Online Teaching and Effective Practices in Digital Era in India: A Comprehensive Analysis
Dr. Delliswararao KonduruThe Greek philosopher Plato said that, “Education helps in the comprehensive development of every individual. It gives knowledge to take the decisions for the fulfilment of their responsibilities”. Education is helps to acquire the knowledge and helps to cultural transmission, it is essential for human’s inclusive and sustainable development. The United Nations Organisation’s-(UNOs) Sustainable Development Goal-(SDGs) number four; is explaining that, the "quality education" is necessary to every individual on earth. But; due to the various factors, it is not reached to the all the people across the world. The emergence of online teaching has revolutionized education worldwide, including India. With the rapid advancement of technology and increased internet accessibility, online teaching has become an integral part of the Indian education system. The online education and teaching is bridging the geographical and economical barriers, in developing countries like India. Here some of the challenges are escalated with the online teaching and education, like mental stress and technological glitches. However, the present study is used a Secondary Data Resources, and it is analysis as a Methodology, the data was collected from the different sources, including government, non-governmental reports and scholarly articles. Primary Objective of the paper is, to understanding the online education and it is theoretical concepts. Second aim of the present paper is, to talk about the weakness and strategies of the online education in India. Final objective of the study is, to talk about the effective measures for better online education in India.