Trends in Accounting Practices Among Street Hawkers in Dinajpur District
Md. Fazlay Rabbi, Mohammad Main Uddin, Rabiul Islam, Md. Mamunar RashidThe major goal of this study was to ascertain whether there was a significant correlation between changes in accounting practices and the demographics of Dinajpurdistricts street hawkers. 54 street hawkers of different ages, both male and female, responded. For this investigation, a self-administered questionnaire was used. Data was gathered using in-person interviews. Data were analyzed using chi-square, frequency, and mean. The level of significance for the alpha was fixed at .05. The corresponding percentages for men and women were 68.5 and 31.5, respectively. 37 percent of them reported having completed elementary school. This shows that the street economy is being driven by primary schooling. 27 percent of hawkers are between the ages of 31 and 40, and 55.6 percent have been working as hawkers for more than five years. The respondent profile indicates that there was no discernible correlation between street hawkers' accounting practices. According to the research, accounting practice is not influenced by factors such as age, gender, education level, or years of experience.