Investigation of Flow Field Inside a Mixed Compression Rectangular Air Intake for Different Cowl Shape at Different Back Pressures at Mach 2.0 and 2.2.
S K Vutukuru , R K Mishra, S K Yadav , Gopinath B and Rajesh T RThe flow field around and inside of air intake has been a topic of intensive research because of the complex physics of the intake and also the drag over the intake was realized to contribute significantly to the overall drag of the flying vehicle. The main purpose of the air intake in most of the flying vehicles is to supply controlled amount of air to the combustion chamber for good engine performance. In the present work three different cowl shapes were consid- ered for a mixed compression rectangular intake designed at Mach 2.2 (clean cowl) and compared with two other cowl shapes V-Notched [90o] and pointed cowl along with different back pressures and their pressure recovery at the intake exist section. The cowl shape showed significance change in the pressure distribution over the ramp surface and also change of cowl shape helped overcome the phenomenon of intake “unstart” condition.