Published Paper

Effect of Lidocaine on Incidence of Sore Throat and Cough During Extubation After Elective Surgeries

Sushmitha S, Kiran N
Page: 256-260
Published on: 2024 March


Background: The incidence of postoperative sore throat is one of the most undesirable morbidities that occur in more than 50% of patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia intubation. On one hand the occurrence of cough during extubation can lead to complications like bronchospasm, hemorrhage, open surgical wounds and increase in intrathoracic, intraabdominal, intracranial pressures. The occurrence of sore throat postoperatively is also troublesome. Various studies have shown the use of IV/Intratracheal lidocaine, IV opioids, dexmedetomidine can blunt the responses during extubation. The mechanism of lidocaine could be due to suppression of airway sensory C fibers, reduction of neural discharge of peripheral nerve fibers. Objective: Aimed to compare the effect of intratracheal lidocaine and saline on the incidence of sore throat and cough during extubation. Material & Method: This randomized single blinded clinical trial, conducted among the patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia at R. L. Jalappa Hospital and Research centre, Tamaka, Kolar during the period from August 1ST TO December 31st 2023. Patients aged 18-55yrs with ASA grade 1& 2 were included. Patients allergic to local anaesthesia, with acute of chronic respiratory disease, abnormalities of airway, smokers, Mallampati 3 and 4 grade, Cormack score of 3 or 4, surgery lasted more than 2hrs and not willing were excluded from the study. The participants included after obtaining the informed consent. The incidence of cough was noted as score 0-3, and presence of sore throat in the first and sixth hour after elective surgerywas assessed by Numerating rating scale with a scale of 0-10. Participants were divided into two groups of 16.  Group (A) 4 ml of 2% lidocaine intratracheally through glottis installation before extubation and group (B) 4ml of saline intratracheally just before extubation. Results: A total of 32 patients included in present study, with mean age of 19.2±3.66yrs among them 10 were female and 22 were male patients.