Published Paper

A study of English medium school teachers’ quarter life crisis in relation to their quality of work life

Minal R. Thakur and Prof. (Dr.) Indu Garg

Page: 514-518
Published on: 2016 June


This paper is an attempt to present an analysis of types of quarter life crisis faced by the teachers falling in the age group of 23 to 30 years and its correlation with the quality of their work life. Psychology, believes that engagement in work is good for health in contrast to remaining unemployed in life. But, being employed in an unhappy work environment can make one an easy prey to a variety of crisis. These crisis could be related to the productivity and quality of work put in by the teacher or handling the personal issues. The purpose to conduct this research was to know if teachers in their quarter life period, face crisis and whether these crisis lower their quality of work life. Quarter life crisis, is the period of transition to adulthood when an individual is confronted with new responsibilities, new freedom and choices which makes him feel incapable, ambivalent and apprehensive while trying to attend a comfortable living. These crisis affect the quality of work life – a process by which an organization responds to teachers need by developing mechanisms that allow them to design their lives at work. The present study used correlational method to assess statistical relationship between the two variables. The sample of 393 teachers from English medium schools of Greater Mumbai was considered for the study. The findings of the study high lights a significant positive moderate correlationship between the variables of quarter life crisis and quality of work life.