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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Socio-economic impact of Alipurduar town on its surrounding villages

Mr. Arindom Biswas


Alipurduar is a district municipal town of West Bengal and is located at the eastern end of the State.  Alipurduar town is surrounding by few number of backward villages. There are many parameters of this study; this study is only analyzing the impact of Alipurduar town in case of education and occupation sectors. So this paper the Socio- economic impact of Alipurduar town in the educational, occupational development aspects has been evaluated on its neighboring villages.



Sports are universal appeal has led to sport gaining recognition as a simple, low cost and effective medium for achieving key developmental goals-A review

Deepali Kapoor


The purpose of the present study was to find out the Effect of Ladder Training, Plyometric Training and Combined Training on Agility Performance of Inter Collegiate Male Athletes.  For this study, sixty (N=60) athletes who was participated in Anna University Erode Zone inter collegiate Athletic meet in the event of sprinting was randomly selected as subjects. Their age ranged from  18 to 21 years. The subjects were assigned at random into four groups of fifteen each (n=15).  Group-I underwent Ladder training, Group-II underwent Plyometric training, Group-III underwent combined Ladder training and Plyometric training and Group-IV acted as Control.  The age group of the subjects ranged from 18 to 21 years.  The dependent variables selected for this study was Agility. Agility was assessed by 4x10 meter shuttle run test. All the subjects were tested prior to and immediately after the Experimental period on the selected dependent variables. The data obtained from the experimental groups before and after the experimental period were statistically analyzed with dependent  ‘t’-test and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Whenever the ‘F’ ratio for adjusted post-test means was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s test was applied as post-hoc test to determine the paired mean differences. The level of confidence was fixed at 0.05 level for all the cases.   The results of the study showed that the experimental groups namely, Ladder Training group, Plyometric Training group and Combined Ladder Training and Plyometric Training group had significantly improved in Agility.


Status of education in Western Maharashtra: a Geographical Analysis

Hira Malhotra


Literacy rate is one of the important demographic elements, which is a good measure of human progress towards modernization. Literacy has been defined as the ability to read and write with understanding. Indian literacy is characterized with sharp differences in between the rate of male and females; of rural and urban areas; and of various population subgroups. There are inter-regional variations in literacy rate among Western Maharashtra. The literacy variations are quite significant between male-female and rural-urban in this area. In this present paper, the western Maharashtra region is selected for analyzing these variations of literacy and differential of literacy. For this study, the secondary data are used which collected from socio-economic abstract of district. The collected data are analysed by using statistical and cartographic techniques.  Such type of study represents real situation of literacy in Western Maharashtra which helps to planners, scientists and research scholars. 


A statistical analysis among the intensity of cropping with other parameters of Jalpaiguri districts West Bengal

Sandipan Das


The main objective of this study are to analyses  the extent of intensification of agriculture in Terai-Doors region of Jalpaiguri district, to find out the extent of agriculture and find out the factors responsible for increasing the intensity of cropping. The analysis reveals that there is a block wise variation in the intensity of cropping and it is high where density of population is high, but a whole it is found to be low in the whole region. Therefore, all kinds of efforts should be made to increase the intensity of cropping in the region in order to achieve higher level of agricultural production and productivity.


Tourism industry of North Bengal ¬- from Geographical point of view

Dr. Renu Jamwal


The term Tourism has been emerged as a major industry since World War II. This tourism industry is developed around a region of unique characteristics of natural, social, cultural, ethnic resource diversity and so on. North Bengal  comprises of six districts namely Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, and Malda. Each of the above districts has unique characteristics in respect of natural, social, cultural, ethnic resources. The natural beauty of Darjeeling mountain, reserve forest of Terai and Dooars, heritage site of  Malda and the folk culture of forest surrounded rural area in North Bengal are attracting tourists (both domestic and international) from all over the world. The Darjeeling hills are well known as Queen of Hills. The Darjeeling Tea and Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) are regarded as the heritage of Darjeeling Hills. The unique ethnic community of Totopara of Jalpaiguri district, Coochbehar Rajbari and Heritage site of Malda (Goura) district has a major interest of tourist worldwide. This industry emerged as an important segment of daily life of the people, strengthening their economy and also generates supplementary income for local in rural as well as urban areas. But today lack of proper management the tourism industry of North Bengal has been suffered a lot. This paper is an attempt to focus the present problem and planning to rejuvenate development of Tourism industry of the study area.


Educational development of Himachal Pradesh, 2011: A spatial perspective

Mr.Baidya Nath Saha


Although, male and female constitutes  the important segment of our population. Since from the inception of human life, the female got second preference than male in all activites. Education is not exceptional one. In present study, an attempt has been made to examine the gender disparity in overall literacy along with rural-urban areas of Himachal Pradesh at district level. The study is based on secondary sources of data. The data pertaining to all twelve districts of the state have been obtained from directorate of Census Operations, Shimla. The district constitutes the basic unit of observation. The Sopher disparity index (1974) modified by Kundu and Rao (1980) has been used to find out the gender disparity in overall literacy along with rural and urban areas. The spatial variations in literary at district level have been shown by maps and tables. It is evident from the study that significant improvement has been observed in male-female literacy and the gender gap has decreased from 22.96 per cent in 1971 to 13.06 per cent in 2011. As per 2011 Census, the gender disparity in literacy was lower (0.12) in study area as compare to national average of 0.15. However, there were notable spatial variations at district level. The gender disparity in literacy is two-fold higher in Chamba (0.20) which ranked at top place while Una district with 0.10 placed at bottom rank among all twelve districts. Furthermore, the variations of literacy among the male and female in the state become further clear when it is considered separately for rural and urban areas.



Effect of Academic Staff Retention in case of Jig-Jiga University, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia

Farah Iftin


The purpose of the study was to identify factors influencing academic staff retention in case of Jigjiga University. Jijiga University in Ethiopia are operating in a highly competitive environment and one of the challenges that face is employee retention, the core academic staff. This has been occasioned by globalization which has intensified competition and the mobility of highly skilled employees yet the university depend on these staff for success and stability. Especially the objective of the study was to identify whether extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors influenced retention of academic staff. To achieve the above objective, the study was conducted using survey and explanatory research design. The total population of the academic staff in Jigjiga University covered by the study was 843. Stratified random sampling was used in the first stage to insure all subgroups ware represented. The second stage ware employed simple random sampling and a total of 80 respondents ware sampled from the study in Jigjiga University. Data was collected using questionnaire which had both closed- ended (Likert type scale 1-5) and open ended questions. Academic Program and promotion director in charge of administration of the university ware interviewed in order to get in-depth information on retention. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 descriptive statics such as mean and standard deviation. Inferential statics included correlation and multiple regressions ware used. Qualitative data was put into categories based on themes that was aligned in to research objectives and was integrated of discussion and findings. The study revealed that leadership style positively influenced academic staff retention. This study therefore, brought to the fore, the role of leadership and there leadership factors in academic staff retention. The finding also indicated that promotion did not influence academic staff retention in Jigjiga University. The study concluded that in the presence of leadership factors and training remuneration influence academic staff retention


The Role of Supply Chain Integration on the Supply Chain Performance of Business Sectors

Meaza Getnet Alemu


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the role of supply chain integration on the supply chain performance of the business sectors. The reviewer has used many studies specifically conducted on the effect of supply chain integration dimensions; internal integration, supplier integration and customer integration on which many studies are currently emphasized on. The published articles related to this topic have been searched and the best 12 were chosen on which deeper review has been made. Finally, it has been reached that internal integration; supplier integration and customer integration have all significant and positive effect on the performance of business sectors’ supply chain. Limitations have been found in that the varying studies made have found somehow deviating findings in terms of the effect of the supply chain integration dimensions on the performance of business supply chain and the reviewer has recommended that such studies on the concept need to be extensively made and even the dimensions touched by the existing studies need to incorporate the important dimensions.