Published Paper

Analysis of Obstacles to the Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EB) and the Use of Colostrum in Serekali in the Commune of Nikki

Dr Soul El Hadj Imorou
University of Parakou-Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
Page: 1471-1487
Published on: 2024 March


Summary : This study aims to analyze the obstacles to the adoption of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the intake of Colostrum. For this purpose, data was collected from 96 people spread across 4 villages in the Sérékali district. Descriptive statistics made it possible to analyze the different perceptions of mothers of children on taking colostrum and the practice of EB. The analysis of the content of the speeches was analyzed the stories recorded during the focus groups. The main data collected relate to the different barriers to the adoption of EB, beliefs regarding taking colostrum and socio-cultural constraints were captured during focus group sessions. My results indicate that only 8% of the mothers surveyed practice EB for children aged between 0 and 6 months. Around 22% practice it until the age of 4 months. 44% practice it until the age of 3 months. Regarding colostrum, 61% of mothers do not breastfeed the baby immediately after delivery. The blocking factors are linked to lack of awareness of the advantages of EB and colostrum, cases of separation between mothers and children, socio-cultural constraints. Interventions to improve EB must therefore target the family, community members and take into account the socio-cultural constraints identified in this study.