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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Legal and Ethical Consideration of Euthanasia in India: A Choice between Life and Death

Rouf Ahmad Bhat, Shakoor Ahmad Dar, Prof. Dr. Anita Deshpande


Euthanasia has always been in glare of publicity and as a subject of debate in the field of medicine and law. It is one of the most baffling issue which the world face today when it comes to the life of a patient with terminal illness and acute pain, who is in a vegetate state and cannot support life with dignity. Severely handicapped or terminally ill people are supposed to have the right to choose between life and death. Euthanasia has been much debated subject throughout the world and India entered into the arena for debate since the case of Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug (a junior nurse at King Edward Hospital, Parel, Mumbai) who was sexually assaulted by a ward boy in the evening of Nov 27, 1973. The present study provides the case of some countries which have enacted legislations to euthanasia, among these handful of countries Netherlands was the first to start the practice of euthanasia and later was joined by Canada, Columbia, Belgium, Luxemburg and the state of Oregon in USA. India also joined these countries which have already legalized mercy killing in some form or other, so far India is concerned ‘Passive Euthanasia’ is legalized by Supreme Court’s two judge bench on 7th March 2011. Varied forms of euthanasia has been highlighted in the present research paper, the most prominent among them include Active and Passive, Voluntary and Non-Voluntary euthanasia. In the current study an attempt was made to explore the arguments in favour and the arguments against euthanasia and an account of euthanasia and the position of life in Islam is also explored. The research method used for the accumulation and analysation of data in the current study is Descriptive/ Ex post facto method. Finally an attempt was made to see the possibilities by which euthanasia can be avoided to a large extent while taking into consideration the ethical code of humanity.

Occupational Efficacy of male and female Higher Secondary School Teachers in Division Kashmir- A Comparative Study

Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


The present study was conducted to find and compare the occupational efficacy of male and female School teachers working in different higher secondary schools of Kashmir Division. 800 higher secondary School teachers were selected by using random sampling technique. Occupational efficacy Scale developed by SanjyotPethe, SushamaChaudhari and UpiderDhar was uses for data collection. The collected data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that male and female School teachers differ significantly on various levels of occupational efficacy. High level ofoccupational efficacy was found among male school teachers as compared to female School teachers.


Professional Commitment of Male and Female Higher Secondary School Teachers in Kashmir Division

Dr.Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


The present study was conducted to find and compare the professional commitment of male and female School teachers on the basis of sex. 800 male and female School teachers were selected by using random cum stratified sampling technique. Professional Commitment Scale developed by RavinderKaurRanu and SarvjeetKaurBrar was uses for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that male and female school teachers differ significantly on various levels of professional commitment. Male School teachers were found high committed towards their profession as compared to female school teachers.


Professional Ethics of Secondary School Teachers with special reference to Rural Urban Dichotomy

Dr.Aashiq Ahmad Thoker


: The purpose of the study was to find out the Professional ethics of teachers working in Government and Private schools of Kashmir Division. The study was descriptive in nature and was conducted over a sample of 800 rural and urban secondaryschool teachers. Whole sample was selected by using random sampling technique.  For collection of data, the investigator has used Professional Ethics Scale developed by Mattoo, M. I. &Thoker, A. A. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and ‘t’ test. Results revealed that locality has significant impact on level of professional ethics of teachers. However, urban School Teachers were found high level of Professional Ethics as compared to rural school teachers.


Pre-Purchase Behaviour of Television Buyers: A Study With Reference To North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Palisetti Giribabu


The main objective of this paper is to examine the Pre-purchase behavior of television buyers for buying reputed brands of new televisions in Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Vishakhapatnam districts of North coastal districts in Andhrapradesh along with suitable suggestions for improvement of sound sales of the particular brands. The primary data collected from the respondents of above three districts. The study found  that Out of 675 respondents, 285(10.56) respondents are given 1strank for price means they give most important to price, 140(5.19) respondents are given to picture clarity, 95, 68, 60 and 27 respondents are given most important to brand image, new features, sound clarity and appearance respectively consider while buying a new television. The percentages, growth rates, ranking system and graphs used as a technique of this study.


Analysis Of Relationship Between Work Stress And Employee Performance Among Managerial Executives In Service Sector

Dr. V.Ramanujam & M.Rani


In this age of globalization the service  sectors  shows great promise as one with tremendous growth potential.. In this regard, employee stress is perhaps the most contributing factor to work performance. This paper attempts  to  find the  impact of   work stress  on   performance  among the  managers executives  in  three service sectors  namely hospital, hotel and bank in  Nilgiri  district . The data was collected  from 490 respondent and was  analyzed statistically using SPSS 19 software. The statistical tools used were independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA,  and Pearson bivariate correlation.The  findings  of the  study  revealed  that tourism employees face more stress when compared to hospital and bank employees.. The results confirmed that job stress had a negative effect on job performance. Hence organization needs to focus on these stress creating factors and try to minimize or overcome the same.