Published Paper

Status of education in Western Maharashtra: a Geographical Analysis

Hira Malhotra

Page: 36-46
Published on: 2011 June


Literacy rate is one of the important demographic elements, which is a good measure of human progress towards modernization. Literacy has been defined as the ability to read and write with understanding. Indian literacy is characterized with sharp differences in between the rate of male and females; of rural and urban areas; and of various population subgroups. There are inter-regional variations in literacy rate among Western Maharashtra. The literacy variations are quite significant between male-female and rural-urban in this area. In this present paper, the western Maharashtra region is selected for analyzing these variations of literacy and differential of literacy. For this study, the secondary data are used which collected from socio-economic abstract of district. The collected data are analysed by using statistical and cartographic techniques.  Such type of study represents real situation of literacy in Western Maharashtra which helps to planners, scientists and research scholars.