Published Paper

Education among Tea Garden Workers: A Study on the Availability and Accessibility in Udalguri District of Assam

Dr. Dipali Bosumatari and Dr. Phanindra Goyari

Page: 311-328
Published on: 2015 June


Tea industry is generally a labour intensive industry. It provides employment to about two million persons in the state of Assam alone. Out of which, majority of these workers are still illiterates and backwards. There are several factors behind such vast illiteracy and economic backwardness. While studies on different socio-economic aspects are plenty, very few studies on educational perspectives of tea plantation workers are found in the literature. Therefore, in this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the availability, accessibility and factors behind poor development of educational facilities among the tea plantation workers in Assam. The specific objectives of present paper are: (i) to evaluate the availability and accessibility of education among the workers in the sample tea gardens and (ii) to analyze the reasons behind the high wastage and stagnation and poor development of educational facilities among the sample workers. The entire analysis was based on primary survey data collected from four sample tea gardens of Udalguri district. Some of the important findings of the study are: (a) the state of education among the tea workers in the sample gardens is very poor both qualitatively and quantitatively. Still about 60 percent of sample population are illiterates. (b) Available schools are limited to the primary level only in the sample gardens, i.e., schools beyond primary level are not found in all the sample gardens. (c) The extent of wastage and stagnation among school children in sample gardens has been very high. (e) The parents’ education level and parents’ income level have been found to have direct and positive impact on their children’s education.