Published Paper

Woman with Evil Eyes: Exploring the Lives and Struggles of Infertile Couples through the Community Lens

Konjit Kebede (PhD Candidate)1, Teka Zewdie (PhD)2
Page: 562-577
Published on: 2024 March


Background:In developing countries like Ethiopia, infertile couples are often stigmatized and stereotyped due to their childlessness status. Thus, this study examines infertile couples' struggles through the community lens. Methods and Materials: This qualitative study uses content analysis. Eight figurative community members with knowledge and relevant information about the topic were selected carefully with maximum variation to participate in this study: three religious leaders from three religions, two marriage counsellors, an elderly woman, a family social worker, and a clinical nurse from the infertility medication hospital. In-depth unstructured interviews were employed to gather data. Findings: The main concepts from data were classified into one theme, "community views and understandings infertile couples lives," and two main categories, "cultural contexts of infertility and its issues" (with 3 subcategories) and "challenges of infertile couples" (with 4 subcategories).

Conclusions: Infertile couples face social and economic challenges, and community education to dispel infertility misconceptions and policy changes for comprehensive support services are needed to ensure their well-being and social resilience.