Published Paper

ICT motivation and effects on secondary school students: a study

Sanat Kumar Mallick , Kamal Krishna De, Rajib Mukhopadhyay

Page: 85-92
Published on: 2017 December


The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has changed the habit of learning among the students. The students are gradually getting motivated by using ICT. This motivational learning with ICT is the focal area of the present investigation. The study aims at assessing the effect of motivation in the use of ICT on the secondary students Sex and Habitat-wise. The authors prepared a test on ICT motivation selecting 4(four) dimensions from those suggested by Don Passey and Colin Rogers (2004) and standardized the test. Internal consistency of test was found by Cronbach’s Alpha. Subsequently the test was administered on 700 ninth grade students of both sexes drawn from different habitats of WB. Analysis with ANOVA conclusively showed that students do not significantly differ sex and habitat-wise on motivation in ICT use.