Business Educators Perception of Innovative Teaching Strategies for Delivery of Business Education Programme in Tertiary Institutions in Enugu State, Nigeria
Anorue, Honesta. C., Babalulu, Madu Saba. M and Ekuma, John. EThe sustainability of tertiary institutions in this contemporary era will increasingly rely on diverse forms of digital delivery and transmission. The application of innovative teaching strategies is required to promote teaching and learning in an effective manner. The study sought to examine Business Educators’ perception of innovative teaching strategies for effective delivery of Business Education programme in tertiary institutions in Enugu State. To achieve these objectives, two research questions guided the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. A total of 57 respondents were drawn from three public tertiary institutions from Department of Business Education in Enugu state, which represents the sample for the study due to its manageability. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using ANOVA. Based on the findings it was concluded that the application of innovative teaching strategies in teaching and learning of Business Education will go a long way in improving students’ performance more than the conventional lecture methods. It was therefore, recommended that Business Educators should continue to utilize innovative teaching strategies, methods and techniques, such as; virtual reality, e- learning, moodle, jigsaw among others in order to facilitate and promote effective teaching and learning. Also Business Educators need to constantly update their skills and knowledge so as to keep abreast with the new technologies.