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Papers are invite for publication in Volume 15 Number 01 (March 2025)

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The role of green human resource management towards employee engagement in organization

S. Lakshmi Kothiswari


Employee Engagement is the level of commitment and involvement has employee has towards their organization and its value. An employee engaged is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefits of the organization. It is a positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its value. The paper focuses on how employee engagement is an antecedent of job involvement and what should company to do make the employee engaged.


Effect of job and household satisfaction on work performance of working women in higher education

Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi


Job satisfaction at work place is a important factors in quality of work performance. Working women face two different climates for work. House hold climate and climate at work place. At both place satisfaction plays significant role in quality and quantity of job they perform, this has effect on their behavior and personality. The present study is to find out level of Job and household satisfaction of working women from higher education and performance at work place. Fifty working women in higher education deportment were randomly selected. Job Satisfaction scale by Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. T.R. Sharma was administered. For house hold satisfaction, house hold scale of Dr. Pramod Kumar Tripathi, Ph.D, was used. Analysis of data reveals that job performance was highly correlated with house hold satisfaction. Women happy and satisfied at home are also satisfied at work place. Happy workers are productive workers and productive workers are likely to be happy. Role of women today has changed. They are expected to work at home as well as at job also. Now women perceive themselves as productive contributive unit of development besides their role at home as house wife and mother. House hold satisfaction and job satisfaction both have deep influence on personality, ultimately on behavior. In higher education this has further significant role. 


The Higher Educational Institutions in Arunachal Pradesh: An Analytical Study

Dr. Dani Kacha


Arunachal Pradesh is the late starter in formal education. The history of higher education in the state started with the establishment of the J.N. College, Pasighat in 1964. Now the state has more than fifty numbers of government and private higher educational institutions. The enrolment of students is recorded at 33878 during 2016-17. The overall student-teacher ratio is 1:48 and the ratio of govt. colleges alone is 1:58 against UGC laid norms of 1:25. Thus, there is acute shortage of teachers in the state. The establishment and expansion of modern and formal education is one of the most significant accomplishments during the last more than 55 years, has far reaching impact on socio-economic development of the state. The Arunachal University (now Rajiv Gandhi University) and the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) were established in 1984 in the same year. With this the expansion of higher and technical educational institutions in both govt. and private started in the state to fulfill the growing demand of the people. Today, the higher education system as a whole is faced with many challenges such as financing and management, lack of infrastructure, access, relevance and reorientation of policies and programmes for lying emphasis on values and quality of higher education in the state. The objectives of this study are to analyse the development of higher and technical educational institutions and challenges they have with the help of secondary data and field observations of the state of Arunachal Pradesh.


Influence of bous med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school Basketball players

K. Satheesh Kumar & Dr. S. Arumugam


The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of bosu med ball exercises on selected motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty school girl basketball players were selected randomly as subjects from Pasumpon Thever High School, Mamsapuram, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu state, India and their age ranged from 12 to 15 years. The subjects divided into two groups in equal numbers (N=15). Group I underwent bosu med ball exercises and group II acted as control group who did not attended any special training other than their daily school schedule curriculum. The duration of the training period was restricted into six weeks. The selected criterion motor fitness variables abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were assessed by sit ups, isometric back strength, stroke balance stand test, plank test, sit & reach, well sit test and pushups test respectively. The collected data from the two groups prior to and after the experimental treatments on abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength were statistically analyzed by using the statistical technique of dependent‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In all the cases level of confidence was fixed at 0.05. The result of the study indicated that bosu med ball exercises group had shown significantly improved in motor fitness variables among active school basketball players. However the control group did not shown any significant improvement on selected variables such as abdominal strength, back strength, balance, core strength, flexibility, leg strength and shoulder strength.


A statistical analysis among the intensity of cropping with other parameters of Jalpaiguri districts West Bengal

Sandipan Das


The main objective of this study are to analyses  the extent of intensification of agriculture in Terai-Doors region of Jalpaiguri district, to find out the extent of agriculture and find out the factors responsible for increasing the intensity of cropping. The analysis reveals that there is a block wise variation in the intensity of cropping and it is high where density of population is high, but a whole it is found to be low in the whole region. Therefore, all kinds of efforts should be made to increase the intensity of cropping in the region in order to achieve higher level of agricultural production and productivity.


Wetlands and Sewage Problem of Kandi Town in Murshidabad District

M. Obulapathi


Development means the growth of well being and sustainability of resources. Sewage problem is an increasing and contemporary problem in tropical regions. It has been recognised as a major environmental problem for some time (e.g. Banner 1974). Not only on aquatic life, has it had a great impact on terrestrial life and urban development especially of slum areas. In the period of Globalisation and in spite of being implemented “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” we are habituated to live with our so called life style. Historically Kandi is an old and aristocrat town of Murshidabad. Near about 60 surrounding villages are depended on this town. The civilisation of this town was started based on Mayurakshi river (so called Kana Mayurakshi).With the increasing population the wastages are increasing gradually which creates threatening towards this civilisation. Few Measures have taken to get rid of this problem but it is not sufficient by the municipality. This paper is trying to present the of Garbage and sewage problem as the barrier of development for this municipality.