Published Paper

Impact of socio-economic status on female education in Varanasi city (a case study)

Uzma Ashraf

Page: 277-291
Published on: 2015 June


Female education is essential to change the status of women in the society and also to empower them intellectually. Femaleeducation in India has been among the most significant concerns of both administrative and civil society as educatedxwomen can play a vital role in thesocioeconomic development of the community. This study aims to analyze the socioeconomic conditions of females and its impacts on their education in Varanasi City. The studyis based on primary survey. Data of PandareebaWardwas collected through a questionnaire by using random sample survey. Participation of women of different ages was considered in thesurvey. An analysis was made to find out the causes of low participation of females in education and access present educational condition of the females. The study concluded that females with educated parents, get higher education and suffer less from gender discrimination. A small percentage of females are affected by economic problems. More than half of the females are interested in higher education and support education.Themain barriers to female education are low income and unemployment. Also they are often subjected to violence leading to low attendance and high dropout rates.