E-Learning Facilities Social Studies Laboratory and Students’ Academic Performance in Colleges of Education
Ogheneakoke Edore Clifford & Akpotor UhririnogheneThe study examined E-learning facilities,Social Studies laboratory students’ academic performance. The study was an Ex-post-facto study. The sample consisted of 315 students drawn through the purposive sampling technique using the multi-stage procedure. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was applied to answer research questions, and ANOVA statistic was used to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The study demonstrated that a significant relationship between social studies laboratory and academic performance showed a relationship between E-learning facilities and students’ academic performance; a significant relationship existed between the use of projectors and academic performance. It wassuggested that the National Commission for Colleges Education (NCCE) ensure that there are equipped laboratory and E-learning facilities before accreditation is given to any Department.