Effect of job and household satisfaction on work performance of working women in higher education
Dr. Pramod Kumar TripathiJob satisfaction at work place is a important factors in quality of work performance. Working women face two different climates for work. House hold climate and climate at work place. At both place satisfaction plays significant role in quality and quantity of job they perform, this has effect on their behavior and personality. The present study is to find out level of Job and household satisfaction of working women from higher education and performance at work place. Fifty working women in higher education deportment were randomly selected. Job Satisfaction scale by Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. T.R. Sharma was administered. For house hold satisfaction, house hold scale of Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi, Ph.D, was used. Analysis of data reveals that job performance was highly correlated with house hold satisfaction. Women happy and satisfied at home are also satisfied at work place. Happy workers are productive workers and productive workers are likely to be happy. Role of women today has changed. They are expected to work at home as well as at job also. Now women perceive themselves as productive contributive unit of development besides their role at home as house wife and mother. House hold satisfaction and job satisfaction both have deep influence on personality, ultimately on behavior. In higher education this has further significant role.