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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 14 Number 03 (September 2024)

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A geographic analysis of natural hazard profile of Kerala, India

Dr. R Anil Kumar & Dr. V.K Jayalakshmi


Kerala is located in the south western part of India exposes to different types of natural hazards and it is considered as the multi hazard prone state in the country. The state is mainly susceptible to eight natural hazards which include floods, landslides, droughts, lightning, earthquakes, coastal erosions, tsunami and cyclone.  Geographical factors have profound influence on the hazard profile of the state. The district-wise hazard profile categorized in Kerala does not seem to be distributed evenly in all districts. The present study attempted to develop and evaluate the districts wise multi hazard susceptibility scale and matrix which assessed the profile of eight natural hazards in the fourteen districts of the state. In accordance with this hazard susceptibility index and district susceptibility index was estimated which further categorized into four divisions as Very High Susceptible, High Susceptible, Medium Susceptible and Low Susceptible.  The study reveals that the state exhibits a unique spatial distribution of susceptibility to various natural hazards in the each district. According to the study Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam and Kozhikode are the most susceptible districts while landslide and floods are two hazards which are more susceptible than others. The study would be a first attempt in this kind considering the multi hazard profile of all the districts for assessing districts multi hazard susceptibility of the state.


Gender Disparity in Literacy Level among Scheduled and Non-scheduled Population: A Case Study of Bankura District, West Bengal (India)

Krishnendu Maji & Dr. Sumana Sarkar


Gender disparity in the level of literacy and educational attainment of scheduled and non-scheduled population may be the ‘cause and the effect’ of the differentials between their levels of socio-economic conditions and cultural orientation. In Bankura district, educational development has taken place unevenly in terms of gender and social groups. Even within the same segments of population, varying socio-economic status make a difference which gets further influenced by local regional characteristics at different level. Bankura district ranks at 11th among 19 district of West Bengal (Human Development Report, 2006) with a high concentration of socio-economically backward social groups i.e., scheduled population comprising the Scheduled Caste (SC) and the Scheduled Tribe (ST) population with 32.65 per cent and 10.25 per cent respectively. Though the overall literacy rate of the district stands at 70.26 per cent but literacy rate among SC is just 53.30 per cent and the proportion is 59.18 per cent in case of STs. In comparison to national average of gender disparity in literacy (16.3 per cent, 2011 census), the district scores high i.e., 20 per cent gender gap with male and female literacy rate of 80.05 and 60.05 per cent respectively. This gender-gap is far more widening among SCs (23.82 percent) and STs (26.98 per cent). In this context, present study deals with the detailed overview of female literacy and gender gaps in educational attainment among scheduled and non-scheduled communities in a comparative framework.


Non-Brahmanism and Nature: An Intellectual Environmental History of Jyotirao Phule

V.M. Ravi Kumar


This paper explores the ecological dimension of non-Brahman discourse and practice by focusing on Jyotirao Phule who happens to be one of the critical thinkers of modern India. His ideas on non-Brahman movement received wider popularity within Indian public and academia. This paper proposes that the ideas of Phule have exciting ecological dimension which are extremely useful in the contemporary times. By focusing on ecological dimension of Phule, this paper proposes that he puts equity at the centre stage of rural development and ecological progress. By exploring the ideas of Phule this paper attempts to construct a theory of non Brahman perspective of nature. This theory enables us to look at nature beyond Hindu nationalist and Brahmanical perspective which needs to capture the non-Brahman perception of nature.     


Rural housing and importance of agriculture-A study of Palakkad district

Dr.R.Sarojani & Promodh.S


       Housing is essential for the well-being and social security of rural population. Comparing to urban areas and other sectors, rural people suffer from deprivation, lower incomes, seasonal unemployment etc so many households find it difficult to gain ownership of homes. Agriculture development is a necessary pre condition for the rural development especially to housing development in rural areas. Rural development in general is used to denote the actions and initiatives taken by the government to improve the standard of living in rural areas. Housing is essential for the well-being and social security of rural people. For the social sustainability of rural population, housing facility is very important to them.  Rural housing should contribute substantial improvements in the quality of life, personality of the rural family, improvements in basic amenities, family's health and efficiency, women’s and children’s economic and social well being.


Comparative assessment of biomedical waste segregation practices in public and private hospital of Jammu region

Sonali Verma & Dr. Angelika sharma


 Health care is important for our life, but the waste generated from various medical activities poses a severe problem to all living forms and to our environment as well. The large amount of infectious and hazardous waste generated in various health care hospitals and facilities are a matter of significant concern not only in India but also around the world. Biomedical waste management is one of the biggest challenges of the present day times since it has a direct impact on the health of the citizen of that city. The Present Study aims to provide information about the management, Segregation, & Storage of medical wastes in Public as well as Private Hospitals in Jammu Region. A  Simple random sampling technique have been used  to distribute a semi structured questionnaire among IV class workers at two hospitals in Jammu Region with 30 respondents from Govt. Hospital and 30 respondents from Private hospital. The results disclosed that, Bio Medical waste Management facilities are proper in the public hospital where as private hospital still suffer from inappropriate biomedical wastes management. This study mainly focused on   Training of the IV class, segregation and storage of Biomedical Waste Management.


Sedimentation assessment of Bhatghar reservoir through satellite remote sensing

Suhas Kamble & D.M. Wankhede


Sediments in the reservoir are related to the reservoir's capacity because it affects live and dead storage. The present study covers the use of satellite remote sensing data in the sedimentary study of bhatghar reservoir in Bhortaluka of Pune district in Maharashtra. Satellite data furnishopportunity to study the reservoir characteristics at different scale and at different stages. The energetic aspect of the reservoir is mainly the spread of water, and the distribution and concentration of suspended matter need to be regularly mapping and monitoring. Multi-date satellite remote sensing data provide information on elevation contours in terms of water spread area. According to the existing records, (Pune Irrigation Division) the Bhatghar Dam was built in 1927 Therefore, the area capacity curve in 1927 was used as the base year for this study. Gross storage The Bhatghar Reservoir was 672.65 Mm3 in 1927. The dead and live storage for the equal ware   2.16 Mm3 at 578.48 m for MDDL and 670.49 Mm3 at 623.28 m for FRL respectively.After analyzing the satellite data in year 2015-16, the study found that there was loss of gross storage of 98.07 Mm3 in 89 years.Therefore, 

Bankruptcy Prediction: A Study of Predictive Power of Altman’s Model and its Predictors in Indian Corporate Sector

Gurmeet Singh & Dr. Ravi Singla


Bankruptcy prediction is the interest area for many academicians and researchers. Many researchers developed the bankruptcy prediction models from time to time. Altman (1968) is a widely used model to predict corporate failure. The present research paper examines the predictive ability of the Altman’s model and its variables as predictors of bankruptcy in the Indian corporate sector. By using the sample of 37 defaulted and 37 non-defaulted companies matched by asset size and industry classification, we find that the predictive power of the model is higher in case of defaulted companies than non-defaulted companies. Since almost all the variables used in the model as predictors violates the assumption of normality, thus by applying the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman’s Correlation test we observe that all the variables have discriminating power between defaulted and non-defaulted companies and are found to be positively related to Z-score. Predictive power of Altman’s model is weaker in the case of non-defaulted companies which leads to decrease in overall accuracy rate of the model.


Life skills for enhancing social competence during adolescence

Hita Claudia Rao


Social competence is often seen as a desirable trait during adolescence as it is considered as a protective factor in resilient individuals. It promotes personal and interpersonal effectiveness by enhancing skills needed for dealing with environmental challenges in daily life situations. Poor social competence has been associated with a number of psychosocial troubles during adolescence, including mental disorders, emotional and behavioral problems. Of the many skill building programs used to enhance adolescent social competence, Life Skills Education and Training have been significant ones. The present study investigates the utility of life skills training in enhancing social competency during adolescence. A pre- and post-test experimental design was used in the study to analyze the stated objectives. Adolescent Social Competency Scale was used to select the study sample. 160 adolescent students (mean age=16.44) who scored low on social competence participated in the study. These were randomly divided into the experimental and control group (n=80), consisting of equal number of male and female adolescents (n=40). Participants in the experimental group were trained on six of the ten core life skills, based on the module prepared by the researcher. The training lasted for 10 sessions following which post-test assessments were done. Data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics including independent sample t-test and repeated measures of ANOVA. The results of the study indicate a significant effect of life skills training in enhancing adolescent social competence, irrespective of gender.