Published Paper

Dimensions of Quality of Work life on Continuance Commitment of Academic Staff of Selected Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria

Faith Oghenevwede Ofuokwu, Frank Alaba Ogedengbe
Page: 1382-1398
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract : Employees are psychologically attached to jobs that satisfy their needs. This study examined dimensions of quality of work life on organisational commitment of academic staff of selected Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted. The population of the academic staff in the institutions is estimated at 1203, from which a sample of 300 was selected using Yamane’s formula. Data collected with the aid of questionnaire were analysed using the multiple regression analysis, ran through SPSS version 21 software. The result revealed that career growth and mentorship do not have positive and significant relationship with continuance commitment. While working conditions and compensation package have a positive and significant impact on continuance commitment in the polytechnics. It was recommended that administrators of the education sector should encourage polytechnics’ academic staff to utilize knowledge and skills acquired from further studies, conferences, seminars, and workshops by introducing postgraduate programmes such as Master's and Doctorate degrees in technical areas in the polytechnics to enhance continuance commitment. Conditions that will help employees meet up with global standard and current challenges in the education sector should be provided. Compensation packages for academic staff should be reviewed by the appropriate authorities regularly to reflect changes in prevailing economic situation.