Published Paper

Assessing the Impact of Consumer Credit in the Growth of Nigerian Economy

1Prof Kenneth Amechi, Ife, 2Blessing Chineme, Okoro (Ph.D)
Page: 1089-1108
Published on: 2024 March


The paper evaluates the impact of consumer credit in the growth of Nigerian Economy.Having credit enables consumers to buy goods or assets without having to pay for them in cash at the time of purchase.The study examines how consumer credit affects economic growth, along with control variables such as, cooperative loan, banks' credit to the private sector, exchange rate, and inflation in Nigeria by applying the Non-Linear co-integration test technique advanced by (Shin, Yu & Greenwood-Nimmo, 2023). The time-series data were obtained from the World Bank (2024) and Central Bank of Nigeria (2024) bulletins. The study period was 2000 - 2024 and was motivated by the availability of data.  Quantitative method is selected to perform the study. The data obtained in the study is from primary data and secondary data. As for the research strategy, survey is chosen, and a structured questionnaire is used to conduct the survey. In data analysis, there are pilot test, Cronbach’s alpha, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and SPSS used to accomplish research aim and interpret results of the study. The magnitude of consumer credit in the Nigerian economy has not yet been accurately assessed owing to the difficulty encountered by the Research Department of the Central Bank in collecting the statistics. This survey, as already stated, is based upon data from thirteen companies, including three finance houses. Inflation and exchange rate depreciation have negative effects on manufacturing output growth in both short run and long run. To boost output growth in the real sector, more bank credit should be made available to the real sector especially the manufacturing sector. Also, inflation should be kept low while the value of the domestic currency should be strengthened.Using the error correction modeling techniques, the results show that bank credit has significant impact on Nigerian Economy both in the short run and long run.