Published Paper

Morality and Identity in Conflict: An Analysis of Kashmiri Youths' Ideological Beliefs and Cultural Influences on Integration with India

Vibhanshu Verma, Dr. Shail Shankar, Dr. Amruth N.V., Dr.Nandita Chaube
Page: 616-628
Published on: 2024 March


The present paper intends to examine the nature and process of ideological beliefs and morality of individuals born and raised in one of the conflicted zones of the Indian territory and tries to uproot its psychic and cultural relationship. The work is oriented towards studying the morality of the masses to discern its influence on moral reasoning at the individual level, justifying or defending their stand towards the decision to integrate with India. The work adopts a top-down approach to analyse semi-structured interviews of five Kashmiri youths. It attempts to provide a new perspective for understanding the Kashmir conflict by analysing it as a collision of two opposing moral forces and the role of culture in contriving the contradiction.