Published Paper

Review on the Polariton Dynamics

Sunipa Som
Department of Physics, Nehru Gram Bharati University, Prayagraj (U.P.), India
Page: 1450-1470
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract: In this review the recent research developments and their challenges in the field of polariton dynamics have been discussed. A set of experimental and theoretical research works in this field have been reviewed. Experimental and theoretical methodologies have been explained to see the polariton dynamics. Several physical phenomena exhibited by exciton–polariton, like polariton lasing, Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC), quantized vortices, super fluidity, superconductor have been discussed. The results on the kinetics of exciton polariton condensate in the presence of disorder, study on the light propagation in a strongly correlated medium, nonlinear effect in spin relaxation of cavity polariton and polariton emission in linear regime also have been analyzed. BEC of polaritons in thermal equilibrium, collective dynamics, amplitude mode dynamics of polariton condensate and polaritons in organic system have been explained. The research on BEC of polaritons already gave reach physics throughout the past decade but many of the advances have yet to find their way to come into the reality. This review explores the way that might be giving some solution of these problems.