Published Paper

Health Infrastructure in Rural India: A Comparative Study

Dr. Ritu Pandhi Nayyar
Assistant Professor in Economics, Baring Union Christian College, Batala, India-143505
Page: 581-591
Published on: 2023 September


 Health services are one of the fundamental sectors of the society and the economy. Providing social health protection and equal access to quality healthcare have significant positive effects on individual and public health, economic growth and development. India has shortage of health care facilities, especially in rural areas, where majority of the population resides. In this context, the present study was carried out with aims to examine the current status of health indicators of major states of rural India and to make a comparative analysis of rural health care infrastructure in India. The study is primarily based on secondary data that has been collected from different sources of Government of India. From the present paper, it was realized that there are inequalities and shortages in the existing rural health care infrastructure in the major Indian states. For meeting the deficiency of rural health infrastructure in terms of government buildings there is an urgent need of investment in the same by the government. Further, focus should also be given towards rationalising the existing health care institutions to improve their service delivery. The principle of the equity should be followed for spreading the health care services across regions.