Published Paper

Analysis on Omicron Variant of Covid-19 Fractional Model Via Caputo Fabrizio Derivative

M. Latha Maheswari & R. Nandhini
Department of Mathematics,PSG College of Arts & Science,Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Page: 1680-1692
Published on: 2024 March


Abstract : In this study, we propose a novel mathematical model to characterize the transmission dynamics of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, incorporating fractional calculus with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative to capture the complex behaviour of the epidemic. The proposed model extends traditional compartmental models by introducing fractional-order differential equations, which provide a more accurate representation of non-local and memory effects observed in infectious disease dynamics. Using Laplace transform and fixed point technique in Banach space, we study the stability results of Omicron variant in different populations, taking into account of various epidemiological parameters and control measures.