Published Paper

Screening of Bioactive Phytocompounds in the Leaf of Coldenia procumbens Using Biochemical, FTIR and GCMS Analysis

Rajendiran Priyanka & Muthiah Chandran
Page: 183-193
Published on: 2024 March


Coldenia procumbens is a prominent medicinal plant used to treat several symptoms connected to sexually transmitted diseases in humans. Ancient Tamil literature contains abundant documentation on this subject. Rural siddha medical practitioners still utilise the Coldenia procumbens plant, relying on ancient literature and traditional knowledge, as an ingredient in various formulations to treat various sexually transmitted illnesses in humans. Hence, the present study has been programmed to Tidentify potential bioactive chemicals that may be used to treat different human ailments. This study included qualitative, quantitative, FTIR, and GCMS studies on the leaf of methanol extract from Coldenia procumbens. The leaf powder of Coldenia procumbens was subjected to maceration in ethanol and methanol, revealing a significant abundance of phenol, flavonoids, saponins, tannin, alkaloids, and a restricted quantity of terpenoids. The phenol content was quantitatively analysed and found to be 0.84±0.07mg GAE/g dry extract. The tannin content was determined to be 0.72±0.06 mg TAE/g dry extract. The alkaloid content was measured as 0.43±0.02mg/ATE/g dry extract. Lastly, the flavonoid content was determined to be 0.73±0.058 mg CHE equivalent/g dry extract. Analysed using FTIR, the methanolic leaf extract of Coldenia procumbens revealed the presence of nine bioactive compounds. The compounds mentioned consist of alkane, sulfonamide, aromatic ester, vinyl ether, sulfoxide, carboxylic acids, aromatics, alkenes, and halocompounds. The compounds were identified by detecting characteristic peaks at specific wavelengths: 2925.48 cm-1 (C-H stretching), 2853.17 cm-1 (C-H stretching), 1460.81 cm-1 (C-H bending), 1380.78 cm-1 (C-H bending), 1629.55 cm-1 and 717 cm-1 (C=C bending), 1709.59 cm-1 (C=O stretching), 3412.42 cm-1 (O-H stretching with hydrogen bonding), and 1087.66 cm-1 (C-O stretching). The ethanolic leaf extract of Coldenia procumbens was analysed using GCMS, which revealed the presence of seven bio-active phytocompounds. The identified compounds include 6-Octadecenoic Acid, (Z)-(27%), Ethyl Oleate (22%), 9-Borabicyclo[3.3.1]Nonane, 9-Decyl-(18%), N-Propionyl-D-Glucosamine (18%), N-Hexadecanoic Acid (9%), Heptanoic Acid, 2,6-Dimethyl-, Methyl Ester (4%), Trans-4-T-Pentylcyclohexanol (1%), and 2,5,8-Triphenyl Benzotristriazole (1%). The compounds were retained for the following durations: 17.970, 18.015, 19.136, 19.576, 19.626, 19.716, 27.064, and 19.841, respectively.