Information and Communication Technology in Education: An Over view
Nidhi NeanamEducational systems around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to educate students the information and skill they require in the 21st century. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is the influence that has transformed many aspects of the lives. The impact of the ICT on each area of the life crosswise the past two-three decades has been enormous. The way these fields act today is different as contrast to their pasts. The ICT has made many innovations in field of teaching and also made a drastic from the old paradigm of teaching and learning. They have produced important revolution in industry, agriculture, medicine, business, engineering and previous fields. They too have the possible to transform the natural world of education-where and how knowledge takes place and the roles of students and teachers in the learning process. ICTs in education encouraged to more student centred learning. The world is moving quickly towards digital information, the role of ICTs in education is more and more significant and this importance will continue to raise and develop in 21st century. The student-centred environment involves learners’ interaction with other students, the teacher, information resources, and technology. The learner engages in authentic tasks in authentic contexts using authentic tools and is assessed through authentic performance. The present paper focuses on the uses of Information Communication Technology (ICTs) in teaching-learning process that will greatly contribute to meet student needs for anywhere, anytime learning, furthermore organizes a variety of approaches found in ICTs and its role in education.