combination of reinforcement learning and neural networks. It has made it possible to complete a task with complete impartiality by doing away with human interpretation and prejudice. In this article, we've concentrated on the state of reinforcement learning algorithms as they apply to a variety of domains, including gaming, robotics, skin, organ, and lesion detection, as well as the identification of cancer in different organs.  This review study has addressed the essential features and theoretical perspective of the present algorithms, as well as the primary concerns that limit the uses of reinforcement learning algorithms in the health sector, particularly in the area of cancer diagnosis.  Our aim is to investigate a select few current cancer detection approach algorithms.


Liminality in Buchi Emecheta's the New Tribe and Isidore Okpewho's Call Me by My Rightful Name

Thomas-Michael Emeka Chukwumezie Charles Chukwuemeka Nnamchi


Abstract : Any great work of art is a sight of encounter with meanings. It is on this premise that Emecheta’s The New Tribe and Okpewho’s Call me by my Rightful Name have generated scholarly articles from various conceptual perspectives. Some critics see the narratives as a perception of the quest motif, mythic ideation, postcolonial narrative, and Yoruba cosmogony, among others. Most of these studies have not considered a comparative study of the texts in the light of liminality. The research is, therefore, focused on evaluating the configuration of liminality as a presupposition of border negotiations in different forms. It explores the in-between situation of the liminal figures and the rites of transition from one state to another. It examines how transitional rituals and nostalgia/homecoming constitute distinct shades of threshold which the liminal subjects are bound to cross in their search for belongingness. This study adopts border poetics because of its aptness to the current research. The deployment of this theory demonstrates that border is fluid and manifests in different aspects of individual experiences.


Dynamics of Contextualized Theological Education for Transformative Cross-Cultural Communication in Missions

Ezekiel Ajani,1 Funke Oyekan,1 Victor Ifatokun,1 Ufuoma Chapele,1 Tochi Edwards,1 Albert Olufemi Apo1, Olufemi Olawale1



This paper investigates the interplay between contextualized theological education and transformative cross-cultural communication within the framework of contemporary Christian missions. The core objective of missions, disseminating the Gospel message, is often challenged by cultural discrepancies between missionaries and their target audiences. Consequently, effective cross-cultural communication becomes paramount in this context. Inadequate communication skills can significantly impede the message's efficacy and receptivity.Therefore, mission-oriented theological education must be contextualized to equip future missionaries with the requisite skills to foster transformative cross-cultural communication. Employing a descriptive research approach, this study explored the dynamics of contextualized theological education, aiming to facilitate the accurate and meaningful transmission of the Gospel in cross-cultural settings. The findings revealed that transformative cross-cultural communication in missions necessitates a theological education grounded in context, linguistically adept, and attentive to diverse worldviews. Consequently, theological education, serving as the "labour chamber" for missionaries, must be contextualized to equip them with the necessary skills for transformative cross-cultural communication, a cornerstone of successful Christian missions.


Analysis on Omicron Variant of Covid-19 Fractional Model Via Caputo Fabrizio Derivative

M. Latha Maheswari & R. Nandhini


Abstract : In this study, we propose a novel mathematical model to characterize the transmission dynamics of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, incorporating fractional calculus with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative to capture the complex behaviour of the epidemic. The proposed model extends traditional compartmental models by introducing fractional-order differential equations, which provide a more accurate representation of non-local and memory effects observed in infectious disease dynamics. Using Laplace transform and fixed point technique in Banach space, we study the stability results of Omicron variant in different populations, taking into account of various epidemiological parameters and control measures.


Urban Livestock Waste Management Practices in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Mulugeta Berihu1 & Assen Ebrahim1


Abstract: This study aimed to explore the status of livestock waste management and utilization practices in three towns of Tigray, Ethiopia. The three study towns (Shire, Aksum and Adwa) were selected purposively due to the presence of relatively better number of market oriented small-holder urban livestock producers and large human population size. A total of 150 urban livestock owning households (50 from each town) were selected using a systematic random sampling technique and primary data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussions. Farm monitoring was undertaken to determine the amount of manure produced at farm level for three months. Analysis of variance, Chi-squire, index ranking and qualitative analysis were applied using Statistical Procedures for Social Sciences. The result showed that chicken out number among the livestock species across the study towns. The average daily fresh manure produced per farm was 98 kilogram. The dominantly used feeding system was stall-feeding mainly on roughage feeds with concentrate supplementation. Nearly 68% of respondents collected manure from animal houses once a day using and stored as heap within 10 meters distance from the farm. About 6% of the households stored manure for more than three months across the study towns. Manure was primarily converted into dry dung for fuel followed by fertilizer. The critical manure management constraints were lack of technical knowhow, shortage of land, distant plots, lack of transport, less market demand and labor intensiveness in their order of importance. This study highlighted that current manure management practices were unsafe for urban inhabitants and the environment. Viable technologies that can promote sustainable environmental friendly urban livestock production and integration with other agricultural activities should deserve attention. It also demands developing and implementing strict regulations and guidelines for waste management.


Molecular Docking and Drug Likeliness Study of Anticancer Potential of Camphor from Cinnamon Camphorabark

1Asma Saqib,2Umme Najma, 3Shiv Kumar BS


Abstract  : Camphor (Cinnamomumcamphora) is a natural product obtained from the wood of camphor tree. It has been used for centuries, throughout the world as a remedy for treating variety of symptoms such as inflammation, infection, congestion, pain, irritation, etc. The recent studies have shown that some of the components of Cinnamomumcamphora have suppressive and antimutagenic effect in number of human cancer cells without harming the healthy cells. In this paper our focus is on the use of camphor as a remedy for prevention and treatment of serious life-threatening diseases like cancer using ADMET and molecular docking studies. Camphor is a terpenoid and cyclic ketone. Many cancer strategies rely on the promotion of apoptosis in cancer cells as a means to shrink tumours, notably caspase-3 that proteolyze and induce cell death. Overexpression of procasase-3 (PC-3) has been reported in variety of cancers. The high docking score of camphor -9.6Kcal/molwith PC-3 indicate that camphor has potential to inhibit PC-3 over expression.


Efficient Strategies for Sustainable Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Comprehensive Review

1Yaiphaba Singh Y, 2* Moirangthem Momocha Singh


Abstract : The proliferation of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) due to rapid urbanization presents a significant global challenge. This surge in C&DW generation not only poses direct environmental concerns but also undermines the efficiency of the construction industry. A substantial portion of C&DW is currently destined for landfills worldwide, underscoring the need for effective management strategies to mitigate its adverse environmental effects. Recognizing the imperative for sustainable resource utilization, there's an urgent need for efficient C&DW management practices. Despite the existence of various well-formulated strategies, the outcomes of their implementation often fall short of optimal levels. This inefficiency primarily stems from a deficient understanding of key factors influencing C&DW management. Hence, this study aims to meticulously examine the concept of C&DW and its associated managerial challenges systematically to devise effective management strategies. Through a comprehensive review of pertinent research articles, our investigation identifies two principal categories influencing C&DW management: the hierarchy of C&DW management approaches encompassing reduction, reuse, and recycling strategies, and the pivotal contributing factors to effective C&DW management, which include sustainability considerations, stakeholder attitudes, project life cycle dynamics, and management tools. Subsequently, we delve into a detailed analysis of these factors to elucidate current and future trends in C&DW management, offering insights valuable for both academic research and practical applications.


Predictive Role of Bacteriology in the Outcome of Pediatric Burn Injuries

1Ravikumar Gopalakrishnan & 2Sugapradha GR.



Aim: To study the outcome of pediatric burn injuries in relation to bacteriology of the burn wound. Methodology:A retrospective study on microbiological data of 14 pediatric patients admitted with burns in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was conducted over a period of 3 years (2020 -2022). Thepatients were evaluated for age, sex, burn etiology, burned body surface area (BSA), the presence of inhalationinjury, sepsis, positive cultures, the micro-organisms cultured samples, and septic focus. A total of 38 swabs were cultured and antibiotic sensitivities to the isolated organisms were determined. Results:The total number of pediatricpatients studied were 14.Among these patients,05-09 years (62.81%), 10 – 12 years (37.19%) age groups were reported. 10 patients were male children (71.43%) and 4patients were female children (28.57%). The wound culture report of eight patients showed the highest bacterial counts of Staphylococcus aureus. Four patients showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa and two patients had Klebsiella pneumoniae in their wound. Conclusion: Pediatric burn patients are at greater riskfor infection and sepsis secondary to the injury and resultantimmunosuppression.Burn wound management requires the study ofchanging bacterial flora and the antibiotic sensitivity reports.


Evaluation of Effects of PRF in Diabetic Patients- A Randomized Controlled Trial

Dr Spoorthi T S, Dr Rohit S


Abstract: Introduction: Dental extraction is a routine procedure, with immediate post-extraction healing crucial for preventing complications. However, conditions like diabetes can impair this process due to microcirculatory deficiencies. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is gaining attention for its regenerative properties. This study aims to assess PRF's impact on extraction socket healing in diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted on 20 diabetic patients requiring multiple extractions. PRF was placed in one socket (experimental) while the control remained untreated. Parameters including tissue color, bleeding, granulation tissue, and pain were evaluated at 1st, 7th, and 21st days post-extraction. Results: Patients exhibited varied glycemic control (110-200 mg/dl). Initial healing was satisfactory, with no major complications. By the 3rdweek, 50% achieved complete socket closure. PRF-treated sockets showed significant improvement in tissue color, bleeding, and granulation tissue compared to controls. Suture margin dehiscence and suppuration were notably reduced in PRF-treated sockets. Pain levels were comparable between groups. Discussion: Previous studies yielded conflicting results on diabetic wound healing. However, PRF's potential in promoting tissue repair has been recognized. PRF, with its ease of preparation and application, offers advantages over other platelet concentrates. This study contributes to existing knowledge by assessing both soft and hard tissue healing over an extended follow-up period. Conclusion: PRF application in extraction sockets of diabetic patients significantly improves soft tissue healing compared to untreated sockets. Pain levels remained similar between groups. These findings advocate for the routine use of PRF in diabetic patients undergoing tooth extraction, offering potential benefits for overall healing outcomes.


Linkages between External Debt and Trade Openness on Economic Growth: Evidence from South Asian Countries

Dr. Jamil Ahmad1, Abukasim2


Abstract : The research examines the relationship between external debt, trade openness and economic growth using the panel ordinary least square (POLS), fixed effect, and ARDL methods from period 1997 to 2021 for South Asian countries. The analysis result points out the negative impact of external debt on economic growth whereas; gross capital formation and trade openness have favourable influence on economic growth. Despite high borrowing rates, enhanced trade policies and improved institutional quality can help mitigate the negative effect of external borrowing on GDP Growth. Thus, the research provides a foundation for policymakers and government officials to make a strategy to increase economic development while decreasing the country's external debt.


Association of Character Strengths and Hope with Marital Satisfaction in Ethiopia

Shimelis Wondimua & Tamirie Andualemb



Introduction: Studies have claimed that character strengths and hopefulness are crucial for better marital functioning. However, few studies have examined the role of character strength and hope in marital satisfaction. Objective: The present study aimed to investigate how character strengths and hope contribute to marital satisfaction among 386 participants. Methods: A correlational study design was employed to investigate this phenomenon. Self-report data were collected using a questionnaire. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to analyze the data. Results: Findings showed that all character strengths (i.e., sacrifice, generosity, fairness, and admiration) and hope were positively correlated with marital satisfaction. The present study also revealed that two character strengths (fairness and admiration) and hope positively contribute to marital satisfaction. Practitioners interested in marriage and marital relationships may benefit from this study. The positive correlation between character strengths and hope in this study is in line with previous research. Moreover, supporting previous studies, the present study also revealed that character strengths such as fairness, admiration, and hopefulness positively predict marital satisfaction. Conclusion: The study concludes that character strengths and hope positively influence marital satisfaction. Limitations and future directions were also discussed.


Computer Efficacy as Determinant of Basic Science and Technology Teacher's Perception of Teaching Skills in Science Schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Ese Monica Alake1 (Ph.D) & Olatunbosun Emmanuel Ogunseemi2 (Ph.D)


Abstract : The teaching of basic science and technology is important to sustainable development world over and it has implication for science teachers to acquire and develop skills as such for learners to catch up with its advancement in the world today. Moreover, it is clear in baseline studies that many basic education teachers in Nigeria are still struggling to meet up with skills to teach basic science and technology according to global trends of development. This study however investigated computer efficacy as a determinant of basic science and technology teachers’ perception of teaching skills in Government science schools in Ekiti state, Nigeria. The study comprises of forty-five 45 basic science and technology teachers who were purposively selected from the three 3 Government Science Colleges (GOSCO) in the three 3 senatorial districts of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for this study while computer efficacy and teaching skills Questionnaire CEATSQ was used to collect data on relevant variables. Data collected were analysed using mean, frequency counts and Pearson’s Moment Correlation. The findings showed that teaching skills among basic science and technology teachers in Science Schools in Ekiti state, Nigeria were found to be slightly okay while the status of computer efficacy of the teachers were rather too low.  Therefore, based on the findings; it is hereby recommended that teaching skills of basic science and technology teachers can still be enhanced to improve while government should also put in place different programmes and strategies that can help perceptions, frequent usage of computers in schools in Ekiti state, Nigeria.


Harnessing the Digital Age: An Exploration of IMC in a Multi-Channel Landscape

Dr. Supriya M


Abstract : Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) stands as a cornerstone in modern marketing strategies, emphasizing the harmonious synchronization of diverse communication channels to convey a cohesive brand message. This study embarks on a comprehensive exploration of IMC, dissecting its multifaceted tools and techniques aimed at maximizing positive outcomes in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. At its core, IMC embodies the strategic integration of various communication elements, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, and digital media, among others. Rather than operating in silos, these channels are orchestrated to deliver a unified brand message across all touchpoints, fostering consistency and resonance with the target audience. The significance of IMC lies in its ability to create synergies among disparate marketing efforts, amplifying the impact of each component while reinforcing the overarching brand narrative. By aligning messaging and visuals across platforms, IMC cultivates brand familiarity and trust, nurturing lasting relationships with consumers. This study employs a qualitative approach, leveraging content analysis, case studies, and real-world examples to unravel the potential of IMC in driving marketing success. Through meticulous examination of successful IMC campaigns, researchers aim to distil key insights and best practices that can inform future marketing strategies. This study endeavors to shed light on the transformative potential of IMC in modern marketing practice, offering practitioners a roadmap for harnessing the power of integrated communication to drive meaningful engagement and foster brand loyalty in an increasingly fragmented media landscape.


Conceptual Study on Effective Utilization of Factors Influencing Warehouse Efficiency

Saravanan .S1, Sri Hari .G2



Warehouse management is crucial for efficient and cost-effective logistics. This research paper explores how cost-effectiveness, space utilization, and work efficiency are interconnected in warehouse management. Efficient layout design, inventory management, and material handling practices can increase space utilization and reduce operational costs. Streamlined processes, skilled personnel, and safety measures enhance work efficiency and also impact cost-effectiveness and space utilization. The study provides practical recommendations for enhancing warehouse efficiency and performance.


Psychogenesis of Nwibe's Alienation in Chinua Achebe's The Madman

Thomas-Michael Emeka Chukwumezie, Jephta Iwuchukwu


Abstract : This paper examines the psychogenesis of Nwibe’s alienation in Chinua Achebe’s ‘The Madman.’ As a concept in the field of sociology, psychology and philosophy, alienation describes a sense of estrangement or detachment from one’s self, society or the environment. The literary representation of psychological disorders has attracted attentions among writers who explore the psychological dimensions that transcend physical and social realms of human existence or experience. Creative writers also provide valuable information, support and guidance in their works, which sometimes facilitate the healing of the mind beyond the realm of aesthetics. Employing the Freudian psychoanalytic theory, Achebe’s ‘The Madman’ portrays alienation with emphases on the impact of societal misconceptions of the protagonist’s psychological alteration. The society’s perception of madness shapes Nwibe’s identity, leading to his objectification for medical experiments based on common judgements. This exploration resonates with broader literary discourse where characters struggle with social expectations, highlighting the relationship between literature, medicine and psychology. This paper argues for a compassionate approach to mental health challenges, advocating increased awareness, education and destigmatisation of individuals battling with psychological disorders. Achebe’s narrative is a reminder of the nexus between individual psychology and societal judgment in literature, compelling a re-evaluation of general perceptions and emphasising the crucial role of empathy in fostering a deeper understanding of mental health struggles.