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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Comparative analysis of trends of NPAs of various groups of scheduled commercial banks

Dr. Pooja Ralhan Gulati


NPAs have emerged as a major problem for the banking industry in India. All the groups of scheduled commercial banks have been facing this problem since long. However the magnitude of NPAs vary across different groups of SCBs. So it is required to study the comparative trends of NPAs over a long period of time.  In this research paper the presence of long term trend in the behaviour of gross  NPAs of different groups of SCBs is comparatively analyzed. For this purpose the statistical techniques of Annual Trend Analysis, Exponential Growth Analysis and Descriptive Analysis have been used.


Rural Urban Differential Impact of Micro finance on SHGs beneficiaries on various poverty related dimensions

Dr. Syed Javed Iqbal Kamili


Microfinance is playing a significant role in reaching to those who have not been reached yet by the formal financial institutions and the world is seriously contemplating to minimize the gage between the haves and have-nots. the current study examines the impact of Microfinance on the  economic Empowerment of  Microfinance beneficiaries in the Kashmir Division of J & K State (India). The present study made an attempt to examine the impact of microfinance on the Self Help Groups (SHGs) in the selected districts of India in Kashmir Division of J&K State (India). It is observed in this study that microfinance development has a significant impact on Economic empowerment of microfinance beneficiaries.


Professional Commitment of Male and Female Higher Secondary School Teachers in Kashmir Division

Dr.Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


The present study was conducted to find and compare the professional commitment of male and female School teachers on the basis of sex. 800 male and female School teachers were selected by using random cum stratified sampling technique. Professional Commitment Scale developed by RavinderKaurRanu and SarvjeetKaurBrar was uses for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that male and female school teachers differ significantly on various levels of professional commitment. Male School teachers were found high committed towards their profession as compared to female school teachers.

Professional Ethics of Secondary School Teachers with special reference to type of School

Dr. Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


The present study focuses on the level of Professional ethics of the teachers working in Government and private schools of Kashmir Division. By using the descriptive survey method  800 respondents were drawn by the investigator under  random sampling technique from the school teachers working at  higher secondary levels. Professional Ethics Scale developed by Mattoo, M. I. &Thoker, A. A. was uses for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that impact of school seems to be significant on level of professional ethics of teachers. However, Private School teachers were found high level of ethical consciousness towards their profession as compared to Government School teachers.


Information and Communication Technology in Education: An Over view

Nidhi Neanam


Educational systems around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to educate students the information and skill they require in the 21st century. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is the influence that has transformed many aspects of the lives. The impact of the ICT on each area of the life crosswise the past two-three decades has been enormous. The way these fields act today is different as contrast to their pasts. The ICT has made many innovations in field of teaching and also made a drastic from the old paradigm of teaching and learning. They have produced important revolution in industry, agriculture, medicine, business, engineering and previous fields. They too have the possible to transform the natural world of education-where and how knowledge takes place and the roles of students and teachers in the learning process. ICTs in education encouraged to more student centred learning. The world is moving quickly towards digital information, the role of ICTs in education is more and more significant and this importance will continue to raise and develop in 21st century.  The student-centred environment involves learners’ interaction with other students, the teacher, information resources, and technology. The learner engages in authentic tasks in authentic contexts using authentic tools and is assessed through authentic performance. The present paper focuses on the uses of Information Communication Technology (ICTs) in teaching-learning process that will greatly contribute to meet student needs for anywhere, anytime learning, furthermore organizes a variety of approaches found in ICTs and its role in education.


History of world tourism - an empirical study

Dr. R. Senthilkumar


Tourism is vital for many countries, such as the U.A.E, Egypt, Greece and Thailand, and many island nations, such as The Bahamas, Fiji, Maldives and the Seychelles, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise ships and taxis, hospitality services, such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts, and entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, various music venues and the theatre. This paper draws the outlines of the notion and importance of the tourism history, by putting it in perspective of the more recent views of that discipline, which has gradually emerged as a separate entity within both historical, as well as tourism research. It has been the subject of interest with experts and scientists, especially those dealing with tourism which derives information from specific sources and by different methodology of research. Incorporated in social, economic and cultural environment, tourism followed a sequential path assuming various shapes in its gradual development.