Greeting Pattern in Ngwa
1Bestman Esegbuyiota Odeh, 2Augustina Ngozi Eze, 3Peter Ada Achadu, 4Juliana Ginika Mamah, 5Jacinta Ukamaka Eze &6Onyema Emilian UchechiThis study examines greeting pattern in Ngwa dialect of the Igbo language. The specific objectives are to identify the greeting pattern, find out how turn taking works in Ngwa Igbo and explores the sociolinguistic factors that influence greeting in Ngwa. The study adopts the conversational analysis as its theoretical framework for analysis with focus on the formal aspect of the theory which is concerned with how conversation works, what rules are observed, how sequencing is achieved (i.e. turn taking, pausing and interrupting). The data were collected through introspection and unstructured oral interviews. The study discovers different pattern of greeting in Ngwa ranging from time of the day greeting, farewell greeting, welcome greeting, social activity greeting, commiserative greeting and commendation greeting. The study finds out that turn taking, adjacency pairs and sequencing are core parts of Ngwa greeting that cannot be neglected. The study also discovers that sociolinguistic factors such as age, sex, level of education, norms and values, peer group and social status affect greeting in Ngwa. The study therefore recommends this study as reference material for schools and other studies for a wider knowledge of sociolinguistics.