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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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A proposed modal for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) to implement e-commerce in their organisation

Pramod Kumar Mishra


 E-electronic commerce is playing very significant role in the growth of small and medium size organisation (SMEs). SMEs can compete in domestic and worldwide market with the help of e-commerce. This conceptual model is based on that factor which affects the Business to Consumer (B2C) success. This conceptual study is based on 25 year research done on this area of e-commerce. This model is helpful for those organisations doing business using e-commerce. This conceptual modal is made seven important factors that are affecting internal and external efficiency of business. Each factor related to this modal is explaining or examine in detail, also check or examine it that how any company will integrate with there e-commerce.


Contours of foreign direct investment opportunities in India

Dr . Suresh B K Naidu


In India, FDI has increased significantly over the past two decades. However, it has been concentrated in a few sectors. The Government of India has put in its practice a liberal and more transparent FDI policy with a view to attract more FDI inflows into its economy. The study has summarized the emerging patterns and trends in inflows of FDI in India in the wake of policy reforms initiated since 1991. While the magnitudes of inflows have recorded impressive growth, they are still at a small level compared to the country’s potential. The aims of the present study are to analyze the FDI inflows in various sectors attracting highest FDI inflows in India from 1991-2009 and the major ten source countries contributing highest FDI inflows in the above said period. For ensuring higher FDI inflows and the planned performance of economy, government should opt for “controlled liberalization”. Policy controls should be made in such a manner that FDI would be ableto contribute in up gradation of technology and the development of economy.


Immigration in Assam during Colonial rule: Its Impact on the Socio- Economic and Demography of Assam

Bishwajit Sonowal


The problem of immigration is becoming serious day by day in Assam. It has deep impact on the socio-economic and political life of Assam. However, immigration is not a recent phenomenon in the context of Assam. It was the British government who, for the first time initiated the trend of immigration as a state policy into Assam. At the very outset, immigration was primarily concerned to economic activities, but later it was more political rather economic. Besides, immigration in the beginning was very small. It was not viewed as a threat to the Assam’s society. But in the subsequent days, the pace of immigration reached into such a stage which posed great challenges to society of Assam. Therefore, in this writing an attempt is being made to understand the histogenesis and the impact of immigration on the society of Assam.


Factors affecting the financial performance of select life insurance companies in India

Dr. P. Chellasamy & L. Jananimanjeeswari


This study attempts to examine the factors affecting the financial performance of select Life Insurance Companies in India. The objective of the study is toanalyze the factors determining select Life Insurance Companies’ performance. For the study, five Life Insurance Companies in India were selected based on purposive sampling method based on their Profitability. The study applied Multiple Regression analysis to determine the factors affecting Financial Performance. The study found that there is a significant impact of Tangibility on Financial Performanceand there is no significant impact of Liquidity and Leverages on Financial Performance of select Life Insurance Companies in India during the study period from 2012-2013 to 2016-2017.


The role of green human resource management towards employee engagement in organization

S. Lakshmi Kothiswari


Employee Engagement is the level of commitment and involvement has employee has towards their organization and its value. An employee engaged is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefits of the organization. It is a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its value. The paper focuses on how employee engagement is an antecedent of job involvement and what should company to do make the employee engaged.


A case study of urban growth trends of Nadia district in West Bengal

Rizanuzzaman Molla


 Urban growth means an increased rate of an urban population in towns or cities and they moved from a rural to an urban area. At present, more than 40% of the world’s population are urban dwellers because of the rapid growth of urbanization which is the traditional and oldest processes of change. Due to urban growth and some others causes, West Bengal is the 4th most populous state and has 2nd position for a high density of population in India. In the present work, an attempt has been made to find out the urban growth trends from 1901 to 2011 of Nadia district in West Bengal and the study also examines sub-divisional towns and others town’s urban growth of the district, and the distribution of urban centers of the district. As per 2011 census report, the total population is 5167600 and having a density of 1316 per square kilometer which is much higher density than the state of West Bengal (1102 sq/km) and India (940 sq/km).