Influence of Digital Media Messages on Healthy Lifestyle of Academics in Southern Nigeria Universities
1Ukamaka C.M.Ozioko, 2 Ikenna H., Ahaotu, 3Martins N., Ezugwu, 4Somtochukwu Victor, Okeke & 5Rosemary Ebiere, GovernorLack of physical exercise, poor or unhealthy dieting and other unhealthy lifestyles are reported to be the cause of most non-communicable diseases, leading to the death of about 41 million deaths yearly. 77% of all the NCDs occur in the low and middle income countries, such as Nigeria. Despite the increasing volume of health messages on digital platforms, the number of deaths from NCDs, arising from unhealthy lifestyles, are still on the increase, raising question as to the influence such messages have on individuals. It is against this backdrop that the study seeks to find out the influence of digital media on the lifestyle of academics in Southern Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey method to derive data from a sample size of 358, using the Multi-stage sampling technique. Out of the universities in Southern Nigeria, three (University of Nigeria, University of Benin and University of Lagos) were studied. Data were collected from respondents using the questionnaire. Data analysis was done using statistical tools like frequencies and percentages. The result indicated that exposure to digital messages on healthy lifestyle is high. The channel through which a higher percentage of respondents received digital messages on healthy lifestyle is social media. The result also shows that majority of them understood and complied with the messages. The study recommended the need for health promoters to leverage effective platforms and messaging strategies to further promote healthy behaviors.