Published Paper

Socio-Legal Status of Rape Victims: A Comparative Analysis in South Africa and India

Annwesha Nayak , Dr. Rubi Talukdar
Page: 1095-1112
Published on: 2023 June


Rape is a concerning global issue that affects people worldwide. This article through a comparative analysis aims to shed light on the prevalence of sociolegal frameworks & health concerns that surround rape in South Africa & India. By examining the legal status relating the rape victims in the countries, the medical facilities that are available to them, and the structure of the societies we can identify commonalities and differences in the experiences of survivors, the challenges they face, and responses following them. The occurrences are influenced by systematic oppressions in history, socioeconomic disparity, gender inequality, and pervasive patriarchal beliefs. Rape occurrences in India & South Africa have attracted attention from the world, bringing to light pervasive social-legal problems. It will be evident through this study whether both countries need broad and multifaceted ways to combat rape. Legal changes and increased enforcement are important, but efforts are also needed to address social and cultural changes that challenge deeply rooted attitudes and behaviors. This paper aims at providing a detailed idea about the various attributes attached to the crime of rape, i.e. the governing laws; the medical care & various social stigma that surrounds the victims with special reference to both countries.