Published Paper

Comparative assessment of biomedical waste segregation practices in public and private hospital of Jammu region

Sonali Verma & Dr. Angelika sharma

Page: 564-573
Published on: 2016 December


 Health care is important for our life, but the waste generated from various medical activities poses a severe problem to all living forms and to our environment as well. The large amount of infectious and hazardous waste generated in various health care hospitals and facilities are a matter of significant concern not only in India but also around the world. Biomedical waste management is one of the biggest challenges of the present day times since it has a direct impact on the health of the citizen of that city. The Present Study aims to provide information about the management, Segregation, & Storage of medical wastes in Public as well as Private Hospitals in Jammu Region. A  Simple random sampling technique have been used  to distribute a semi structured questionnaire among IV class workers at two hospitals in Jammu Region with 30 respondents from Govt. Hospital and 30 respondents from Private hospital. The results disclosed that, Bio Medical waste Management facilities are proper in the public hospital where as private hospital still suffer from inappropriate biomedical wastes management. This study mainly focused on   Training of the IV class, segregation and storage of Biomedical Waste Management.