Published Paper

Harnessing the Digital Age: An Exploration of IMC in a Multi-Channel Landscape

Dr. Supriya M
Assistant professor, Journalism department, Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education
Page: 1824-1834
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract : Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) stands as a cornerstone in modern marketing strategies, emphasizing the harmonious synchronization of diverse communication channels to convey a cohesive brand message. This study embarks on a comprehensive exploration of IMC, dissecting its multifaceted tools and techniques aimed at maximizing positive outcomes in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. At its core, IMC embodies the strategic integration of various communication elements, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, and digital media, among others. Rather than operating in silos, these channels are orchestrated to deliver a unified brand message across all touchpoints, fostering consistency and resonance with the target audience. The significance of IMC lies in its ability to create synergies among disparate marketing efforts, amplifying the impact of each component while reinforcing the overarching brand narrative. By aligning messaging and visuals across platforms, IMC cultivates brand familiarity and trust, nurturing lasting relationships with consumers. This study employs a qualitative approach, leveraging content analysis, case studies, and real-world examples to unravel the potential of IMC in driving marketing success. Through meticulous examination of successful IMC campaigns, researchers aim to distil key insights and best practices that can inform future marketing strategies. This study endeavors to shed light on the transformative potential of IMC in modern marketing practice, offering practitioners a roadmap for harnessing the power of integrated communication to drive meaningful engagement and foster brand loyalty in an increasingly fragmented media landscape.