Published Paper

Integrating Electronic Publishing within an AI environment into an EFL Creative Writing Class at Indonesian Higher Education

Aryusmar, Muhartoyo
Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Page: 1737-1748
Published on: 2024 June


This study aims to explore the integration of electronic publishing within an AI environment to produce electronic publications such as e-newsletters or e-magazines. It also aims to provide lecturers with a systematic framework for self-reflection, offering valuable insights for improving technology-mediated writing instruction in an EFL Creative Writing Class at Indonesian higher education institutions. The research utilized a mixed method research approach involving 31 students participating in the EFL creative writing class. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered. The results of the statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test showed that the Z statistic was -4.865 and the asymptotic significance (2-tailed) was 0.000, which is much smaller than the threshold of significance level (0.05). Based on this statistical analysis, the research concluded that the effect of integrating electronic publishing within an AI environment into an EFL creative writing class on students' writing proficiency is proven to be significant. Likewise, students were capable of creating e-newsletters or e-magazines. Regarding students' perception, most students (over 90%) gave a positive response to the integration of electronic publishing within an AI environment into their creative writing class. Therefore, it implies that it is especially important for higher education institutions in Indonesia to follow up on this research finding in their policies.