Published Paper

Critical analysis of Personality, Attribution and Environment and psychological relation

S. Gumani

Page: 47-55
Published on: 2011 June


Creativity as an established research field in Psychology is no more side-lined as in the first half of 20th century.  There are many aspects observed in the types of studies published in the contemporary journals on creativity. A review of researches done in the area of creativity is presented under three thematic categories - Personality, Attribution and Environment. The study of personality factors includes the effect of psychopathology, motivation, attention and memory in the creative performance. The study of a creative environment includes the creativity training, studying anti-creative environments, technology, the role of ambiguity and the knowledge provided. The study of environmental factors includes parenting styles, effect of technology on creativity of children in classrooms, anti-creative environments, tolerance of ambiguity and creativity training. The study of Cultural factors includes social, political, religious and economical aspects which influence creativity. The three dimensions of Personality, Attribution, and Environment are critically analysed.