Published Paper

Correlations the Interplanetary Characteristics and the Occurrence of Geomagnetic Large Storms

Pawan Kumar, Mahender Pal and Sham Singh
Page: 45-64
Published on: 2024 March


The research work intends to investigate the correlations and interaction between interplanetary characteristics and the occurrence of geomagnetic large significant storms. Using the Dst index hourly data, Kp and solar wind measurements from various satellites and review the chain of events that happened on March 17, 2015, December 20, 2015,September 8, 2017and August 26,2018 with Dst values of -234 nT,-155 nT,-124 nT and -175 nT, respectively. Strong magnetic storms are mostly caused by high-speed solar ejectors and too-fast coronal mass ejections, whereas there is a strong positive association between solar wind speed and solar wind proton density and AE indices. Furthermore, there is a strong positive correlation between SSN and F10.7 values, polar cap values, and proton densities. The results will advance our knowledge of space weather dynamics by offering insightful information on the connections between solar wind and disturbance features. The results will advance our knowledge of space weather dynamics by offering insightful information on the connections between solar wind and disturbance features.