Analyzing the Existence of Fintech as a Digital Platform for Economic Solutions and the Perception of MSMEs in Indonesia
AryusmarThis research aims to analyze the existence of fintech as a digital platform for economic solutions and the perception of MSMEs in Indonesia. It uses descriptive research with a quantitative method. This descriptive research focuses on analyzing the existence of fintech as a digital platform for economic solutions. The quantitative method attempts to collect quantifiable information using questionnaires distributed via Google Form to 200 respondents selected from MSME members using purposive random sampling to measure perceptions. The results indicate that the existence of fintech as a digital platform for economic solutions and MSMEs' perception in Indonesia is based on several beneficial aspects found as follows: (1) makes it easier for people to make transactions, with 82.5% positive perceptions; (2) can be useful for monitoring every transaction of government officials, with 77% positive perception; (3) can help solve people's financial problems, with 85% positive perceptions; (4) has an impact on monetary stability, financial system stability, efficiency, smoothness, safety, security, and reliability of the payment system, with 74% positive perception; and (5) can be useful in managing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget, with 77.5% positive perceptions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the existence of fintech as a digital platform for economic solutions and the perception of MSMEs in Indonesia. These results provide important information for stakeholders to acknowledge fintech as a digital tool for economic solutions in Indonesia.