Published Paper

A Case Report on Steven Johnson Syndrome

Akash Jayaraman, Subiksha Sekar, Ramesh. V, Shreya Singh Beniwal, Rishabh Arun Vashisht, Sriram. A
Page: 1553-1557
Published on: 2023 September


Steven-Johnson syndrome is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction which causes toxic epidermal necrolysis throughout the human body, it typically involves burning rash that develop into papules and into ecthyma, lesions can be found in both limbs and in face which is bullous in nature. intake of certain types of drugs which includes anti-biotics, epilepsy medicines and Nsaids are the class of drug which trigger SJS/TEN. It has high morbidity and mortality rate than compared to any other dermatological conditions and it is a rare condition. case presentation: we report an eventful case of a 16-year-old girl who developed SJS induced by drug Carbamazepine. The patient was prescribed with Tab. Carbamazepine for the treatment of depression and low mood later the following week upon the intake of medication patient started to develop high-grade fever along with severe rash and lesion has been found all over the body. Skin-punch biopsy studies revealed patient had SJS and symptomatic treatment has been started for the patient. Clinical discussion: carbamazepine and other ant-psychotic drugs are well known to trigger SJS/TEN. Carbamazepine plasma concentration values differ from person to person and have a latency duration up to 15 days which could trigger SJS. A special approach should be made for the management of drug-induced SJS and early finding of the disease symptoms are the key for the management of the symptoms. Conclusion: Fever and other FLU like symptoms should be noted has they are signs of SJS after the intake of carbamazepine. Treatment should be approached by prompt treatment. Proper counselling to patient should prevent the further development of this condition and approach of carbamazepine in the treatment of depression should be revised.