Published Paper

Influence of squat exercises on flexibility and core strength among school Kho-Kho players

K. Satheesh Kumar & S. Arumugam

Page: 462-467
Published on: 2016 June


The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of squat exercises on flexibility and core strength among school kho-kho players. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty school kho-kho players were selected randomly as subjects from various schools in Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu, India and their age were ranged from 15 to 17 years. The school kho-kho players were assigned at random into two groups of each fifteen (N=15). Group-I underwent squat exercises and Group–II acted as control group who did not attended any special training other than their daily school schedule curriculum. The duration of the training period was restricted to six week for three alternative days per week. The pre and post tests data were collected before and after the training period. The dependent variables flexibility and core strength were tested by standardized test items sit & reach and plank tests respectively. The collected data from the two groups prior to and after the experimental treatments on selected variables flexibility and core strength  were statistically analyzed by using dependent‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In all the cases the level of confidence was fixed at 0.05 significant. The result of the study indicated that the experimental group had shown significantly improved in flexibility and core strength among school kho-kho players due to the influence of squat exercises. However the control group did not shown any significant improvement on selected variables such as flexibility and core strength.