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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Effect of job and household satisfaction on work performance of working women in higher education

Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi


Job satisfaction at work place is a important factors in quality of work performance. Working women face two different climates for work. House hold climate and climate at work place. At both place satisfaction plays significant role in quality and quantity of job they perform, this has effect on their behavior and personality. The present study is to find out level of Job and household satisfaction of working women from higher education and performance at work place. Fifty working women in higher education deportment were randomly selected. Job Satisfaction scale by Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. T.R. Sharma was administered. For house hold satisfaction, house hold scale of Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi, Ph.D, was used. Analysis of data reveals that job performance was highly correlated with house hold satisfaction. Women happy and satisfied at home are also satisfied at work place. Happy workers are productive workers and productive workers are likely to be happy. Role of women today has changed. They are expected to work at home as well as at job also. Now women perceive themselves as productive contributive unit of development besides their role at home as house wife and mother. House hold satisfaction and job satisfaction both have deep influence on personality, ultimately on behavior. In higher education this has further significant role. 



Occupational Stress among Doctors: A Review of Literatures

Vijay Dalal


Stress has become a common factor in healthcare departments especially for doctors as they deal with large number of patients with variety conditions and work overload. So, effective coping strategies are important to reduce stress among doctors. The present article is discussed about the presence of occupational stress among doctors and their findings with suggestions to reduce the levels of stress. This study recommended that all the sources of occupational stress especially heavy workload, financial and family concerns should be dealt with through restructuring of words and rising satisfaction of physicians about their job

The Higher Educational Institutions in Arunachal Pradesh: An Analytical Study

Dr. Dani Kacha


Arunachal Pradesh is the late starter in formal education. The history of higher education in the state started with the establishment of the J.N. College, Pasighat in 1964. Now the state has more than fifty numbers of government and private higher educational institutions. The enrolment of students is recorded at 33878 during 2016-17. The overall student-teacher ratio is 1:48 and the ratio of govt. colleges alone is 1:58 against UGC laid norms of 1:25. Thus, there is acute shortage of teachers in the state. The establishment and expansion of modern and formal education is one of the most significant accomplishments during the last more than 55 years, has far reaching impact on socio-economic development of the state. The Arunachal University (now Rajiv Gandhi University) and the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) were established in 1984 in the same year. With this the expansion of higher and technical educational institutions in both govt. and private started in the state to fulfill the growing demand of the people. Today, the higher education system as a whole is faced with many challenges such as financing and management, lack of infrastructure, access, relevance and reorientation of policies and programmes for lying emphasis on values and quality of higher education in the state. The objectives of this study are to analyse the development of higher and technical educational institutions and challenges they have with the help of secondary data and field observations of the state of Arunachal Pradesh.


Sudras in ancient Odisha

Krushna Chandra Raita


            Sudras were belonged to the Aryan stock and were a section of Aryan community. The varna sytem developed under priestly influence. It is evident that the Sudras appear as a social class only towards the end of Early vedic period when the Purusasukta version of their origin inserted in to the tenth book of the Rig-Veda. One would like to know why the fourth varna come to be called as Sudras. It appears that the word Sudra was derived from the Sanskrit word Dasa. It seems that the word Sudra derived from a conquered tribe of that name as Sudra existed as a tribe in the fourth century B.C. The question is whether the Arya and Sudra represent two social classes or two tribal groups. The latter supposition seems to be plausible. The Sudras are repeatedly mentioned as a tribe in the Mahabharata. Contradictory views have been expressed on the ethnological classification of the Sudra tribe whether the Sudras were an Aryan or Pre-Aryan tribe. If Aryan when did they come to India? Formerly it was maintained that the Sudras were an earlier wave of Aryans later it came to be held that they were a stream of the Pre-Aryan people. From the available data it is believed that Sudras tribe had some affinity with the Aryans. Further the Sudras have never been mentioned in the list of the Pre-Aryan people such as Dravidas, Pulindas, Sabaras etc. They were always located in the North-West which was an area mainly occupied by the Aryans. The inscription of Odisha provide as sufficient information regarding the existence of Brahmins, Khatriyas, Vaisyas and Karanas but silent about the sudras and their functions in the society. But the Sudras were incourse of time because of their economic condition occupied the status of Khatriyas.


Influence of bous med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school Basketball players

K. Satheesh Kumar & Dr. S. Arumugam


The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of bosu med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty school girl basketball players were selected randomly as subjects from Pasumpon Thever High School, Mamsapuram, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu state, India and their age ranged from 12 to 15 years. The subjects divided into two groups in equal numbers (N=15). Group I underwent bosu med ball exercises and group II acted as control group who did not attended any special training other than their daily school schedule curriculum. The duration of the training period was restricted into six weeks. The selected criterion motor fitness variables abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were assessed by sit ups, isometric back strength, stroke balance stand test, plank test, sit & reach, well sit test and pushups test respectively. The collected data from the two groups prior to and after the experimental treatments on abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were statistically analyzed by using the statistical technique of dependent‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In all the cases level of confidence was fixed at 0.05. The result of the study indicated that bosu med ball exercises group had shown significantly improved in motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. However the control group did not shown any significant improvement on selected variables such as abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength.


The Effect of Academic Staff Retention in case of Jig-Jiga University, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia

Farah Iftin


The purpose of the study was to identify factors influencing academic staff retention in case of Jigjiga University. Jijiga University in Ethiopia are operating in a highly competitive environment and one of the challenges that face is employee retention, the core academic staff. This has been occasioned by globalization which has intensified competition and the mobility of highly skilled employees yet the university depend on these staff for success and stability. Especially the objective of the study was to identify whether extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors influenced retention of academic staff. To achieve the above objective, the study was conducted using survey and explanatory research design. The total population of the academic staff in Jigjiga University covered by the study was 843. Stratified random sampling was used in the first stage to insure all subgroups ware represented. The second stage ware employed simple random sampling and a total of 80 respondents ware sampled from the study in Jigjiga University. Data was collected using questionnaire which had both closed- ended (Likert type scale 1-5) and open ended questions. Academic Program and promotion director in charge of administration of the university ware interviewed in order to get in-depth information on retention. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 descriptive statics such as mean and standard deviation. Inferential statics included correlation and multiple regressions ware used. Qualitative data was put into categories based on themes that was aligned in to research objectives and was integrated of discussion and findings. The study revealed that leadership style positively influenced academic staff retention. This study therefore, brought to the fore, the role of leadership and there leadership factors in academic staff retention. The finding also indicated that promotion did not influence academic staff retention in Jigjiga University. The study concluded that in the presence of leadership factors and training remuneration influence academic staff retention


The effectiveness of arbitration in settling investment disputes in renewable energy contracts

Dr. Ghasan obaid Mohammed & Nisreen Hasan Koni


Arbitration is one of the main means in settling renewable energy contract investment disputes due to the adherence of multinational companies to it, as it is the best way for them to be able to resolve the dispute in confidentiality and speed commensurate with their commercial purpose, and because of the freedom that arbitration gives them by choosing the most appropriate procedures and laws to resolve disputes that may occur in These contracts, however, the state, on the other hand, may stand in the way of the means of arbitration because of its belief that it affects its sovereignty and judicial immunity and exposes it to danger or threat first, and because of the fear of violating the supreme rules that it sets for the environment in which it enters, i.e. the rules of public order. Second, and the best evidence of the validity of the state’s concerns about the conflict of arbitration for the public system in it is the decision that it may issue not to allow the state to expropriate the foreign investor’s ownership of the lands of the investing state and cancel such a decision in the event Imposing its issuance and obligating it to compensate as a result of its arbitrariness by issuing such decisions.