Published Paper

Knowledge and Perceptions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Usage among Dental Residents in Karnataka State, India: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Sheetal Vijaya, Srinath Jayakrishnan, Glynis Anita Miranda, Shilpa Vijaya, Meghan J Shetty, Abhinav S Suvarna
Page: 578-591
Published on: 2024 March


Background: Healthcare workers have trouble implementing barriers due to discomfort and inability to deliver the best outcomes due to limited practising ability when wrapped with Personal Protective Equipment. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) among dental residents from various dental institutions in Karnataka stateMethods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 427 residents from 2 February 2021 to 18 April 2021. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed through multiple social media platforms. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: (1) demographic details of the study participants such as gender, speciality and the year of the residency program; (2) attitude and perceptions of using PPE and various aspects of the working conditions. Responses to each item in the questionnaire were compared with the year of study using the Chi-Square test.Results: Among 427 dental residents, about 75.9% of participants felt that it was difficult to work with PPE for an extended period. Almost 89.2% of respondents expressed their visibility being hampered. However, residents from all three years were unaware if disinfection of gowns was required before doffing the PPE.Conclusions: The majority of residents demonstrated reasonable levels of practice and responded to questions regarding their attitudes toward PPE. This survey emphasizes that it is crucial to incorporate recurring training programs about isolation precautions into the residency and pre-doctoral curriculum to keep up with the constantly changing trends in infectious diseases, especially after the pandemic in 2020.