Published Paper

Political Polarization and Its Effects on Democratic Institutions

Dr. Dipak Kumar Dash Sudama Lenka
Odisha, India
Page: 1437-1449
Published on: 2024 March



Political polarization poses significant challenges to democratic institutions worldwide. This paper examines the causes and consequences of political polarization, focusing on its impact on democratic governance. Polarization leads to legislative gridlock, governmental dysfunction, and a decline in trust in democratic processes and institutions. It intensifies partisanship, fosters media fragmentation, and undermines democratic norms such as the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. This abstract highlight the urgent need for strategies to address polarization, including promoting dialogue, fostering empathy, strengthening institutions, and cultivating a more inclusive political culture. Addressing polarization is essential for safeguarding democratic values and ensuring the effective functioning of democratic institutions in the face of growing ideological divides.