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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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Socio-economic status of rural women: selected part of Cooch Behar district, West Bengal, India

Ms. Mervelous Choudhury


Rural economy of India is characterised by a massive presence of merely paid women workers. Rural women workforce plays a significant role in the economy who participated in large number of economic activity in agriculture and allied sector. Equitable access to more and better jobs in rural areas enable rural women to become effective economic actors and engines of growth. In India female participation in labour market has increased due to increasing rate of employment opportunities. The entry of women in labour market has fundamentally changed the status of women in the family as well as in the society. Today, indigenous women are increasingly entering the formal and informal labour market, as self-employed workers or wage earners. However women are facing new challenges regarding their social status which varies from rural to urban areas and various families in one area. Gender inequality, limited access to credit, health care and education has posed a number of challenges for rural women in all states of India. They also face many domestic and social problems. For the work, primary data was obtaining through field survey. Again, secondary data were collected from various sources and analyzed with suitable statistical and cartographic techniques. Present research study has tried to explore the status of rural working women of Tufanganj Block-I and their distribution in different sector. Most of the women workers of the study area belong to poor economic condition which is the main reason of their work. In conclusion part proper suggestions are incorporated to arrest the problem.


Economic Determinants of Military Expenditure in Ethiopia during 2011 – 2019

Mr. Minda Yirga Beyene , Dr. S. Srinivasan & Dr. Venkatesh Andavar


Issues: Ethiopia’s military expenditure is increasing from time to time which detrimentally distracts the actual follow of the economy. The country needs to build a virtuous protection and henceforth, it will do reduction of expenses for growth. Ethiopia is in a prerequisite of to do stability the both. Methods: This paper objective to evaluate the economic determinants of military expenditure in Ethiopia during the period 2011 – 2019. Linear Regression analysis has been applied with military expenditure and export, GDP, gross capital formation, urban population and foreign direct investment. Findings: Ethiopia’s military expenditure has significantly influenced export of Ethiopia which is articulated in the regression analysis and the coefficient is -1.37, R-square is 0.74 and t-statistics is -3.90. GDP increased in the country which is highly significant influence in the increased military expenses and expressed in the regression analysis that coefficient is -5.68, R-square is 0.94 and t-statistics is -11.65. And also, the capital formation of Ethiopia is significantly increased the military expenditure of the country. The urban population of Ethiopia has significantly influenced the military expenses which is clearly elucidated in the regression analysis where coefficient is -9.89, R-square is 0.94 and t-statistics is -10.92 and military expense is significant influence with the FDI of Ethiopia which is clarified as coefficient is -0.40 and t-statistics is -19.60 and there are meager influences of the military expenses by FDI, so R-square is 0.83. Conclusions: Ethiopia’s military expenditure has increased significantly from 2011 to 2019. It has significant relationship between export, GDP, gross capital formation, urban population and foreign direct investment, hence, Ethiopia faces internal and external threads, so it is always surging the outlay for military due to purchase new weapons and import arm equipment. Furthermore, the government policy should focus on GDP, capital formation and FDI to development of the country.


Post-Soviet Russia revolution on transition in Russia was marked by various political experiments

Madhusudhan Karmakar


This work examines the process of Refederalization and scope of Federalism in Post-Soviet Russia. Russian federal system underwent through various changes after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It came into existence because of various treaties signed between the central government and the regions. Russian federal structure is asymmetrical in nature, marked by conflict over system of power sharing between the Center and the regions. An institutional mechanism has been created to ensure the effective implementation of federal principles. But an overarching control of President over political affairs, foreign policy and economy could prove harmful for the successful evolution of a federal state in Russia. 


Nutritional status of students in primary classes of Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh

Sayantika Palvan


For giving a boost to universalisation of primary education by increasing enrolment, attendance and retention and simultaneously improving the nutritional status of students in primary classes, The National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education which is popularly known as the Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched by the Government of India in 1995. In this research study an evaluation of Mid Day Programme in Kaushambi is being done mainly based on primary data. The universe of the study is Kaushambi block Muratganj and the sample size used is 100 children of government schools. Views of some of the available teachers in the schools are also covered in this study. The study states that MDM Programmme is really helpful in removing classroom hunger, increasing enrollments and daily attendance of the children. Several steps are yet to be taken to improve the implementation of the programme and to provide best quality of Mid-Day Meal to school children.


The practice and challnges of school based supervision: the case of some selected public primary schools in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia



The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school based supervision in public primary schools in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Descriptive survey research design was employed to carry out the study. The study participants were 147 respondents (75 instructional leaders and 72 teachers who were selected by using simple random and purposive sampling techniques respectively).An investigators adopted descriptive and inferential statistics to make interpretation of quantitative data sound whereas qualitative data were analyzed thematically to substantiate quantitative data. The results of the study indicated that the practices of school basedsupervision wasconducted sometimes due to shortage of time, limited input physical resources, negative attitudes of the teachers toward instructional supervision, and lack of commitment from both instructional leaders and teachers. It is suggested that educational officials and school community should give due attention to the school based supervision to improve the practice of school based supervision which resulted in students achievement.


The pioneering practice of food fermentation shares an integral part of cultural heritage from ancient Indian civilization

Amal kumar Deshmukh


The pioneering practice of food fermentation shares an integral part of cultural heritage from ancient Indian civilization for sustained nutrition and food preservation. More than five thousand different fermented foods are being consumed worldwide, many of which are produced by native people of certain locality using locally available plant or animal products. These are prepared either naturally or by adding starter cultures containing some specific microorganisms which can modify the substrate into edible product. Assam, the second largest state of Northeast India, is rich in both biological and cultural diversity and inhibited by a number of ethnic communities. This study documents the traditional knowledge on fermented food products of Lakhimpur District of Assam, India.


E-Learning Facilities Social Studies Laboratory and Students’ Academic Performance in Colleges of Education

Ogheneakoke Edore Clifford & Akpotor Uhririnoghene


The study examined E-learning facilities,Social Studies laboratory students’ academic performance. The study was an Ex-post-facto study. The sample consisted of 315 students drawn through the purposive sampling technique using the multi-stage procedure. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire.  The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was applied to answer research questions, and ANOVA statistic was used to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The study demonstrated that a significant relationship between social studies laboratory and academic performance showed a relationship between E-learning facilities and students’ academic performance; a significant relationship existed between the use of projectors and academic performance. It wassuggested that the National Commission for Colleges Education (NCCE) ensure that there are equipped laboratory and E-learning facilities before accreditation is given to any Department.


Effect of job and household satisfaction on work performance of working women in higher education

Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi


 Job satisfaction at work place is a important factors in quality of work performance. Working women face two different climates for work. House hold climate and climate at work place. At both place satisfaction plays significant role in quality and quantity of job they perform, this has effect on their behavior and personality. The present study is to find out level of Job and household satisfaction of working women from higher education and performance at work place. Fifty working women in higher education deportment were randomly selected. Job Satisfaction scale by Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. T.R. Sharma was administered. For house hold satisfaction, house hold scale of Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi, Ph.D, was used. Analysis of data reveals that job performance was highly correlated with house hold satisfaction. Women happy and satisfied at home are also satisfied at work place. Happy workers are productive workers and productive workers are likely to be happy. Role of women today has changed. They are expected to work at home as well as at job also. Now women perceive themselves as productive contributive unit of development besides their role at home as house wife and mother. House hold satisfaction and job satisfaction both have deep influence on personality, ultimately on behavior. In higher education this has further significant role.