Published Paper

A Review Paper on Recommender System for Higher Education

Ms. Nehal Adhvaryu & Dr. Disha Parekh

Page: 1042-1053
Published on: 2024 March


A Recommender System is an artificial intelligence technique that helps consumers or clients in taking up decision based on their past preferences or choices. It is being used today in several sector including online shopping, healthcare, video surfing, reading books online, course, college or university selection for higher studies by student, and many more such recommender system are trained in a way to identify and capture the user preferences, past decision and characteristics of product and people using data accumulated through their interaction. In order to pre train such system, machine learning and deep learning are techniques which are widely used today. This paper majorly focuses on basics of recommender system and its type including the study of several machine and deep learning techniques which are implemented in the past by researchers across the world. This paper focuses on diverse techniques used in course selection for students moving towards higher education and the scope of the paper is limited to all those who are moved to recommender system for their better understanding and quick knowledge on the major work carried out the date.