Published Paper

Molecular Docking and Drug Likeliness Study of Anticancer Potential of Camphor from Cinnamon Camphorabark

1Asma Saqib,2Umme Najma, 3Shiv Kumar BS
Page: 1708-1716
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract  : Camphor (Cinnamomumcamphora) is a natural product obtained from the wood of camphor tree. It has been used for centuries, throughout the world as a remedy for treating variety of symptoms such as inflammation, infection, congestion, pain, irritation, etc. The recent studies have shown that some of the components of Cinnamomumcamphora have suppressive and antimutagenic effect in number of human cancer cells without harming the healthy cells. In this paper our focus is on the use of camphor as a remedy for prevention and treatment of serious life-threatening diseases like cancer using ADMET and molecular docking studies. Camphor is a terpenoid and cyclic ketone. Many cancer strategies rely on the promotion of apoptosis in cancer cells as a means to shrink tumours, notably caspase-3 that proteolyze and induce cell death. Overexpression of procasase-3 (PC-3) has been reported in variety of cancers. The high docking score of camphor -9.6Kcal/molwith PC-3 indicate that camphor has potential to inhibit PC-3 over expression.