Influence of bous med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school Basketball players
K. Satheesh Kumar & Dr. S. ArumugamThe purpose of the study was to find out the influence of bosu med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty school girl basketball players were selected randomly as subjects from Pasumpon Thever High School, Mamsapuram, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu state, India and their age ranged from 12 to 15 years. The subjects divided into two groups in equal numbers (N=15). Group I underwent bosu med ball exercises and group II acted as control group who did not attended any special training other than their daily school schedule curriculum. The duration of the training period was restricted into six weeks. The selected criterion motor fitness variables abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were assessed by sit ups, isometric back strength, stroke balance stand test, plank test, sit & reach, well sit test and pushups test respectively. The collected data from the two groups prior to and after the experimental treatments on abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were statistically analyzed by using the statistical technique of dependent‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In all the cases level of confidence was fixed at 0.05. The result of the study indicated that bosu med ball exercises group had shown significantly improved in motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. However the control group did not shown any significant improvement on selected variables such as abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength.