Project Finance Factors and Financial Performance of Selected Construction Companies in North-Central Nigeria: An Impact Assessement
Alu Joseph Abani & Dr. Frank Alaba OgedengbeThe importance of construction organizations growth to the economic development of any nation remains integral as it constitutes majorly to the developmental stride of any nation. This study investigates the impact of financial factors of Cost Valuation Reconciliation (CVR) and Schedule Management (SMG) on the ROA and ROE of selected construction companies in North Central Nigeria. This study administered 102 semi-structured question to the requisite construction professionals in the considered construction organizations of which the same amount was properly filled and returned resulting into a 100 percent response rate. The applied methodologies entail descriptive statistics and inferential statistic of multivariate regression model. The result shows that that cost valuation reconciliation is not statistically significant with return on asset at 0.922 and return on equity at 0.744 while it was also found that the level of significance revealed that schedule management is not statistically significant with return on asset at 0.410 and return on equity at 0.454. This study recommended that contractors should prioritize directing their project monitoring and control efforts towards enhancing the overall results of their projects as incorporating the important personnel into the planning and control processes from the beginning and maintaining their involvement consistently will enhance the efficacy and precision of planning which affects the outcome of the project.