Published Paper

Liminality in Buchi Emecheta's the New Tribe and Isidore Okpewho's Call Me by My Rightful Name

Thomas-Michael Emeka Chukwumezie Charles Chukwuemeka Nnamchi
Department of English and Literary Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Page: 1656-1668
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract : Any great work of art is a sight of encounter with meanings. It is on this premise that Emecheta’s The New Tribe and Okpewho’s Call me by my Rightful Name have generated scholarly articles from various conceptual perspectives. Some critics see the narratives as a perception of the quest motif, mythic ideation, postcolonial narrative, and Yoruba cosmogony, among others. Most of these studies have not considered a comparative study of the texts in the light of liminality. The research is, therefore, focused on evaluating the configuration of liminality as a presupposition of border negotiations in different forms. It explores the in-between situation of the liminal figures and the rites of transition from one state to another. It examines how transitional rituals and nostalgia/homecoming constitute distinct shades of threshold which the liminal subjects are bound to cross in their search for belongingness. This study adopts border poetics because of its aptness to the current research. The deployment of this theory demonstrates that border is fluid and manifests in different aspects of individual experiences.