Published Paper

A case study of urban growth trends of Nadia district in West Bengal

Rizanuzzaman Molla

Page: 164-170
Published on: 2018 June


 Urban growth means an increased rate of an urban population in towns or cities and they moved from a rural to an urban area. At present, more than 40% of the world’s population are urban dwellers because of the rapid growth of urbanization which is the traditional and oldest processes of change. Due to urban growth and some others causes, West Bengal is the 4th most populous state and has 2nd position for a high density of population in India. In the present work, an attempt has been made to find out the urban growth trends from 1901 to 2011 of Nadia district in West Bengal and the study also examines sub-divisional towns and others town’s urban growth of the district, and the distribution of urban centers of the district. As per 2011 census report, the total population is 5167600 and having a density of 1316 per square kilometer which is much higher density than the state of West Bengal (1102 sq/km) and India (940 sq/km).